PURMIT- Board of Trustees Meeting – January 26, 2017

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

January 26, 2017

9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Trustees Present: Ryan Hagemann (WOU), Lara Moore (EOU), Craig Morris (SOU), Brian Roy (PSU), Patrick Hughes (OSU), Vivian Chen (OIT)

Others Present: Sheryl Sattler, Jack Goodwin and Ryan Britz, (Berkley); Ron Graybeal, Tim Clarke and Michaelene Thomas (BBNW); Kevin Wick (PwC); Jamie Kilcoyne and Daniel Kugel (K Financial); and James Parker (DWT)

Call to Order

Chair Brian Roy called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.


Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

Review and Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from the August 9, 2016 PURMIT Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the August 9, 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hughes.  The motion carried with no objections.

Meeting minutes from the November 30, 2016 PURMIT Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the November 30, 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy.  The motion carried with no objections.

PURMIT 2016 Financial Auditors Report for year ended June 30, 2016

Mr. Kilcoyne provided an overview of the financial audit work performed to the Trustees. Mr. Kilcoyne noted that there are two letters included in the audit packet:  Statute 114 and Statute 115.  Statute 114 outlines the responsibility of the auditor.  Statute 115 outlines the responsibility of the Trust’s management.  Statute 115 letter is used for management communication of any items regarding internal controls.  Mr. Kilcoyne noted that there were no issues with this years audit and the internal control recommendations noted in the June 30, 2015 audit letter had been resolved and appropriate controls have been established and working.  Mr. Kilcoyne commented that they issued a clean auditors opinion for the year ending June 30, 2016.  Mr. Kilcoyne expressed his thanks to PURMIT for their willingness to allow them to present the financial report.


No action taken at this time.

Financial Review as of December 31, 2016

Ms. Sattler of Berkley Risk presented PURMIT’s operating results and financial position as of December 31, 2016 to the Trustees. On a combined basis, PURMIT’s net position as of December 31, 2016 was $3.7 million.  Ms. Sattler noted that the performance of the Property component of the financial statement was showing a decrease in performance from prior years due to increased loss activity with this line of business.  Budget remains on track for the 2017 year and no recommendations for change were requested.  Ms. Sattler also presented the projected fiscal year end Statements of 25% Regulatory Requirement slide, which shows PURMIT’s continued compliance with Oregon’s statutory minimum surplus requirement.


No action taken at this time.

Financial ProForma Update and Discussion

Ms. Sattler provided the quarterly Proforma update, noting that the Trust’s financial condition and projections continue to improve. Berkley continues to monitor losses and operating costs as part of the ongoing financial management of the Trust.  The Proforma will continue to be updated based on the most current loss and expense figures.  Ms. Sattler also presented the updated financial metrics that Berkley will use to show the Trust’s financial performance.  Mr. Roy stated that the Proforma and financial metrics documents look good and appreciated that it showed the Trust’s financial performance on many separate levels.  Mr. Britz commented that as the Trust continues to refine their focus regarding surplus expectations and intent, Berkley will model different scenarios and projections which will assist the Trust establishing the desired surplus position.


No action taken at this time.

Brown & Brown Northwest Introduction

Brown & Brown Northwest (BBNW) individuals Ron Graybeal, Tim Clarke and Michaelene Thomas were present at the meeting to meet the Trustees and discuss BBNW’s involvement going forward. Mr. Graybeal discussed a proposed timeline that outlined BBNW’s intent for servicing PURMIT over the immediate 6 months leading up to and through the July 1, 2017 renewals.  Mr. Graybeal also provided a list of BBNW staff that will be working on the account to service PURMIT member needs and noted that a SharePoint site had been set up for PURMIT members to use.  Mr. Clarke mentioned that he had been invited and will attend the next in person meeting of the Risk Council.  He will be working on development of a proposed service plan that will be individualized for each of the PURMIT members.  Mr. Graybeal and Mr. Britz discussed July 1, 2017 renewal activities thus far and how the process will work for this renewal cycle.


No action taken at this time.

PURMIT July 1, 2016 Actuarial Review

Kevin Wick from PricewaterhouseCoopers presented the July 1, 2016 actuarial findings. Overall, PURMIT’s losses and reserves continue to develop as expected.  The benefits of pooling member experience continues and is evidenced through the loss projections as well as the ability to purchase excess coverage at attractive and predictable attachment points.  Mr. Wick also commented that the Trust’s net position continues to increase at a steady pace.  Mr. Hughes and Mr. Wick discussed the confidence level used in the analysis and determined that it is appropriate.  Mr. Wick thanked PURMIT for their continued confidence and partnership in Pricewaterhouse Coopers as the Trust’s actuary.


No action taken at this time.

Review of Service Provider Contracts

Mr. Britz discussed PURMIT’s service provider contract renewal dates. Service providers up or review include Berkley Risk, K Financial and Pricewaterhouse Coopers.  The Board discussed all three entities and provided Mr. Britz with direction to discuss terms and pricing with K Financial and Pricewaterhouse Coopers.  Mr. Britz agreed and commented that he would report back to the Trust any developments at the next Board meeting.


No action taken at this time.

July 1, 2017 Renewal Process

Mr. Britz commented that there were no additional items to discuss as this topic was addressed during the BBNW discussion.


No action taken at this time.

Legal Counsel items

Mr. Parker discussed the following items:

    • Workers’ Compensation – The Board’s latest guidance has PURMIT continuing to work with SAIF for the July 1, 2017 renewal term. Mr. Roy noted that he agreed with the plan, but also thinks the Trust should continue to explore all options. Mr. Parker agreed and commented that he would work with Mr. Britz and Mr. Graybeal to outline a plan inclusive of all pieces involved for a potential move to a self-insurance platform, to bring to the Board for consideration at the Fall Quarterly meeting of the BOT. Mr. Morris commented that it may be beneficial to participate in a meeting of the university finance directors to inform them of the desired approach and move, when the time is appropriate.
    • Broker of Record letters – There are certain policies and renewal processes that BBNW would like to occur in advance of the BBNW contract effective date that should be recognized within the insurance brokerage agreement. Mr. Parker noted that PURMIT can decrease the risk associated with the transition BOR’s by including language in the contract allowing BBNW and PURMIT to issue BOR’s and service those policies in advance of the contract start date provided the remaining terms of the contract are effective. Mr. Parker committed to including such terms in the draft Brokerage Services contract with BBNW. Mr. Morris noted that he is in agreement with Mr. Parker’s partial solution.
    • Insurance Brokerage Services contract – Contract is in the final stages of being drafted. Mr. Parker will send to Mr. Britz when draft is complete.
    • Waiver of Actual and Potential Conflicts of Interest – Mr. Parker distributed a waiver to the Trustees, that acknowledges and allows the continued work by Davis Wright Tremaine (DWT) on behalf of Brown & Brown on unrelated matters. The waiver outlined the responsibilities of DWT going forward in regard to their relationship with BBNW and PURMIT.
    • Banking update – Mr. Parker is waiting for communication from Treasury regarding process, procedure, and the insurance brokerage services contract on behalf of PURMIT. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy.  The motion carried with no discussion.



Mr. Morris made a motion for Berkley Risk to sign the DWT conflict waiver and the insurance brokerage services contract on behalf of PURMIT. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy.  The motion carried with no discussion.

Other items

  • Mr. Parker noted that he met with the General Counsel of the City and County Insurance Services. Mr. Parker commented that the discussion was general in nature and that as both entities continue to evolve there may be partnership opportunities.



No action taken at this time.


The Board adjourned the regular meeting and went into Executive Session at 11:49 a.m. to address documents and information relating to attorney-client communications regarding the handling of PURMIT documents and potential and/or current litigation. The executive session was held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2) (f) and ORS 192.660(2) (h).

The Board exited Executive Session at 1:39 p.m.

Final Decisions Related to Executive Session Discussions (if any)

There were no final decisions made related to Executive Session discussions.

The next PURMIT Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2017.


The Board adjourned the meeting at 1:41 p.m.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – August 9, 2016


PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

August 9, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Trustees Present: Ryan Hagemann (WOU), Craig Morris (SOU), Brian Roy (PSU), Patrick Hughes (OSU), Michelle Meyer (OIT)Trustees Not Present: Lara Moore (EOU)

Others Present: Ryan Britz, Jon Paulsen, Sheryl Sattler, Kim Severson (Berkley), and James Parker (DWT)

Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

Review and Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from the May 4, 2016 and June 7, 2016 PURMIT Board of Trustees meetings were reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the minutes.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objections.

Trust Chair Election

The Trust Chair position was open for election. The position is an annual term with no restrictions or term limits. Mr. Roy was nominated as Chair of the Trust and Mr. Hughes was nominated as Vice Chair of the Trust.


A motion was made by Mr. Hughes to elect Mr. Roy as Trust Chair. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hagemann. Motion carried with no objections.   A motion was made by Mr. Roy to elect Mr. Hughes as Trust Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris. The motion carried with no objections.

Insurance Placement Services Discussion

The Board discussed the draft insurance placement services document and discussed the reasons for reviewing the insurance brokerage contract every few years and determined it was an appropriate time to explore the marketplace to obtain a formal review of insurance broker options.  A selection committee was established to review the responses resulting from the procurement process and report those results to the Trustees.


A motion was made by Mr. Hagemann to adopt Portland State University’s procurement policy as the procurement policy of PURMIT and to use that policy when developing the formal insurance placement request for proposal document. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris.  The motion carried with no objections.

Workers Compensation Discussion

The Board discussed the workers’ compensation insurance program and potential options to be considered at the expiration of the current term.


No action at this time.

Cyber Coverage Discussion

The Board discussed the cyber coverage options presented and requested Berkley continue discussions with Gallagher to present additional options for a 1/1/17 effective date.


No action at this time.

Financial Review as of 6/30/2016, Proforma, Financial Metrics Discussion

Ms. Sattler of Berkley Risk presented PURMIT’s operating results and financial position as of June 30, 2016 to Trustees. On a combined basis, PURMIT’s net position as of 6/30/16 was $2.7 million. The financial information presented was unaudited.

Ms. Sattler presented the projected fiscal year end Statements of 25% Regulatory Requirement slide, which calculates PURMIT’s compliance with Oregon statute.  Assuming no change in net position within the next quarter, PURMIT will exceed the Oregon minimum surplus target.  The draft actuarial report showed positive improvements to losses which contributed to the increase in net position. Ms. Sattler provided an update to the quarterly Proforma document.  The Trust’s financial projections will continue to improve while losses meet projections and other operating costs remain steady.  The Board continued to review the projected surplus amounts and will continue working towards developing a target surplus, with quarterly updates from Berkley.  Finally, Ms. Sattler presented the financial metrics that will be used by Berkley to show the Trusts financial performance on many different levels.


No action taken at this time.

Banking/Funding Policy

The Trustees discussed establishing three separate funds: short term/working layer fund, liquid/higher interest earning fund, and a surplus long-term protected fund.  Mr. Parker indicated that he was very close to getting the Treasury banking account set up and ready for deposits. The Trustees reviewed the financials and determined how to allocate dollars to the different funds.


The Board authorized the transfer of an amount equal to PURMIT’s most recent quarterly unaudited statutory surplus plus 20% of the unaudited quarterly Reserve for loss and loss adjustment expenses to PURMIT’s account with the Oregon State Treasury (upon its opening). The Board further authorizes the Chair, Vice Chair, or another person designated by the Chair to approve a Berkley recommendation to transfer funds from PURMIT’s account with the Oregon State Treasury to PURMIT’s operating account with US Bank as necessary for the operation of the Trust.  Motion was made by Mr. Morris. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. Motion carried with no objections.

Legal Bill Review – Feasibility Study

Berkley presented a product that provides an independent review of legal bills as related to PURMIT claims. The Trustees recommended that the General Counsel at each campus be consulted in advance of any decision to implement legal bill review software.


No action taken at this time.

Legal Counsel Items

No items for discussion


No action taken at this time.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting and went into Executive Session at 12:10 p.m. to address documents and information relating to actuarial estimates, loss reserves, and claims that are the subject of current or likely litigation.  The executive session was held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2) (f) and ORS 192.660(2) (h).

The Board exited Executive Session at 1:15 p.m.

Final Decisions Related to Executive Session Discussions (if any)

There were no final decisions made related to Executive Session discussions.

Other items

Mr. Britz commented that the AGRiP membership dues were up for payment.  The Trustees decided that they did not wish to renew the AGRiP membership.


The Board adjourned the meeting at 2:02 p.m.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – June 7, 2016

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

 June 7, 2016

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Trustees Present: Ryan Hagemann (WOU), Lara Moore (EOU), Brian Roy (PSU), Patrick Hughes (OSU), Michelle Meyer (OIT)

Others Present: Ryan Britz (Berkley) and James Parker (DWT)

Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting and went into Executive Session at 1:10 p.m. to address documents and information relating to the 2016-17 allocation models.  The executive session was held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2) (f).

The Board exited Executive Session at 2:04 p.m.

Final Decisions Related to Executive Session Discussions

The Board discussed the decisions to be made and the authorization needed by Berkley to bind coverage effective July 1, 2016.


Ryan Hagemann made motion authorizing Berkley to renew the expiring casualty and specialty lines as presented by PURMIT’s broker, with the following changes or options: Casualty – bind at a $500,000 retention; Property – cancel and rewrite the program with the current carrier partner(s) with an effective date of 7/1/2016; and Workers’ Compensation – bind the option presented by SAIF for a 300% Max/No Occurrence Cap/10 year paid loss retrospective plan/$1M Maritime coverage endorsement for a total estimated deposit premium of $8,243,118..  Motion was seconded by Brian Roy.  Motion passed without objection.


The Board adjourned  the meeting at 2:12p.m.


PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – May 4, 2016

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

May 4, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Trustees Present: Ryan Hagemann (WOU), Lara Moore (EOU), Craig Morris (SOU), Brian Roy (PSU), Patrick Hughes (OSU), Michelle Meyer (OIT)

Others Present: Annette Schmidt, Jessica Russell, Ryan Britz, and Tiffani Burleson (Berkley);  Brian Sornson and DeAnne Miller (SAIF); and James Parker (DWT)

Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

Review and Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from the March 9, 2016 PURMIT Board of Trustees meeting were reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Roy to approve the March 9, 2016 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Craig Morris. The motion carried with no objections.

