Fathom 2

Fathom 2 dynamic data software is freely accessible to all current WOU students.

You can access Fathom 2 in the MNB computer lab or at home or in other WOU computer labs by logging on to the WOU server. See specific instructions below.

MNB Computer Stations
If you are in MNB 110, then use the Desktop Icon shortcut or use Start > Programs >Fathom 2. (Be sure to choose Fathom 2. Do NOT choose Fathom.)

Home Computer or WOU Computer Station
1.  Log in to Portal with your usual pawprint name and password. Then click on the WOUVDI button.
2. Log in to MASH
Use the Desktop Icon shortcut or use Start > All Programs >Fathom 2. (Be sure to choose Fathom 2. Do NOT choose Fathom.)