Sustainability – Academics


Have you always been someone who prioritizes resource conservation and sustainable practices? You can apply this passion to all kinds of careers when you choose WOU’s new Sustainability major. You’ll combine extensive geography courses with classes in biology, communications, political science and even business to gain a systems-level understanding of sustainable development and solutions that support it.

I’m also a minor!

credits required for the Sustainability major


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in

Sample four-year degree plan

Learning outcomes

  • Gain critical-thinking skills that can help you solve complex problems with creative solutions
  • Apply workplace skills in leadership and communication to work with people from all backgrounds
  • Understand professional codes of behavior, including those around ethics

Career opportunities

  • Sustainability coordinator
  • Solar energy consultant
  • Environmental policy analyst
  • Outreach coordinator for environmental organizations
  • Staff adviser to elected officials

Meet your professors


Professor, Geography


Associate Professor, Geography

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QUESTIONS - Sustainability

4 + 15 =

Contact Us

Phone: 503-838-8288


Location: BELL 231