SAIF Workers’ Compensation Renewal Proposal Presentation

Brian Sornson and DeAnne Miller from SAIF Corporation provided an overview of its workers’ compensation coverage renewal proposal effective July 1, 2016. The presenters detailed the premium structure and various rating plan options to the Board. An overview of YTD performance was given with discussion of the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) formula for calculating the annual assessment and retro premium.  SAIF estimated the 2016 assessment to be an $80,000 savings as a result of lower standard premium, though it was noted that basic premium had been adjusted upwards due to investment income underperformance.

SAIF, as well as PURMIT staff, reviewed multiple pricing options by percentage maximum, excess loss limit, occurrence cap, and annualized premium. The group considered whether to continue $2 million in excess coverage and how much tail coverage was needed given the exposure and loss history.  Finally, SAIF reviewed “other states” coverage, terrorism, and its rationale for an employers’ liability premium increase.

SAIF presented a brief analysis of the  loss history, and analyzed causes and prevalent class codes. The Board learned about cost saving opportunities that if implemented by member Universities, could result in direct savings for the Universities.  Increasing return to work programs to decrease the incidence of disabling claims reduces the DCBS assessment.  SAIF encouraged all PURMIT members to become high utilizers of Oregon’s Employer-at-Injury-Program (EAIP). This SAIF- administered program returns up to $5,000 for worksite modification, tools, and equipment to employers who endeavor to identify transitional work that can be performed.


No action taken at this time.

Financial Review as of March 31, 2016

Ms. Schmidt of Berkley Risk presented PURMIT’s operating results and financial position as of March 31, 2016 to Trustees. On a combined basis, PURMIT’s net position as of 3/31/16 was $1.3 million. With loss costs driving net position, a PC claims analysis and discussion at the University level was recommended.

Ms. Schmidt presented the projected fiscal year end Statements of 25% Regulatory Requirement slide, which calculates PURMIT’s compliance with Oregon statute.  Assuming no change in net position within the next quarter, PURMIT will exceed the Oregon surplus compliance target. In the future, the Statements of 25% Regulatory Requirements will include Member contributions on a combined basis to calculate regulatory requirement compliance.


No action taken at this time.

Financial ProForma Discussion

Mr. Britz provided a review of the FY 2016 – 2017 financial ProForma and covered the assumptions made during creation of the financial picture, and how the differences are driven by the liability retention for each scenario. The group considered the best scenario for five year planning, and Mr. Britz indicated that changes were recommended to the structure to improve the status of the PURMIT program.  Staff described that there is no single industry standard for pool surplus levels; while some are well-capitalized, some run with a slim member surplus.  The Board would like information from other pools, ideally ratios as a way to gauge financial health and provide a frame of reference for their analysis of financial data.


No action taken at this time.

July 1, 2016 Insurance Renewal Discussion

Mr. Britz covered the three renewal options with the Board, providing newly introduced two year rate lock offers, potential to buy higher limits at relatively low cost, and the details associated with each of the three retention levels.


No action taken at this time.

Legal Counsel items

Mr. Parker discussed the following items:

  • Gallagher broker contract- PURMIT is on an extension of its contract and the Board discussed an RFP. The timeframe for proposals is year end, which means staff will initiate development of requirements, the market, and a legitimate submission deadline.  The goal for decision-making is year end, possibly first quarter 2017.
  • Banking update-Mr. Parker has asked OSU to consider a limited opinion letter confirming that the PURMIT – OSU agreement grants OSU the right to act on behalf of PURMIT with relation to the PUF. A status update will be provided at another meeting.  The treasury is hesitant to confirm terms of additional services when in the process of its own potential bank change. Before moving forward, Board must detail its investment fund policy.  To do so, staff was asked to make suggestions on amount or percentage to put in the treasury account to capitalize upon better earnings.
  • Assessments- The Board discussed the availability of assessments under section 3.10 of the Trust Agreement.

Other items

  • Workers’ compensation self-insurance- Mr. Parker is continuing to research regulatory issues associated with posting a letter of credit and meeting minimum deposit premium requirements with the treasury.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting and went into Executive Session at 12:30 p.m. to address documents and information relating to the 2016-17 allocation models, attorney-client communications regarding the handling of PURMIT documents by regulatory bodies and contract provisions, and potential and/or current litigation.  The executive session was held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2) (f) and ORS 192.660(2) (h).

The Board exited Executive Session at 1:34 p.m.

Final Decisions Related to Executive Session Discussions (if any)

There were no final decisions made related to Executive Session discussions.


The Board adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – March 9, 2016

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

March 9, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Trustees Present: Ryan Hagemann (WOU); Craig Morris (SOU); George Marlton (OIT); Patrick Hughes (OSU)

Trustees Present by Phone: Brian Roy (PSU) Trustees Absent: Lara Moore (EOU)

Others Present: James Parker (DWT); Ryan Britz (Berkley); Ashley Grealish (USSE); Karen Graham (AJG); James Martinez (AJG); Ty Goare (AJG); Jon Paulsen (Berkley); Sheri Reintjes (Berkley); Kim Severson (Berkley), James Rozzi (RPS), Joshua Fletcher (Lexington), Ted Dow (Lexington)

Others Present by Phone: Jaime Kilcoyne (K Financial); Annette Schmidt and Jeff Nass (Berkley Risk)

Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken of those present and on the phone.

Review and approval of minutes

Meeting minutes from the December 3 Board of Trustees meeting reviewed and discussed. Ryan Britz brought two items to the attention of the Board: the meeting minutes from the December 3 meeting that were distributed with the board packet inadvertently omitted page three. Mr. Britz redistributed the meeting minutes with page three included. Mr. Britz pointed out that page four of the December 3 meeting minutes, specific to the section related to the start date of the claims contract with Berkley, had the incorrect year, with the meeting minutes showed 2015, the correct year is 2016.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the minutes and corrections. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marlton. The motion carried with no objections.

Financial Audit discussion

Mr. Kilcoyne from K Financial presented the audit findings to the Trustees. Mr. Kilcoyne indicated that the 2015 audit was the first audit performed of the Trust’s finances by K Financial. Mr. Kilcoyne indicated that first time audits are often challenging for all parties and that Berkley provided the documents needed to adequately perform the audit. Mr. Kilcoyne indicated that there are two letters included in the audit packet: Statute 114 and Statute 115. Statute 114 outlines the responsibility of the auditor. Statute 115 outlines the responsibility of the Trust’s management. Statute 115 letter is used for management communication of any items regarding internal controls. Mr. Kilcoyne pointed out four items that were present during the 2014 term: accounts payable cut- off procedures properly reported; claim payment reconciliation; journal entry reconciliation and approval and SOC-1 report for claim handling. Mr. Morris requested a status update on these items from Berkley and Ms. Schmidt indicated she will address his question during her portion of the financial presentation.

Mr. Kilcoyne continued to address K Financial’s process for auditing. Most of K Financial’s time is spent on IBNR and loss and expense reserves. Mr. Kilcoyne expressed his thanks to the Trustees for selecting K Financial as the audit firm. Mr. Kilcoyne also expressed his thanks for the ability to present the audit work to the Trustees.


A motion was made by Mr. Hughes to approve the audited financial statement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marlton. The motion carried with no objections.

