
University Contracting Process

Procurement of services for or on behalf of WOU requires a fully executed contract prior to the start of services, including but not limited to outside catering, software as a service, live speaker engagements, services obtained from an off-campus vendor, and others. If you need a contract processed, please submit a Contract Number Request Form to get started. If you are unsure if a contract is needed, please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email. Please allow three weeks for the complete process.

Step 1: Complete contract number request form

Complete the Contract Number Request Form. Be sure to leave blank all sections of the form that do not apply to the contract or agreement. Include the name of the Department Budget Authority on the form. Additionally, be sure that the Budget Authority has preapproved the funds.

Step 2: Complete appropriate contract or agreement template
  • Complete appropriate template. If you are unsure which template to use, email Contract Coordinator, Barb Pena at for assistance.
  • Use the following naming convention when you save your contract: Contract Number and Name. Example 2024-1234-FAC-BP-Xerox
Step 3: Obtain Certificate of Insurance (COI) from vendor/contractor and liability waivers

Insurance requirements have been clarified by PURMIT, (Public Universities Risk Management and Insurance Trust). PURMIT provides five of Oregon’s public higher education campuses with comprehensive strategic enterprise risk management functions that focus on risks associated with life safety, reputation, financial, compliance, and operational exposure.

  • Department must obtain a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from vendor/contractor
  • WOU may require Workers’ Comp or Professional Liability Insurance (if applicable), $2 million in General Liability Insurance and $1 million in Automobile Liability Insurance for vendors/contractors
  • For all events and activities involving minors and when applicable due to the risk associated with the event or service, WOU may require the parties outside of WOU  sign an Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability form. The academic department, Facilities Scheduling Manager, or Conference and Events staff will ensure waivers are signed by and submitted to the Contract Coordinator prior to executing the contract or agreement.
  • Information about requesting an insurance waiver or modification of coverage can be found HERE
  • The contract or agreement will not be circulated for signature until COI is provided, liability waivers are submitted when applicable, or an insurance waiver is granted.
Step 4. Contract review and revision process
  • Submit contract or agreement and and other required documentation to Contract Coordinator Barb Pena at for facilitation or review of legal counsel.
  • Contract Coordinator will facilitate revisions with General Counsel, department, and vendors/contractors.
Step 5. Signature Process
  • Once all parties have reviewed the contract and are in accord, the contract will be circulated via Adobe Sign for signatures.
  • A copy of fully executed contract will be sent to the department and the vendor/contractor via Adobe Sign. Business Services will also have access to the fully executed contract to verify remittance of payment.