Last one for a bit…

Ever since this two blogs a week thing started, I’ve done a reasonable job at trying to jot down current events and projects regularly.

Lately I’ve been doing a lousy job, but considering the season I’m not too distraught. Anyway, this will be my last for awhile – at least until after move-in and people start breathing again.

Bradford has been … interesting. It didn’t take like a fish to water as we’d hoped. In fact, Darin shelled out $50k this week so we could upgrade the 300+ hubs to managed HP switches. Wow. Anyway, with two weeks til showtime, everyone is feeling a little tired and the stress is starting to wear. We’ll get through it as we always have – I just have the following things to work about before the 17th:

Bradford (& Associate stuff including documentation)
RA Programming tool (& hopefully some OUR tools)
eDeli online ordering system
WOUPortal (as it is now vital for other systems)

October 1 provides me with another deadline where I’ll have to have made upgrades to the online housing application:

General updates
Possibly an LDAP only authentication possibly using the WOUPortal.

Online payment and some custom programming will be put on hold until we can figure some other stuff out.

I mean, looking at it now, it seems like it’s still doable.

Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.

Stress kills. So I’ll be busy but like the hurricane. Work, speed and power on the outside. Cool as a cucumber in the middle. Yeah.

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