Preliminary Allocation Discussion

Mr. Britz presented the preliminary allocation worksheets with the group. Mr. Britz started out by addressing the four areas that need to be adequately priced and accounted for as part of the allocation process: insurance costs, operational costs, expected claim costs (current and prior year development) and surplus. Mr. Britz commented that the intent for this meeting was to produce an allocation for each of the member institutions to provide some guidance as to what they can reasonably expect to be their individual program cost allocations as well as discuss any desired program structure changes. Mr. Britz discussed the workers’ compensation coverage and indicated that the information presented uses the estimated payrolls provided by each university as well as the expiring experience mods and other SAIF factors. SAIF will not have their quotes to PURMIT until late April. Mr. Britz commented that the actuarial ultimate loss pick provided by PWC was utilized for the worker’s compensation expected claims cost allocation. Mr. Britz did not use any fund surplus to offset the workers compensation allocation amounts. Ms. Graham questioned how adverse loss development in prior years would be handled through the allocation process. Mr. Parker commented that the workers’ compensation is not a pooled coverage and that each university stands on its own and therefore adverse claim experience would directly affect the university that experienced the claims.

Mr. Britz then discussed the General Liability allocation, mentioning that the information presented was based on the structure, retention and deductible amounts of the expiring program. The expected claim costs used were supplied and taken directly from the actuarial study. The premium for the excess liability insurance is expected to be reduced by 4%. Mr. Britz was waiting on confirmation of this information and did not have confirmation from the excess carriers that the credit had been applied. The surplus calculation process remained the same as in past years. Mr. Parker commented on the surplus requirement as determined by the State of Oregon. Mr. Britz commented that because there was no fund surplus allocation for the GL line, there was no off-set to the allocation amounts for GL. Mr. Britz further commented that Berkley did not utilize any fund surplus amounts to offset the allocation amount for any line of coverage. This is a change from the prior administrator. Mr. Roy commented that the Trustees and the administrator need to develop surplus goals for the Trust so the Trustees can better decide on allocation and pricing actions from year to year. Mr. Marlton requested further information about the allocation to OIT and how it was determined. Mr. Britz commented that he would discuss any specifics Mr. Marlton would like to explore. Mr. Marlton indicated he would like to set a conference call to have that discussion.

Auto liability allocation steps followed the same process and the general liability. Expected claim costs were taken directly from the actuarial study. Excess premium was apportioned per the pricing of the excess carrier. Operational costs we allocated using same methodology of the other coverages. There was no fund surplus off-set to the allocation.

Mr. Britz next discussed the property coverage. The property coverage has an effective date of 10/15 but the Trustees have expressed an interest moving the date to 7/1 so there is a common effective date for all Trust coverage. Berkley requested Arthur J. Gallagher to explore the possibility of changing the effective date to 7/1 and what steps need to occur to have this happen. Arthur J. Gallagher reported that they are working with the property carrier to develop options and believe that changing to an effective date of 7/1 will be a possibility for the Trust. Mr. Britz continued the property coverage discussion explaining that the allocation process for this coverage was the same as the others previously mentioned.

Finally, the direct specialty coverages that are placed based on a group purchasing philosophy were presented. These coverages are not pooled within the Trust and as such the premium was allocated to each member institution per carrier pricing.

The Trustees requested that Berkley work to analyze the revised liability retention amounts at varying levels to assist with determining the correct level of risk as well as surplus goals of the Trust going forward. Mr. Morris outlined the following takeaways: firm up cost/allocation with updated information from Arthur J. Gallagher and SAIF, run pro-forma models to provide guidance for discussion of surplus goals and Berkley to assist any member institutions with internal allocation questions.

July 1, 2016 Insurance Renewal Discussion

Ms. Graham from Arthur J Gallagher presented the renewal terms and conditions for coverage effective 7/1/2016. Ms. Graham mentioned the team that supports the PURMIT coverage brokering, specifically James Martinez and Ty Goare. Ms. Goare is new to the PURMIT program and will be taking on primary responsibility for coordination and placement of coverage. Mr. Martinez will continue to be involved with the program but in a different capacity than what he was previously. Ms. Graham commented that the Trust’s decision to hire an administration firm to handle the insurance operations of the Trust have given the insurance markets more confidence in the stability of the program and it is expected that as the Trust moves forward, there will be additional markets that will be interested in supporting the Trust.

Ms. Graham commented that they requested the excess carriers to provide quote options at varying retention levels. The costs for the reduced Trust retention needs to be weighed against the offset in claim costs for the reduced retention. Berkley will work with Arthur J. Gallagher and PWC and provide analysis of buy down options and associated costs and benefits. In addition to the expiring limits option, Ms. Graham provided terms and conditions for an additional limit of $25M above $50M. Ms. Graham also presented an alternative carrier approach to the $25M x $25M layer via a risk purchasing group. Ms. Graham commented that terms and conditions will be finalized and shared with Berkley for final allocation and discussion with the Trustees.

Mr. Martinez discussed the property coverage and change of renewal date options. The excess property carrier became involved with the program at 10/15/2015. As part of the property coverage transaction, the carrier is performing property inspections at all of the member sites. These inspections are critical to the support of the program by the property carrier as well as an important component to the risk management process of each institution and further to the Trust. Mr. Martinez commented that they are working with the carrier to revise the effective date from 10/15 to 7/1. It is important to note that there is currently a two-year rate guarantee, subject to a specific loss ratio. Mr. Martinez confirmed that changing the effective date appeared to be a reasonable request and that as part of the change there needs to be assurance that the current rate lock guarantee will hold or the possibility of resetting the rate and rate lock for another period. Mr. Martinez will work with the excess carrier and advise Berkley the outcome of the marketing efforts. Mr. Morris indicated that a common effective date, as long as terms and conditions remain favorable for the Trust, would be preferred.

Ms. Graham also presented another alternative product for the property coverage, being a three year aggregate product. There was some concern from the Trustees regarding the coverage and what happens when the aggregate limit is exhausted. Ms. Graham indicated the Trust would have the ability to purchase additional limit, though not certain of the reinstatement terms and conditions. Mr. Britz indicated that it would be important to know those specifics prior to moving forward with further discussion and analysis.

Ms. Graham also provided updates regarding the specialty coverage renewals:

  • Crime – renewal option at $10M limit, deductible options at $100,000 and $50,000.  Premium same as expiring for $100,000 deductible.
  • Fine Arts – loss limit is adequate for exposures present. Premium is same as expiring.
  • Foreign Package – rates same as expiring, limits same as expiring. Exposure has increased from last year. Continue to monitor and track exposures to ensure adequate limits.
  • Multi Media – additional information needed from some of the members to finalize quote. Berkley will be working with the members to facilitate gathering of information.
  • Non-owned aircraft – premium down due to decrease in exposure, limits same as expiring

Mr. Marlton expressed interest establishing cyber liability coverage either for the entire membership or for the TRU’s. Ms. Graham commented that if everyone were to purchase the coverage and have the coverage attached at a reasonable retention, there is potential for the purchase of adequate limits for each entity. Mr. Paulsen commented that a strategy may exist whereby a lower limit for the entire group and those that need more limit can purchase above the group limit. Ms. Graham and Mr. Martinez agreed that they would re-approach the marketplace and current carrier to see what options and limits exist based on this approach.

