Code that … ‘works’

So certain programs have been giving me grief. For instance, on some programs, users type things into textareas (like the one I’m in now), then want to display that text on the screen. Line breaks included.

I found this lovely code:


but courier is ugly, and the whole fixed-width thing sucks.

Then I’m trying to make the webpage page-break during printing…

I’ve got this beauty:

but it no longer seems to function (if it EVER did) in Firefox.

I’m tired of doing the right thing the wrong (and frequently ugly) way. Anybody out there got some better code?


I just had a thought. Can you just stick text with line breaks in HTML paragraph tags?

Feedback is still appreciated. Perhaps we’ll take a vote…

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, your the only one who can.

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