Cocktail Corner

By: Paige Scofield
Campus Life Editor

Nothing screams fall more than caramel apples and nothing screams early drinking like mimosas. So why not combine the two? This is a simple, quick and delicious caramel apple mimosa that will go great with that brunch you’re probably not going to make. The recipe is as follows:

Servings: 4

What you need:
2 tablespoons caramel
2 tablespoons cinnamon sugarcarmel-apple-mimosa-color
1 cup apple cider
8 fluid ounces caramel vodka (optional)
1 bottle champagne
Apple slices for garnish

1. In a small dish pour caramel sauce. In another small dish pour cinnamon sugar. Dip champagne flutes into caramel to rim glass then dip in cinnamon sugar.
2. Pour apple cider, caramel vodka (optional) and top with champagne into flutes.
3. Garnish with an apple slice and serve.

This mimosa is fresh, fruity, fizzy and frightfully good. If you utilize this cocktail, your brunch buddies (drinking buddies) will think you’re a pretentious snob but will thank you for the alcohol. I’ll be adding a new cocktail each week of October so your Halloween party can be the talk of the wizarding world! Please drink responsibly and happy Halloween!
Recipe courtesy of

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