Financial Review as of 12/31/2015

Ms. Schmidt reported on the financial outlook of PURMIT. Ms. Schmidt informed the Trustees that the financials will be the same format as used by K Financial going forward for consistency. Ms. Schmidt provided an overview of the Q2 financials, including the following highlights:

Operating Results (on a combined basis – 2nd quarter, 2016)

  • The total member contributions/revenue of $2.8M
  • Total Losses & loss adjustment expenses of $2.8M
  • General and administrative expenses of $331K
  • Other Income of $900 dollars
  • And a net loss to Surplus of $345K for the second quarter.

Operating Results (by fund – 2nd quarter, 2016)

ƒ    Trust (which includes Direct Specialty and Operations)

  • Total Revenue of $310K, Operating Expense of $304K, and resulting in operating income of $5K, and ending the second quarter in a positive net position of $62K.

ƒ    G/L & Auto

  • Total Revenue of $1M, Losses of $1.3M, resulting in operating loss of $320K, and carrying over a loss position from prior year of $2.6M, and ending the second quarter at a negative net position of $2.9M.

ƒ    Property

  • Total Revenue of negative $137K, losses of $66K, operating expense of $27K, resulting in operating loss of $231K, and carrying over a positive position from prior year of $1.6M, and ending the second quarter at a positive net position of $1.4M.

ƒ    Workers Compensation (WC)

  • Total Revenue of $1.5M, losses of $1.3M, small operating expense of $88 for a regulatory fee, resulting in operating income of $199K, and carrying over a positive net position from prior year of $2.6M, and ending the second quarter at a positive net position of $2.8M.

Ms. Schmidt briefly discussed the general and administrative expenses of $331K, and showing the comparison to the year-to date budget, and indicating that all expenses are on track.

Ms. Schmidt reviewed the Balance Sheet and a few highlights on a combined basis are as follows:

  • Under Assets, cash and cash equivalents totaling $9.7M for Q2, this includes the operating and money market accounts, Accounts receivables of $302K, Fixed Assets of $81K which is the CSC Riskmaster Software, Prepaid Assets of $2.1M, which is the insurance premiums, for total Assets of $12.3M
  • Total Liabilities of $11M which include reserves for losses and loss accrued expenses, and Accounts Payable of $255K.
  • And ending the second quarter with $1.3M of Surplus.

Ms Schmidt also discussed the five items on the internal control letter from K Financial, indicating that these items will not be a concern going forward as they are all incorporated in the normal course of business at Berkley Risk Administrators.

Workers’ Compensation – Retrospective Rating Plan

Mr. Britz reviewed the SAIF policy and retrospective rating plan with the Trustees. This was an overview of the current WC program that has been in place going back to the DAS days. Mr. Britz outlined how the premium has been calculated, discussed experience mods and class code rates being used by SAIF. Mr. Britz also reviewed the retrospective rating plan from a current year as well as past years and the 10 year retrospective review of losses. In addition, Mr. Britz discussed the possibility of exploring another insurance option, self-insurance. Similar to other pooled Trust lines of coverage, there are many programs in existence today that utilize the self-insurance structure for WC. Mr. Morris expressed interest and agreed that it would be appropriate to continue to perform due diligence on other WC options for consideration by the Trustees. Mr. Parker commented that there are specific regulatory requirements that need to be considered and accomplished depending on the desired program structure. Mr. Britz commented that Berkley would continue to work through the process and bring back to the Trustees a plan for consideration to move this process forward.

Claims Discussion

Ms. Severson provided information to the Trustees regarding activities by Berkley staff since inception of the claim handling contract began effective January 1. Berkley has conducted conference calls with all current and former Trust members to get an understanding of all claims, processes, procedures and identification of any claims that are in need of immediate attention. In addition, Ms. Severson and other Berkley staff have met with three member universities and will be meeting with others in the near future. Berkley staff has requested that PURMIT members submit all Trust coverage claims to Ms. Severson so she can accurately assign those claims to the appropriate coverage part and assist with claim adjudication and communication where appropriate. Mr. Marlton asked if there needs to be rule or referendum to make certain all claims get reported to Berkley. Mr. Morris commented that the Risk Council should be made aware that all claims are to be reported to Berkley. Mr. Paulsen also commented that it is standard practice to discuss claims that exceed $100,000 with the Trustees. Berkley will bring claims that meet this threshold to the Trustees attention quarterly.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris that all members must report all claims related to PURMIT- procured policies (whether report only, within the member’s retention, or within the Trust layer) to Berkley as soon as practical. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hagemann. The motion carried with no objections.

Berkley staff discussed with the Trustees their initial thoughts on trends and development areas that have come to their attention in the early stages of their claim involvement. Legal bills incurred by member institutions were a focus of discussion. Berkley commented that there may be ways to reduce legal expenses on specific claims. Mr. Morris requested Berkley talk with member general counsel to discuss the findings and explore options to improve efficiency. Mr. Hagemann commented that there are times where the need exists to aggressively pursue litigation. Mr. Britz agreed with Mr. Hagemann that each claim has its own merits and there may be efficiencies recognized on certain claims or types of claims versus others. Berkley staff will continue to review legal spend on claims and present potential options for Trustee consideration.

Mr. Paulsen provided an update on the claims transition process from the prior systems into Berkley’s in house program. Pulling the prior data from two sources proved a bit challenging for a variety of reasons. Berkley informed the Trustees that they worked with each member institution and the actuary to establish a “baseline” at the end of 2015 for the launch point going forward.

Berkley combined the data from both prior sources and tied to the actuarial report for consistency. When these data sets tie together, Berkley will push the information into their claim software. Once the claim information is loaded, Berkley will then begin adjudication and data entry for claim transactions going forward. Mr. Graham commented that these procedures and practices will assist with the placement of the excess coverage going forward. Berkley staff commented that their goal was to have all the claim info into their system and ready to produce a loss run as of the end of March.

Legal Counsel Update

Mr. Parker provided a banking and PUF update to the Trustees. The banking arrangement between PURMIT and Treasury is ready to move forward once the terms of the banking agreement are finalized. The next step will be to negotiate PURMIT’s ability to join the PUF. The DOJ has previously agreed that PURMIT is eligible to to participate in the PUF. However, the PUF agreement itself requires an attorney opinion letter. Mr. Parker outlined three options for the next step to have access to the PUF: (1) have DWT request that the DOJ allow OSU and Treasury to amend their agreement to expressly include PURMIT as a participating member in the PUF; (2) have DWT write the opinion letters requested by OSU; and/or have PURMIT participate in Treasury short term fund and try to amend legislation during next legislative session to include PURMIT as a named member of the PUF. Mr. Morris commented that if the Trust waits for next year’s legislative session, the Trust could miss out on the interest from the PUF for the remainder of this year and possibly next year.


A motion was made by Mr. Hagemann instructing DWT to pursue the first two options simultaneously and authorizing the Chair to pre-approve up to a $30,000 budget to complete the opinion letters described above for PURMIT’s inclusion in the PUF. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hughes. The motion carried with no objections.

