Resolutions: (Senate)

“Senate Resolutions are non-binding and used to state policy positions of the ASWOU Senate and/or Government and make ideological statements.”

  • Senate Resolutions may also be used to petition the internal direction, processes, and action of the Senate which would not otherwise be suited or stated in the Bylaws, including those which relate to actions of members of the Senate, including the Senate President; these resolutions do not require the signature of the President.” – ASWOU Governing Docs
  • “Senate Resolutions shall be subject to two readings of the Senate. Resolutions do not need to be read aloud in their entirety, but this may be compelled by a majority vote of the Senate. Both the first and second reading of Resolutions are used for questions of the sponsor(s), amendment, and debate.” – ASWOU Governing Docs

“The ASWOU Senate urges Western Oregon University to actively seek and include student voices in decision-making processes that directly affect their academic and campus experience.”

Types of Resolutions or Amendments:

Constitutional amendments: are also Senate Resolutions; the Senate may, by a two-thirds vote, reconsider a Constitutional amendment for amendment or other action after it has passed the Senate prior to its placement on the ballot for approval by the student body.

Senate Joint Resolutions: are used to amend the Statutes for ASWOU Chartered Organizations, further detailed in the Statutes. Any member of the Senate may sign on to any legislation prior to the meeting of the legislation’s final reading of the Senate.

Bills: (Senate)

“Senate Bills are used to amend the ASWOU Bylaws.

“Senate Bills shall be subject to three readings of the Senate at three separate Senate meetings. Bills do not need to be read aloud in their entirety, but this may be compelled by a majority vote of the Senate. While amendments and debate may be in order at each of the three readings, the first reading should be used for initial presentation by the sponsor(s) and any questions for the sponsor(s); the second reading should be used for considering any amendments to the bill; and the third reading should be used for final discussion and debate of the bill. “

– ASWOU Governing Docs

For any questions related to Bills and Resolutions feel free to contact the Senate President:

“Clarifies Article XII Board of Trustees Student Nominations”