` German Studies Minor - Academics

German Studies Minor

Continue fine-tuning your German language proficiency while also exploring German literature, history, art and more. If you love German but don’t want to major in it, the minor is always an option – especially if you plan to work in international relations, business or political science.

credits required for the German Studies minor


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in


of students are assigned multiple advisers devoted to guiding them through their four years at WOU

Highlights of the program

  • Gain insight into German culture, its history and the country’s place in the international scene
  • Explore German literature and classic works by influential writers
  • Add a useful and valuable skill to your resume for future employment



Instructor, Modern Languages
503-838-9426 | klayk@wou.edu | BELL 318

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6 + 14 =



Phone: 503-838-8715

Email: hoobleg@wou.edu 

Location: Todd 351