Lexington Property Coverage Presentation

Ms. Graham introduced Mr. Rozzi, Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Dow to the Trustees. Mr. Rozzi works with RPS (a division of Arthur J Gallagher), Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Dow work for Lexington. Mr. Dow started the conversation by commenting that all inspections have been ordered for the member institutions and are anticipated to be complete by mid to late spring. All inspection results will be discussed individually with each institution as the inspections are completed. In addition to inspections, Lexington is also willing to assist with building plan reviews. Mr. Martinez asked if there had been any feedback from any of the institutions regarding the inspections to date and there had not been any. Mr. Martinez asked Mr. Fletcher if Lexington would be willing to consider a cancel/rewrite of the coverage at July 1, 2016. Mr. Fletcher commented that he did not see any issues with changing to a July 1 effective date. He did request that they be allowed some additional time to perform additional inspections before they made a final determination. Mr. Britz asked if there was any additional information needed by Lexington to keep this moving. Mr. Fletcher and

Mr. Rozzi commented that they have all of the underwriting information at this time and will wait for additional inspection results and then be in contact with their decision on the cancel/rewrite. Ms. Graham commented that there are some alternative products coming to the market that may be something PURMIT will want to consider. Mr. Rozzi commented that there is a 3 year aggregate product that has been made available to certain entities. The intent of the product is to engineer natural catastrophe type exposures to each client and add more science to the rating program compared to what has traditionally existed. The program would have a 3 year aggregate limit with one reinstatement provision. Mr. Rozzi commented that they will continue to work on this product with Lexington and provide additional information to Ms. Graham. Mr. Morris thanked Mr. Rozzi, Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Dow for making the trip to Oregon to introduce themselves and their products.

Other Items

Mr. Britz commented that the next meeting needs to be set so the Trustees can finalize open items prior to July 1. The Trustees agreed to set next meeting on May 4, 2016.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:33 pm was made by Mr. Hughes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris. The motion carried with no objections.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – December 3, 2015

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

December 3, 2015

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Trustees Present: Brian Roy (PSU); Ryan Hagemann (WOU); Craig Morris (SOU) Trustees Pressent by Phone: Lara Moore (EOU); Patrick Hughes (OSU)

Trustees Absent: George Marlton (OIT)

Others Present: James Parker (DWT); Ryan Britz (Berkley); Ashley Grealish (USSE)

Others Present by Phone:  Brian Sornson and Christy Witzke (SAIF), Annette Schmidt and Jeff Nass (Berkley Risk)

Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken of those present and on the phone.

Recognition of Ryan Hagemann as Trustee

Patrick Hughes welcomed Ryan Hagemann to PURMIT Board of Trustees. Ryan will be replacing Eric Yahnke as the Trustee representative from Western Oregon University. Mr.Hagemann acknowledged the welcome and looks forward to serving as a Trustee.

Review and approval of minutes

Meeting minutes from the September 30 Board of Trustees meeting reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objections.

Financial Update as of September 30, 2015 (Pre Final Audit Version)

Ms. Schmidt reported on the financial outlook of PURMIT. Ms. Schmidt informed the Trustees that the financials will be broken into two categories; Workers’ Compensation and Trust lines of business.  The Trust category will include the direct specialty lines of business, which is a premium pass-through for the Trust. Ms. Schmidt provided a brief overview of the Q1 financials, including the following highlights:

  • The Trust member contributions and Surplus Adjustment of $3M for Trust and $489K for Workers’ Compensation for a Q1 total of $3.5M
  • Losses & loss adjustment expenses for the Trust was $855K and $537K for Workers’ Compensation, and insurance expenses of $1.2M for the Trust and $357K for Worker’s Compensation
  • General and administrative expenses of $210K for the Trust for Q1, which includes administrative fee, USSE charges, legal, and other services
  • Total combined operating expenses of $3.2M for Q1
  • Net Operating Income for Q1 for the Trust was $733K and showing a loss of $404K for Workers’ Compensation with a combined favorable operating income of $328K
  • The Trust showed $453 dollars in investment income for Q1 and showing a net positive change to Surplus of $329K for the first quarter.

Ms. Schmidt briefly reviewed the Balance Sheet and a few highlights on a combined basis are as follows:

  • Under Assets, cash and cash equivalents totaling $7.1M for Q1, this includes the operating and money market accounts, Accounts receivables of $3.1M, Fixed Assets of $89K which is the CSC Riskmaster Software, Prepaid Assets of $2.2M, which is the insurance premiums, for total Assets of $12.6M
  • Total Liabilities of 10.2M which include reserves for losses and loss accrued expenses
  • And ending the first quarter with $2.4M of Surplus.

Ms Schmidt also discussed the surplus roll-forward exhibit, indicating that surplus continues to improve and showing a net positive change in Surplus of $329K for Q1 for total of $2M. Ms. Schmidt also reminded the group that the Workers’ Compensation dividend from SAIF of $1M will show on the October financials.

Financial Audit update

Ms. Schmidt provided the Trustees with an overview of the audit; highlighting a couple items: no deficiencies were noted by the auditor, classification of the $1.5M Workers’ Compensation dividend (current vs prior year).  Ms. Schmidt noted that the audit is close to being finalized and that K Financial will present the audit findings at the next Trustee meeting. Ms. Schmidt noted that K Financial is aware of the deadline and the requirements to file with the State of Oregon by December 31. Mr. Morris requested clarification regarding the change in cash from June to September financial, noting a change in cash from $11M to $7M. Ms. Schmidt commented that the change was a result of premium payment due the liability carriers and claim payments. Ms. Schmidt also noted that the premium allocation billing process is collecting those premium amounts in arrears for the remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. Parker noted Perkins’ involvement in the audit. Ms. Schmidt indicated that Perkins’ involvement with the audit will be minimal going forward, as the audit is nearing completion.


Mr. Britz discussed the commission arrangement currently in place with the PURMIT. Per the broker’s request, discussion about being paid commission for work performed on the direct specialty lines of business was had.  The Trustees discussed the current broker contract in place and the compensation agreed to by both parties. Mr. Hagemann commented that the agreed upon contract between the broker and PURMIT is in place until 2017 and the renewal of that contract will present the opportunity to review compensation and scope of work performed.


Mr. Parker commented that we are getting close to resolution with Sedgwick and CSC regarding cancellation of the contracts in effect, as well as transferring claim information to Berkley Risk. Mr. Hagemann requested Berkley provide details how the claim process will work going forward with the inclusion of Berkley staff to the adjudication process.  Mr. Morris agreed that this would be beneficial to the group.  Mr. Britz indicated that Berkley will put together a document. In addition, Mr. Britz indicated that Berkley is going through loss runs and will be in contact with each institution over the next few weeks to discuss claims and procedures.  Mr. Britz provided a contact list for the Berkley claims representatives that will be managing PURMIT’s claims. Mr. Britz noted that the claims will be handling from the Berkley office in Scottsdale AZ. Reasons for this surround the strong claim litigation process currently in place at the Arizona location, seasoned claim staff with experience on all lines written by PURMIT and the geographical location for both time zones as well as ease of travel should the claims staff need to make a trip to an institution for adjudication purposes. Mr. Britz provided an update to a claim in subrogation and that the outside legal firm working the subrogation is in need of further direction.  Mr. Parker recommended that the Trustees authorize Berkley Risk to give direction to legal counsel to settle or file a complaint if necessary.  Mr. Roy commented that it is reasonable for Berkley Risk to move forward with next steps as outlined by the Trustees.


