Time, Place, and Manner
This policy defines and describes free speech on the campus.  This policy also emphasizes the educational purpose of Western while promoting debate and the sharing of information. 

Discrimination and Harrassment 
Western Oregon University is committed to cultivating an educational and work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to learn and work in an atmosphere that promotes equal educational and employment opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including harassment. Western Oregon University expects relationships across campus will be free from bias, prejudice and harassment. This policy statement is intended to: (a) reaffirm Western Oregon University’s prohibition against discrimination and harassment, (b) clarify federal and state protected classes, (c) clarify types of prohibited conduct, and (d) provide an effective complaint procedure to individuals who believe they have been subject to or have observed prohibited conduct. 

Acceptable Use of University Computing Resources 
The intent of this document is to promote the responsible use of computing resources. The university encourages the sharing of information and free expression of ideas. Information and infrastructure are provided to further this purpose. There is an obligation on the part of those using these facilities and services to respect the intellectual and access rights of others–locally, nationally and internationally.

Student specific policies:



Interested in hosting an event on campus?

Want to post something around campus, such as a flier or event notice?

Want to post something on social media?