ASWOU presents “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”

 Campus Life Editor

The Associated Students of Western Oregon University organized a performance of the cult hit “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 6p.m.

The movie adaption centers on the couple Janet Weiss and Brad Major, famously played by actors Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick. The two stumble upon the mysterious mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, and are immediately thrust into a world of transvestites, human creations, and of course, music.

Fans of the live performance know the production to be a wild and interactive good time. Full of music, dancing, sexual innuendos, and the tradition of throwing things at the stage. Prop bags were available to buy for $2 each. They were filled with cards, glow sticks, and more to throw and wear during the show.

Tony Young, the emcee for the evening and actor of the character Dr. Scott, got the crowd riled up and ready for the show. He welcomed all Rocky Horror “virgins” to come forward and participate in several saucy and hilarious activities. From a duel ended Slim Jim eating contest to “how many sex positions can you reenact in 30 seconds,” the emcee made sure all new-comers were laughing, comfortable, and ready for the show to begin.

Tony even facilitated a faux wedding between audience members Janessa Rook and Felice Lilly.

The performers were a group called The Denton Delinquents from the Kiggins Theatre in Vancouver, Wash. They donned classic Rocky Horror costumes and acted simultaneously with the movie playing in the background.

The audience was included throughout the whole performance. Actors, while singing and dancing along to the movie, would sing and connect with audience members while performing.

“It’s really interactive,” said early education major, Tianna Flannery.

Playing cards and glow sticks were among some of the items thrown and used during the performance, all playing along with the tradition of the show. People also donned newspapers on their heads during the rain scene of the film. The emcee encouraged people to shout “slut” and “asshole” when the characters named

Janet Weiss and Brad Major were mentioned.

During the famous Time Warp song, the crowd all stood up and danced along with the performers.

The show was outrageous and fun. Die hard Rocky Horror fans were impressed and first time viewers enjoyed the lively show. ASL interpreting major, Gabriela Guzman, said the show was, “very enjoyable, unless you are conservative.”

Lilly, a public relations and graphic design major, loved having the opportunity to attend Rocky Horror on campus.

“I think it’s really great to have a student organization who can bring a show like this to the university,” Lilly said.