Mr. Morris made motion to authorize Berkley to advise counsel to work towards settlement or file a subrogation lawsuit, if needed, and to be agreed to by institution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hagemann.  The motion carried with no objections.

Workers’ Compensation

Mr. Britz discussed with the Trustees the option of reviewing and analyzing the current Workers’ Compensation program as well as explore additional options for PURMIT. Mr. Roy said he would like to have Berkley look at options. Mr. Morris supported Mr. Roy’s comments and like to see options for consideration. Mr. Parker indicated Berkley can aggregate loss and policy info, provide a summary to the market and determine options for the Trustees to consider. Mr. Roy indicated that further clarity of the current program combined with market options would be beneficial. Mr. Britz commented that he will begin compiling data to send to the market for review.


Mr. Britz presented the timeline Berkley Risk will be adhering to for the December through January timeframe. Mr. Britz indicated that the purpose of the timelines was to provide market indications well in advance of the July 1 renewal, to assist each institution with budget setting as well as continued program analysis.  Mr. Britz also noted that he had previously supplied the timeline to Risk Council as a “heads up” for what’s coming, knowing that it will require work to be performed ahead of previous years’ schedules.


Mr. Britz provided an update on the year to date budget.  The budget is generally in line, however Mr. Britz proposed a revision to the previously agreed upon budget due to changes in operations that have occurred since prior approval. The revised budget includes the Berkley risk claims contract effective January 1, 2015 as well as changes to the legal fee and the Sedgwick contract. Mr. Britz then presented a proforma showing financial projections inclusive of the changes to the budget.  Mr. Morris requested a quarterly budget update to the Trustees for tracking purposes.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Roy to approve the proposed budget for the 2015 fiscal term as discussed.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris.  The motion carried with no objections.

Legal Counsel Items

  1. Tax filing/budget – Mr. Parker noted that at the last meeting the Trustees decided not to pursue a private letter ruling for the Trust and that they will continue to revisit this item as the Board moves forward.
  2. Banking/PUF update – M Parker noted that at the last meeting the Trustees authorized Mr. Parker to discuss PURMIT with the VP’s of Finance at their quarterly meeting, to gain the approval to file for entry into the PUF. Mr. Parker commented that he spoke with the VP’s of Finance and they agreed to let PURMIT join the PUF. Mr. Parker further commented that he is working with Treasury to file and gain admittance. He also noted that DWT’s banking attorney is involved on the banking agreements. Mr. Roy commented that the Trust needs to be aware of the cost to getting into the PUF versus the investment return and to be cognizant of the spend to access the PUF.
  3. DWT Engagement Letter and Conflict Waiver Form – At the last meeting the Trustees gave authority to Mr. Britz to sign the DWT Engagement Letter and Conflict Waiver Form when he received approval from all institutions. Mr. Britz indicated he had not heard back from some of the institutions and therefore did not sign the forms. Mr. Morris expressed his concern that this conversation has been ongoing for several months and needs to be brought to resolution soon. Mr. Parker noted that these forms similar to those adopted by OUS previously and that PURMIT adopted the OUS waiver at its formation in order to retain DWT as its counsel. Mr. Roy expressed concern over the length of time as well and proposed resolution within a week’s time. Mr. Hagemann indicated he needed to speak internally and would also take the issue up with the other institutions that had not yet responded.

Other items

Mr. Britz noted that AGRiP membership rates had increased but PURMIT was at the minimum fee for membership and would have no effect on the cost to PURMIT.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:08 pm was made  by Mr.  Morris. The motion was seconded by Mr.  Hughes.  The motion carried with no objections.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – June 29, 2015

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

June 29, 2015

11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Phone: 1-800-689-9374, Passcode: 700464


Trustees Present: Chair Eric Yahnke (WOU); Patrick Hughes (OSU); George Marlton (OIT); Brian Roy (PSU); Vice Chair Lara Moore (EOU)

Trustees Absent: Craig Morris (SOU); Deb Donning (UO)

Others Present: James Parker (DWT); Ryan Britz (Berkley); Ashley Grealish (PURMIT)


Call to Order

Chair Eric Yahnke called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken of those present.


Review and approval of 2015 Allocation Model

The Board discussed the 2015 Allocation Model following the brief discussion during the prior Board meeting and the request for additional time to review. Mr. Hughes requested additional information specific to the deductible modeling work performed by the Trust actuary Price Waterhouse Cooper. Ms. Grealish had queried the actuary previously and agreed to send out deductible information later in the day. Mr. Parker inquired about the budget and the accounting expense that remains in the budget. Ms. Grealish indicated the budgeted amount is for the accounting firms closing/run off of the Trust business for the 2014 term.


A motion was made by Mr. Roy to approve the 2015 Allocation Model. The motion was seconded by Ms. Moore. The motion carried with no objection.



Ms. Moore moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed with no objection and the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – September 30, 2015

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

September 30, 2015

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Trustees Present: Chair Patrick Hughes (OSU); George Marlton (OIT); Vice Chair Brian Roy (PSU); Deb Donning (UO); and Craig Morris (SOU)

Trustees Present by Phone: Lara Moore (EOU)

Trustees Absent: Eric Yahnke (WOU)

Others Present: James Parker (DWT); Ryan Britz (Berkley); Jack Goodwin (Berkley); Karen Graham and James Martinez (Arthur J. Gallagher); Ashley Grealish (USSE); Kevin Wick (PwC)


Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken of those present and on the phone.


Review and approval of minutes

Meeting minutes from the July 25 Board of Trustees meeting and minutes from the June 29

Board of Trustees were reviewed and discussed.


A motion was made by Mr. Hughes to approve both the July 25 and July 29 minutes.  It was pointed out that Mr. Morris’ name was missing from the July 25 meeting attendee list. Mr. Britz agreed that Mr. Morris’ name was inadvertently omitted form the July 25 minutes and that the minutes would be revised to reflect his participation at the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objections.


Property renewal discussion

Ms. Graham from Arthur J. Gallagher provided an overview of the marketing efforts Gallagher performed in preparation for the property renewal effective October 15, 2015. Ms. Graham presented three options for the Board’s consideration; one option with incumbent carrier FM Global, one option with Lexington, and one option as a layered/structured approach involving multiple carriers. The results of marketing the program resulted in rate reductions from all carriers that provided quotes as well as alternate Trust retention options at $250,000 and $500,000. In addition, new carrier quotes improved the offering for the earthquake deductible and in specific cases improved flood coverage.  In addition, Gallagher also approached stand-alone equipment breakdown markets for quotes to provide a comparison in price and coverage versus what was included in the package offering. Gallagher also presented optional coverages for the Board to consider, including: stand-alone terrorism, NCBR, Violent and Malicious Acts. The Board discussed all optional coverages presented, how those coverages fit into the quote options and decided that they would like to have a more in depth discussion at a future meeting about these coverage offerings and how they best fit into the overall risk management philosophy of the Trust.


