In defense of Lego

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

When I was little, building Lego with my dad was one of my favorite things to do. We’d dump our giant buckets of Lego onto the living room floor and, in my little mind, enter a whole different world of magic and creativity.

As I look back, the beauty of those experiences with my dad wasn’t about how I felt, it’s how I remember the proud look he gave me when I built a building, or the excitement on his face when he showed me something he built.

I grew up building Lego, both alone and with my dad. Unlike some people, I never stopped. My Lego bucket still occasionally gets dumped out on the living room floor and I can’t remember a Christmas where there wasn’t at least one set on my list. Lego may be in the toy aisle, but it’s far from a toy.

First off, Lego promotes creativity in an adult world that looks down upon it. Some people like to write, some like to make music and some like to build. Creating things out of Lego that are incredible is a lot like drawing a really nice picture. It’s therapeutic to be creative, and creativity is what Lego is all about.

Having small models of things you love is another great reason to build Lego. As a “Star Wars” fan, having an X-Wing on my shelf is really cool. Lego partners with lots of movies like “Lord of the Rings,” “Harry Potter” and “The Avengers”. Whether or not you like building them, collecting Lego is almost as exciting.

Whether it’s with kids, siblings or friends, building Lego can also be a social experience. Some of my best memories with family or childhood friends are building Lego together and comparing what we built. Watching my little brother get older and start building his own sets has been an incredible experience as well.

Lego is expensive, but you don’t need a lot of money to get creative. With places like eBay and Craigslist, finding piles of cheap Lego is totally possible. Plus, the new video game “Lego Worlds” just came out. The game lets players build anything they want virtually with endless possibilities.

With sites like Reddit, Lego fans from all over the world can come together and share their creations. Whether an adult, a college student or a kid, Lego is an incredible hobby for anyone who likes to be creative.

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