
Well it’s Christmas Time. I love this time of year.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I’m not feelin’ it. But I’m taking two weeks off during the Christmas break, and I’m sure feeling that. It always takes me a day or two to get into the Spirit of things. I’m convinced that this will be one of the best years yet.

My oldest sister will be bringing my new-born neice and nephew. My older sister is pregnant with her first. Brenda and I just painted the inside of our house and for the next two weeks, there will be caroling and cider and parties and family and games and laughing and napping (one of my personal favorites)…

Seems like Christmas usually brings out the best in people (unless you go shopping … BEWARE!).

The next few weeks will be bliss. I just love being home. If I could be a stay-at-home dad, I’d totally do it. But things like food and heat become problems. I like my job, in fact I’m very thankful for it. But I work to live … and I live life most at home.

At home, I’m gonna do me a lot of thinkin’ this year about Christmas. Charlie Brown and Linus had it right… the true Spirit of Christmas. I’d encourage everyone (religious and non-religious alike, young and old, black or white … or whatever) to spend a minute or many pondering the real reason for this most excellent season. A star… some shepherds… 3 wise men… and a baby.

The Latest…

I’m still a bit in shock over the term being over. Seems like it was ‘in the middle of the term’ for so long I lost track of time. But I got some stuff done.

I have migrated all but one of my PL apps to our standardized security and the WOUPortal (or purposefully not). The last is moving tomorrow. Hmmm, just found another. Oh well, maybe tomorrow too 🙂

Computrition is back on it’s feet and is getting and upgrade tomorrow.

Today we hashed out HOURS and hours of CBORD info trying to not only understand previously written term-to-term instructions, but blaze a trail of our own. That was quite successful, and we’ll finish up tomorrow.

It was wednesday and I was at work. That’s noteworthy in itself…

WOUPortal is about 2 steps from real public consumption. I’m pretty excited, it’s shaping up to be a nice tool, with some real possibilities in the future.

Still working (fighting) with CBORD to get a cost-effective ASA to Oracle DB conversion. We have some technical specs to work out before we can finalize a price. The ultimate option would be for us to use Oracle for a DB (setup a new production campus-wide 10g) and use that same DB for Computrition, Conference Programmer, my PL apps, etc…
One box, every app. It’s a developer’s (my) dream. But it’s money … and not my money. So we’ll see. I can live with what we have, but Oracle is just such a better option.

Made a HUGE (a few lines of code) change to payroll making it … no joke … 6 times faster. Oh yeah.

We’ve had a record number of filesharers this term, with an overwhelming response one specific day and more coming AFTER the end of the term. Sheesh.

Summer and I been trying to get AJAX off the ground. It hasn’t been pretty. Alas. Seems pretty stock, so very confusing…

File IO from Oracle has been broken (on and off) for weeks. I have tons of stuff that needs it, so that’s getting old. Hopefully tomorrow…. LOL – or at least this week.

Well that’s most of it. Been a busy time, but things ARE getting done. I’m into that.

File IO

After migrating one of our shares, we’ve gone through a bumpy transition period for Oracle File I/O. After reviewing some of the code I thought it noteworthy enough to post.

I particularyly dislike having to create a new ‘block’ denoted by the begin statement. You loop through the file and read the next line. Basically you do this ‘forever’ until the program throws a no_data_found exception. You then exit the block and move on.

Weird. Haven’t we heard of EOF()? Seriously. Why can’t we just loop until we’ve reached the end of the file. That’s just plain weird. No sir I don’t like it. But there it is in it’s … uh… glory.

— Open the file
vfile := sys.utl_file.fopen( cpath||’directory’, ‘file.txt’, ‘r’);


— Believe it or not, this is proper file looping structure.
— Step 1: Read a line
— Step 2: If there is no more data, just exit the loop
— Sounds quirky and really piece-meal, but it works…

sys.utl_file.get_line(vfile, vline);
when no_data_found then

end loop

Code that … ‘works’

So certain programs have been giving me grief. For instance, on some programs, users type things into textareas (like the one I’m in now), then want to display that text on the screen. Line breaks included.

I found this lovely code:


but courier is ugly, and the whole fixed-width thing sucks.

Then I’m trying to make the webpage page-break during printing…

I’ve got this beauty:

but it no longer seems to function (if it EVER did) in Firefox.

I’m tired of doing the right thing the wrong (and frequently ugly) way. Anybody out there got some better code?


I just had a thought. Can you just stick text with line breaks in HTML paragraph tags?

Feedback is still appreciated. Perhaps we’ll take a vote…

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, your the only one who can.


Last week, Bill cordially invited us to attend Faculty Senate.

At that meeting, I heard about some things which I hadn’t even heard mentioned and which seemed interesting/important enough to blog about.

2 years of meetings culminated in 3 requested action items for Faculty Senate recommeneded by the AIC (Academic Infrastructure Committee).

After hearing the presentation to the senate, pondering these action items, and listening to other commentary I have the following thoughts…

– It seems to me that a subset of the Faculty seems technologically dispossesed. It appears they feel they cannot get what they want the way they want it (isn’t that what we all want…) and so recommended some action items to the FS (Faculty Senate) to get their aims accomplished in a more desirable fashion.

– Some of the action items seems mildly to wildly inappropriate. Though submitted under a seemingly desirable guise, details of the aforementioned Action Items seem to empower faculty to boldly go where no faculty have gone before. Is this wise? You decide.

