Constitution and Bylaws
What is what?
Constitution of the ASWOU
We, the students of Western Oregon University, in order to form an association to protect and advance the interests of the students of the university, do establish this Constitution and authorize the Student Government of the association thus formed, to represent the students of Western Oregon University in the formation and application of institutional policies affecting both academic and student affairs.
Bylaws of the ASWOU
The Articles of the Constitution for the Associated Students of Western Oregon University require clarification and direction, and WHEREAS, The Articles of the Constitution for the Associated Students of Western Oregon University require regulation and delineation: BE IT KNOWN THEREFORE, that we, the members of the Associated Students of Western Oregon University, do hereby sustain the following Bylaws.
The Statute for ASWOU Chartered Organizations
We, the Associated Students of Western Oregon University (ASWOU), in order to form a clearly outlined understanding between the ASWOU Government and its chartered organizations, do establish these standing rules, and do authorize the ASWOU Government to enforce and uphold the policies therein.
ASWOU Governing Documents
You can find the up-to-date Constitution, Bylaws, and Statue for Chartered Organizations below!