` Geography - Academics

Geography – Minor

In geography, you’ll learn about the relationship between the human and natural worlds. The program is ideal for students who are interested in cartography, how natural resources are used, urban planning and human migration. The skills you will learn in the geography program will equip you to work in many fields, including business, government, international studies and education.

credits required for the Geography minor

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

Example Courses

Highlights of the program

  • Explain important elements of geographic thought and practice
  • Interpret the relationships between people, space and place
  • Analyze the relationship between humans and the environment



Professor, Geography
503-838-8296 | hustons@wou.edu | BELL 217


Associate Professor, Geography
503-838-8855 | vanstem@wou.edu | BELL 216


NTT Instructor, Geography

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QUESTIONS - Geography minor

12 + 1 =

Contact Us

Phone: 503-838-8288

Email: mcgladm@wou.edu

Location: BELL 231