Humans are expert critics. We are AMAZING at finding faults with other people and being able to seemingly solve everyone ELSE’s problems. Ah but how rarely we turn the microscope around…

I’m a nerd. I’m not afraid to say it. I’m good with computers. I can make them sing and dance. It’s what I’m good at. So I do it and I leave things like … teaching and accounting and art and (on and on…) to people who are good at those things.

As a member of UCS it seems that some of the proposed AIC action items really step on our toes, get in our space and could easily be viewed as controlling. But there is no reason to get emotional or weird about these sorts of things. Perhaps it’s for the best. Perhaps if the staff of WOU don’t think college students are really prepared for the working world and should be taught different things we could make a committee to review any and all curriculum at WOU. Perhaps that’s for the best.

– Student Technology Fee Committee can defend itself. I’m displeased with the apparent intent displayed by the AIC towards it, but as the Student Technology Fee totally lacks any reference to Faculty whatsoever, it doesn’t seem to be their sphere of influence either. But we’ll let them fight their own good fight.

– Free wireless rocks. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. I’m all for it, but somebody gotta pay for it. I ain’t gonna but am totally committed to creative funding sources. A few thousand car washes should do it.

On a serious note, and to keep from becoming cynical, I think it’s best said that AIC has some real and possible uses. But in it’s present form it’s broken. It’s a hindrance to letting us serve the way we intend to. Can we make everyone happy everytime. No. But we know that AND we keep trying.

Have a problem? Call the helpdesk. They’re nice. They don’t bite. They are always there. We want to help. But so easily we can be made to look like the bad guy.

Finally, a few thoughts on Unity. I think it a true statement that any kingdom divided cannot stand. WOU has been through some hard times. If we don’t come together and work as a team, I think those times may be multiplied or drawn out longer than we all desire. Maybe it’s not one happy family, maybe it’s not a perfect team. But cynicism, criticism and fault finding never made any team great. Ever.

So let’s focus on the point – the students. Let’s do the things we are good at and make this University Great again.

Those are my thoughts…

Back, and better than ever…

You know, I’m rather fond of blogging.

I haven’t really missed it during the last month+ outage, but it’s not so bad. Hard to complain about taking 5 minutes to breathe, collect ones thoughts and hopefully jot a few down…

September was, as predicted, busy. Move-in really was better than average. The dynamic duo of John and Bradford saved the day. Honorable mention goes to our 3 super lab attendants and their experience and hard work. We’ve never done so much, so quickly with so few. Success tastes good.

October is busy with tying up loose ends and finishing some smaller projects. I’m still busily converting programs and migrating them into the WOUPortal. When I have it ‘done’ and launched, I’ll begin writing some new tools, most of which integrate with the WOUPortal in one way or another. The online housing app is in a new version with some new toys – RoommateMatch and Change my Preferences. New tools for a new year. wOOt

November should be a nice month. Much will get done. Then December. The month of vacation. Aah.

Last one for a bit…

Ever since this two blogs a week thing started, I’ve done a reasonable job at trying to jot down current events and projects regularly.

Lately I’ve been doing a lousy job, but considering the season I’m not too distraught. Anyway, this will be my last for awhile – at least until after move-in and people start breathing again.

Bradford has been … interesting. It didn’t take like a fish to water as we’d hoped. In fact, Darin shelled out $50k this week so we could upgrade the 300+ hubs to managed HP switches. Wow. Anyway, with two weeks til showtime, everyone is feeling a little tired and the stress is starting to wear. We’ll get through it as we always have – I just have the following things to work about before the 17th:

Bradford (& Associate stuff including documentation)
RA Programming tool (& hopefully some OUR tools)
eDeli online ordering system
WOUPortal (as it is now vital for other systems)

October 1 provides me with another deadline where I’ll have to have made upgrades to the online housing application:

General updates
Possibly an LDAP only authentication possibly using the WOUPortal.

Online payment and some custom programming will be put on hold until we can figure some other stuff out.

I mean, looking at it now, it seems like it’s still doable.

Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.

Stress kills. So I’ll be busy but like the hurricane. Work, speed and power on the outside. Cool as a cucumber in the middle. Yeah.

Conversions, as ever

Today I completed the migration of the RSC Desk tools into WOUPortal.


RA tools (1 left)
OUR tools (5 left)

Timesheet also needs an overall, but since I’m not changing the CSS and it’s not going in the portal, I’ll probably do it during winter break. There’s less people around anyway.

Bradford is coming along. Redwolf’s days are numbered. Kinda…

Computrition migration is still bumpy. Oracle 10g server seems to have some weird kinks. We’ll have to work them out on the next test server. Kinda irritating. Oh well, next time we’ll do it right.

Online App has a 10/1 deadline for some stuff. But 2 of the 3 big (4 total) upgrades are tremendously unlikely. So i’m breathing easier now.

Just an uncommon project for Bradford (as per Travis).

And a new project: eDeli
Online lunch ordering at it’s best. Eventually.

Busy month. We’ll probably turn on Bradford next week. Once we put out the fires from those sparks, move-in should be a snap.

WOUPortal Conversions

I’m still migrating apps into the WOUPortal. The RSC, RAs and OUR all have applications that I’m moving (one by one) into the new CSS and security. So far so good.

I have, as best as I can tell, the code and information I need to do everything I want to do to the Portal, except one. However, as what I’m doing is still ‘top secret’ I won’t describe them here.

Overall I’ve been pleased. I still have quite a few days of conversions, but each one is something to check off my list, and a little closer to really being able to use the WOUPortal.