
Well it’s Christmas Time. I love this time of year.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I’m not feelin’ it. But I’m taking two weeks off during the Christmas break, and I’m sure feeling that. It always takes me a day or two to get into the Spirit of things. I’m convinced that this will be one of the best years yet.

My oldest sister will be bringing my new-born neice and nephew. My older sister is pregnant with her first. Brenda and I just painted the inside of our house and for the next two weeks, there will be caroling and cider and parties and family and games and laughing and napping (one of my personal favorites)…

Seems like Christmas usually brings out the best in people (unless you go shopping … BEWARE!).

The next few weeks will be bliss. I just love being home. If I could be a stay-at-home dad, I’d totally do it. But things like food and heat become problems. I like my job, in fact I’m very thankful for it. But I work to live … and I live life most at home.

At home, I’m gonna do me a lot of thinkin’ this year about Christmas. Charlie Brown and Linus had it right… the true Spirit of Christmas. I’d encourage everyone (religious and non-religious alike, young and old, black or white … or whatever) to spend a minute or many pondering the real reason for this most excellent season. A star… some shepherds… 3 wise men… and a baby.

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