2015-2016 ASWOU leadership positions up for election

By Conner Williams
 Staff Writer

The student government positions of the Associated Students of Western Oregon University are open for all-student elections starting the week of April 20 -24.

The ASWOU General Elections Applications are due by today, April 3 by 5 p.m. Once all of the applications have been processed, the candidate list will be announced and made public on Monday, April 6.

According to information from Cat Bracken, elections committee chair and ASWOU director of public relations, the election process spans for about three weeks, and each contender has the opportunity to campaign for his or her desired position.

The first week, April 6-10, is “mainly informational, where the candidates learn the campaign rules,” Bracken said.

The second week, April 13-17, is Campaign Week. Bracken said that week is “where the candidates campaign to the students to try and secure possible voters.”

During these first two weeks, there will be two candidate forums in which students have the opportunity to ask each candidate questions. Then, once the campaigning and forums are finished, voting will begin.

The system for voting in this year’s election is set to change slightly from voting systems of past elections.

“In the past, voting has been done through the Portal,” Bracken said. “The hope for this year is to hold the voting through OrgSync.”

Bracken said, “I am working with Megan Habermann and our OrgSync Campus Coordinator to try and make this possible.”

Profiles of all the candidates will be featured in The Journal prior to the elections.

Once the votes have been counted, the elects will begin their terms at 5 p.m. on Monday, June 1 and will then hold office for one academic year, through spring term of 2016.