Dedication for new Student Health and Counseling Center

Sam Dunaway | News Editor

Faculty, staff, and students gathered to celebrate the opening of the new Student Health and Counseling Center at the dedication on Oct. 2.

The newest building on Western’s campus houses medical, mental health and wellness education services. According to Clinic Director Jaime Silva, the old building had adequate space for the student population in 1963. Now, because of student enrollment increases, expansion of services offered and increased number of staff, a larger space is necessary.

According to Silva, the new Student Health and Counseling Center is larger, more aesthetically pleasing and has a brighter and more welcoming waiting room. In addition, there is more modern medical equipment, an increased number of exam rooms and counseling offices and a better sound masking system for patient confidentiality. Another addition is a large conference room built with advanced technology for professional staff, masters level interns and student peer mentors.

This campus improvement will affect a large population of the student body. Silva stated that 4,290 medical visits and 4,709 counseling visits were conducted in the 2016-17 school year. Part of the cost for this building came from increased student fees.


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