` Geographic Information Science Minor - Academics

Geographic Information Science Minor

This popular minor program takes everything you learned in geography and takes it into the technological world. Learn how to interpret photos taken from the air and the basics of cartography. Some students with geographic information systems training have gone on to intern or work for the state of Oregon on environmental projects. Others apply their informational mapping skills to a variety of social science fields.

credits required for the Geographic Information Science minor


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in

Highlights of the program

    • Explore the intersection of technology and mapping
    • Gain insights that become available when population and geographical info collide
    • Acquire critical thinking skills and an eye for detail that will be helpful in any career

Example Courses

This minor is a planning tool for prospective students, intended for the current academic year. Once enrolled, WOU students use the online Degree Tracks (DegreeWorks) system to monitor progress toward their college degree.


Credits: [credits]

Each student's situation is unique and your degree plan may differ from the sample presented here. Meet with your WOU adviser to create your personalized degree plan.

Students must complete a minimum of 180 credit hours, including 62 upper-division, in order to earn a degree.



Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8365 | myersj@wou.edu | NS 213A


NTT Instructor, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8680 | oxfordj@wou.edu | NS 212


NTT Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8242 | smithg@wou.edu | NS 213


Professor & Division Chair, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8398 | taylors@wou.edu | NS 210


Professor, Department Head, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8858 | templej@wou.edu | NS 211

This public directory does not include employees who have requested confidentiality. Please use the WOU internal directory to view all employees.

QUESTIONS - Geographic Information Science Minor

13 + 15 =

Contact Us

Phone: 503-838-8858

Email: templej@wou.edu

Location: NS 211