Learner Success Symposium

Join us at the
Part of Site Visit and Review by ACE Advisor and Reviewers
Thursday, February 10, 2022, 2:00-5:00 PM
2:00 Brief welcome by Learner Success Lab Chairs, Dean Kathy Cassidy, PhD, and Adry Clark, PhD
2:10 Student Success Roundtable – Students discuss WOU supports and barriers in developing career readiness and designing their best life, through the curriculum and programs
3:00 Fireside Chat with ACE Advisor Dr. Mary Churchill, and Peer Evaluators, Dr. Jonathan Millen and Dr. Virginia Fraire
Introductory remarks by Interim President Jay Kenton.
Topic: What structural and cultural changes are needed at Western Oregon University to support and sustain holistic learner success initiatives.
3:45 WOUcha Kutcha – Life Design in WOU Curriculum and Programs.
In a fast and energetic format, faculty and staff share current practices that exemplify ACE outcomes of Life Design, Career Readiness, and Retention and Completion.
- Lars Soderlund, Associate Professor, English, “Making and Breaking New Programs at WOU”
- Dana Schowalter, Associate Professor and Chair, Communication Studies, “Equity is HIP”
- Luanne Carrillo, Director, Multicultural Student Services and Programs
- Patricia Flatt, Professor, Chemistry, “Succeeding in STEM: Building Equitable Pathways”
- Emily Vala-Haynes, Associate Professor, Public Health “WOU + Polk County Covid-19 Project: Public Health Students at the Intersection of Science and Practice”
4:45 Debrief – take-aways and next steps
This event marks one of the final chapters of the ACE Learner Success Laboratory. Our reviewers are here to learn about WOU and provide recommendations for future actions to support the university. Their recommendations will then be on record for future strategic plans and funding initiatives.
Please participate in these surveys, which address major components of the Learner Success Lab’s recommendations:
Student Success Definition https://forms.gle/hepVhbooNXtz5b2i8
Integrate Career Readiness & Life Design in Curriculum/Programs https://forms.gle/YjqXq12wfbV1DjmM7
Course and Program Competencies – are they transparent? https://forms.gle/4LFsaCaXbq4eq7ex8

Dr. Mary Churchill - ACE Advisor
Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement, at Wheelock College, Boston University

Dr. Jonathan Millen - Peer Evaluator
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Communications, at University of New England

Dr. Virginia Fraire - Peer Evaluator
Vice Provost for Student Success and Strategic Initiatives, at University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP)