The Latest…

I’m still a bit in shock over the term being over. Seems like it was ‘in the middle of the term’ for so long I lost track of time. But I got some stuff done.

I have migrated all but one of my PL apps to our standardized security and the WOUPortal (or purposefully not). The last is moving tomorrow. Hmmm, just found another. Oh well, maybe tomorrow too 🙂

Computrition is back on it’s feet and is getting and upgrade tomorrow.

Today we hashed out HOURS and hours of CBORD info trying to not only understand previously written term-to-term instructions, but blaze a trail of our own. That was quite successful, and we’ll finish up tomorrow.

It was wednesday and I was at work. That’s noteworthy in itself…

WOUPortal is about 2 steps from real public consumption. I’m pretty excited, it’s shaping up to be a nice tool, with some real possibilities in the future.

Still working (fighting) with CBORD to get a cost-effective ASA to Oracle DB conversion. We have some technical specs to work out before we can finalize a price. The ultimate option would be for us to use Oracle for a DB (setup a new production campus-wide 10g) and use that same DB for Computrition, Conference Programmer, my PL apps, etc…
One box, every app. It’s a developer’s (my) dream. But it’s money … and not my money. So we’ll see. I can live with what we have, but Oracle is just such a better option.

Made a HUGE (a few lines of code) change to payroll making it … no joke … 6 times faster. Oh yeah.

We’ve had a record number of filesharers this term, with an overwhelming response one specific day and more coming AFTER the end of the term. Sheesh.

Summer and I been trying to get AJAX off the ground. It hasn’t been pretty. Alas. Seems pretty stock, so very confusing…

File IO from Oracle has been broken (on and off) for weeks. I have tons of stuff that needs it, so that’s getting old. Hopefully tomorrow…. LOL – or at least this week.

Well that’s most of it. Been a busy time, but things ARE getting done. I’m into that.

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