Public Meeting Notice – Dec. 5, 2014

PURMIT Steering Committee Meeting

December 5, 2014

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Chancellor’s Office Boardroom (ASRC 515) 1800 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon

Phone: 1-800-850-4523, Passcode: 830767


  1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Welcome
  2. Review and Approval of Minutes from November 10, 2014 PURMIT Steering Committee Meeting
  3. PURMIT Legal Counsel and Discussion Regarding RFP
  4. PURMIT Staffing Updates – Contacts
    1. Ashley Grealish to be primary contact for PURMIT-related business
    2. Jeremy Seicianu to produce loss runs and work with universities on 2015-16 renewal
  5. Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. to Present on Pool Foundation & Strategy
    1. Attached Agenda from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Specifies Topics for this Presentation
  6. Adjournment



Public Meeting Notice – July 24, 2014

Public Universities Risk Management and Insurance Trust

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Public Notice

Date: July 24, 2014
Time: 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Location: Phone
Call-In#: 800-689-9374
Code: 700464#
  1. Accounting Service Provider
  2. Schedule for regular meetings:
    • Suggest 4th Wednesday of each month for the first 6 months
    • 8:30 a.m.
  3. Banking Update


Public Meeting Notice – June 30, 2014

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 30, 2014 – 1:30 PM

VIA CONFERENCE CALL – 800-689-9374; 700464#


1. Review of Minutes from 6.24.14

a. Comments or questions

b. Approval or changes

2. Review Interim Banking Process

a. Legal review of Trust status-as a Trust vs. Government

3. Review Banking Options

4. Review Accounting Options

5. Finalize any outstanding items for Insurance Renewals 6.30.14

6. Policies/Procedures

a. Desired policies/procedures-overview

b. Email voting

c. Cycle of Reporting desired for members

7. Discuss next frequency, next meeting, etc.