A motion was made by Mr. Roy to have Berkley Risk bind coverage on behalf of PURMIT with Lexington at the $250,000 deductible as presented by Gallagher.  In the event Lexington is not able to provide equipment breakdown as a part of its property policy as proposed, Berkley Risk is authorized to bind stand-alone equipment breakdown coverage on terms and conditions similar to expiring.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Hughes.  The motion carried with no objections.


Actuarial study review

Mr. Wick from Pricewaterhouse Coopers presented the draft actuarial study to the Board. The study focused on liabilities the Trust is responsible to cover within the property and liability retention. The study focused on property, liability and workers’ compensation coverages currently in place. Mr. Wick commented that the property and workers compensation lines of business continue to trend in the right direction. Mr. Wick also commented that the liability lines of coverage continue to be a challenge to the Trust’s retained layer.  Mr. Wick will be finalizing the study in the next week.

Action: No action taken at this time.


Workers’ Compensation broker discussion

Ms. Graham of Arthur J. Gallagher proposed a consultant role to the Board in which Gallagher would provide an analysis of the current coverage in place, review other workers’ compensation options for the Board including guaranteed cost, self-insured retention and other retrospective plans. Mr. Roy inquired about the effect of the surplus requirement on the Trust as a whole and the potential impact needs to be analyzed and considered prior to making final decision. Mr. Morris commented that the Board should be willing to explore other options in addition to the current program. The Board decided that additional financial and statutory analysis should be worked through prior to deciding next steps.

Action: No action taken at this time.


Accounting/Finance update

Ms. Schmidt from Berkley Risk provided an update of the financial status of the Trust as of June 30, 2015. Overall the Trust continues to build member surplu Ms. Schmidt recommended that the Board write-off a restitution amount of $389,000, which is the result of a claim back in 2012. The financial audit will be performed by K Financial in October.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Morris to write-off the $389,000 for the June 2014 financials and to continue to explore options for recovering the outstanding amount. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objections.


Claim administration discussion

Mr. Britz provided an overview of the claim handling procedures as well as a timeline for rolling out the handling procedures to be effective January 1, 2016. The Board discussed the desire for additional work to be done to better define claim settlement authorization. Mr. Roy liked the proposal and framework it provided and would like to continue to explore reserve and settlement authority levels. The Board requested Berkley staff step out of the meeting so the proposal could be discussed.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Roy to approve Berkley Risk as the claim handling entity on behalf of the Trust effective January 1, 2016, and that Mr. Britz and Mr. Parker begin the process of drafting an addendum to the administration agreement that will define the terms of the claim handling agreement. Also, Mr. Britz and Mr. Parker are to begin the process of notifying the existing vendors of the change and to work through the termination requirements of those contracts. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hughes.  The motion carried with no objections.


Legal counsel items

Mr. Parker provided on the following items:

  • Tax filing – the cost for the Trust to file a private letter ruling with the IRS and the cost for legal work to prepare the filing would be approximately $48,750. The Board discussed the reasons for obtaining the ruling and decided to discuss at a future meeting.

Action: No action taken at this time.

  • Oregon Insurance Department forms – Mr. Parker indicated the need for the Board to grant him authority to fill out and file all necessary forms with the OID.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Morris to grant authority to Mr. Parker to file all forms required by OID. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objection.

  • Banking/PUF update – Mr. Parker has had meetings with Oregon Department of Treasury, USSE and the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice confirmed that PURMIT may participate in the PUF. To join, PURMIT would need the approval of the other members of the PUF. PURMIT also has the option of banking with the Treasury. Mr. Marlton would like to present the information to his VP of Finance to review and comment. Mr. Morris indicated it would be good for Mr. Parker to be on the agenda at the next VP of Finance meeting to present PURMIT’s case and determine acceptability to the PUF.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Morris to have Mr. Parker present at the next VP’s of Finance meeting and seek approval of that board for PURMIT to join the PUF.  If the VP’s of Finance approve of PURMIT to join the PUF, Mr. Parker is authorized to begin negotiations with the Treasury, the USSE, and the designated university to establish PURMIT banking with the PUF. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marlton. The motion carried with no objections.

  • DWT Engagement Letter and Conflict Waiver form – Mr. Parker commented that he is awaiting the signed forms based on the approval by the Board. Mr. Marlton indicated that he is awaiting word from OIT’s general counsel.

Action: A motion was made by Mr. Morris to give the authority to Berkley Risk to sign the documents once he has received approval from all Trustees. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roy. The motion carried with no objections


Other items

  • AGRiP Designated Representative Form – Mr. Britz commented that the designated representative form needed to be signed. The representative on the form can be either a person or a position. The Board agreed to have the designated representative be the position of Trust Chair. The form was signed by Mr. Hughes.  Mr. Britz will send the form to AGRiP.


  • Subrogation claim – Mr. Britz commented that there is a property damage claim resulting from water intrusion that has strong potential for recovery. To assist in the recovery, Berkley Risk has engaged the law firm of Macmillan, Scholz & Marks. This process is in the very early stages and Berkley Risk will provide ongoing updates to the Board.


Mr. Hughes made a motion to adjourn meeting. Mr. Morris seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections.

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting – August 6, 2015

PURMIT Board of Trustees Meeting

August 6, 2015

1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Trustees Present: Chair Patrick Hughes (OSU); Eric Yahnke (WOU); George Marlton (OIT); Vice Chair Brian Roy (PSU); Deb Donning (UO)

Trustees Absent: Lara Moore (EOU)

Others Present: James Parker (DWT); Ryan Britz (Berkley); Ashley Grealish (PURMIT)



Call to Order

Chair Patrick Hughes called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken of those present


Financial auditor discussion

Mr. Britz commented that he had made contact with five of the six references offered by each of the selected firms (McGladrey and K Financial).  References came back as expected.  References for each firm were positive and all recommended their firm for the job.  The Board discussed the products offered, pricing, and engagement terms.  Board determined that K Financial would be best fit for PURMIT.


A motion was made by Mr. Hughes to authorize Mr. Parker and Berkley to negotiate a personal services contract with K Financial and to have Mr. Hughes approve the contract.  Once approved by Mr. Hughes, Berkley is authorized to execute the agreement.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Roy.  Motion carried with no objections.

Claims protocol and procedures discussion  

Mr. Britz presented two options for consideration regarding the claim handling procedure.  The first option was a collaborative approach between Berkley and the PURMIT members, working together from the first notice of loss through the entirety of the claim.  Berkley would provide the data repository, oversight on behalf of the Trust and work with the member to appropriately adjudicate the claim.  This approach is designed to align the interests of the member and PURMIT during the claim adjudication process.  The second option was a claim administration approach where the member would hand the claim over to Berkley for full adjudication responsibilities and minimal involvement from the member.  Mr. Roy expressed the desire to have the member involved in the claim handling process while having the oversight and guidance from Berkley through the adjudication process.  Mr. Morris requested this information be presented to Risk Council to obtain their feedback and recommendation regarding preferred option.  Mr. Roy agreed with Mr. Morris that Berkley should discuss with Risk Council and obtain their thought and direction.  Mr. Roy also requested that Berkley put parameters around the adjudication process, Board notification and involvement, policies and procedures framework that will be put into place should the Board elect this option and the price for the additional service.


No action taken


Motion made by Mr. Hughes to adjourn.  Motion seconded by Mr. Roy.  Motion passed with no objection.