Mount Hood

Western da la bienvenida a los estudiantes entrantes durante la Semana del Estudiante Nuevo 2021

La Semana del Alumno Nuevo sigue aclimatando, informando y conectando a los estudiantes

Mikayla Coleman | Editor de noticias

El 19 de septiembre comenzó la Semana del Nuevo Alumno de Western. Mientras los estudiantes de primer año se despedían entre lágrimas de su vida preuniversitaria, la fiesta no había hecho más que empezar. 

La Semana del Alumno Nuevo de este año ha sido diferente a todas las demás; la mayoría de los años anteriores, el evento era principalmente para los alumnos de primer año que aprendían los entresijos de la vida en el campus. Sin embargo, al tener que lidiar con reparaciones a mitad de pandemia, muchos estudiantes no tradicionales que no han tenido su propia Semana del Estudiante Nuevo en persona se encontraron en la necesidad de la bienvenida y el período de aclamación que proporciona al entrar en el año escolar 2021-22. 

La Semana del Estudiante Nuevo incluyó diversas actividades, seminarios, ponentes y actos sociales para que la transición al campus transcurriera de la mejor manera posible. 

Cheyanne Bumgardner, coordinadora del equipo PLUS y estudiante de último curso de interpretación de inglés y ASL, explicó que la importancia de la Semana del Estudiante Nuevo no ha hecho más que crecer con los tiempos.

"Llegar a la universidad es una transición enorme para todos, no importa cuál sea su origen o su historia", dijo Bumgardner. "Puede ser intimidante llegar a un lugar nuevo que es tan desconocido". 

Muchos estudiantes -tanto de primer año como de otros cursos- se han enfrentado a la ansiedad de volver a relacionarse con el público en persona.

"Incluso para el personal directivo y los alumnos de cursos superiores, estar de vuelta y ver a la gente - es un gran ajuste social", dijo Bumgardner. "Hemos estado haciendo eventos más grandes en el gimnasio y en el campo de césped donde esta es la primera vez que he visto un par de cientos de personas juntas en casi dos años." 

La seguridad siguió siendo un tema central durante las festividades de la semana: se exigieron máscaras y medidas sanitarias adicionales en todas las funciones de la Semana del Estudiante Nuevo. "Esperamos que esto ayude a la gente a recordar cómo era antes. Todavía podemos tener éxito y divertirnos con máscaras". dijo Bumgardner. 

Además de los cambios logísticos debidos a COVID-19, este año se añadieron algunas novedades creativas, como una pista de patinaje de cuatro horas en la Pacific Room. También hubo diferentes espectáculos y actos subcontratados por el equipo PLUS, entre ellos Joseph Green, un conferenciante sobre diversidad, seguido de los actos de un cómico y un mago. 

Algunas tradiciones probadas y verdaderas también hicieron su aparición este año, como la foto de la "W" tomada en el gimnasio, la firma de la acera y la salida del sol de los nuevos estudiantes. 

"Los alumnos de nuevo ingreso hacen un amanecer y la noche antes de su graduación hacen un atardecer", explica Bumgardner. "Es como un principio y un final". 

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View the Spring Dance Concert online

Get ready for the latest dance performance from Western

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

There’s no better way to mark the beginning of spring than with quality entertainment that gets those creative vibes flowing. One of the best ways to get into the lively springtime season is through the performing arts. Western’s very own dance program is here to provide some of their latest captivating projects, and they have made it even easier to enjoy it from home. 

During the 2020-21 season, the Department of Theatre and Dance will be showcasing their latest event ⏤ the highly anticipated Spring Dance Concert on May 7. Audience members can tune in at 6 p.m. to see the works of artistic director and dance program professor, Darryl Thomas.

Along with Thomas’s creative vision coming to life on the stage and screen, the program will feature choreography from Western alumni and guest artist Kailee McMcMurran, as well as the dance program professors Corrie Cowart, Cynthia Garner, Amy McDonnell and Les Watanabe. 

Join with the Zoom meeting ID: 858 1571 4238 and the passcode: “WOUDance,” or find the performance on WOUTV for an additional streaming option. Either way, make sure to grab the popcorn, goodies and dance the night away. 

The Department of Theatre and Dance will have all of their performances presented virtually because of COVID-19 restriction guidelines, and anyone can keep up with upcoming events at Additional details can be found on their Instagram page @woutheatredepartment.

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Ryan Kelly presenta un programa de humor virtual

La Junta de Actividades Estudiantiles organiza un espectáculo de humor en línea protagonizado por el cómico de TikTok Ryan Kelly

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

El 2 de enero, la Junta de Actividades Estudiantiles anunció en Instagram que su primer evento importante para el trimestre sería el comediante Ryan Kelly ⏤ conocido en línea como Pastor de la Juventud Ryan ⏤ que actuará en un evento de comedia stand-up virtual con interesantes experiencias de vida.

A pesar de su tocayo y de haber ido a una escuela cristiana durante 18 años, Kelly no es en realidad un pastor de jóvenes. En su tráiler de Twitch, Kelly explica que tiene el aspecto que la gente se imagina que podría tener un pastor de jóvenes.

Louis, Illinois, empezó a hacer comedia como improvisador. Según, había recibido formación del iO Theater ⏤ antes conocido como The ImprovOlympic ⏤ The Second City, The Groundlings Theatre and School y Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. En la universidad, se interesó por nuevas experiencias vitales y empezó a actuar como monologuista. Según, suele inspirarse para sus rutinas cómicas en experiencias como: sobrevivir a un accidente de avión, ser abordado dentro de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional y negociar tratos mientras le atracan.

"Necesitaba algo", dice Kelly cuando se le pregunta por qué hace comedia. "Necesitaba algo que me diera propósito y alegría".

 Su parte favorita de la comedia es cuando toda la sala se ríe. 

"Porque la risa es algo muy vinculante", explicó Kelly. "(Intento) hacer reír a los más grandes, porque cuando lo haces muestras una actitud difusa y haces que la gente se sienta segura".

Kelly explica que este enfoque cómico hace que las personas más tímidas salgan de su zona de confort de forma natural.

"Una vez que todo el mundo está en paz, poder hacer bromas en las que la gente se sienta cómoda y todos se rían es un momento precioso. Cuando el público se ríe a carcajadas, todos se han hecho amigos y ni siquiera lo saben", explica Kelly.

Para ver el show de comedia virtual que tendrá lugar el 13 de enero a las 6 p.m., ve a Engage y haz clic en el enlace Zoom ubicado en el anuncio del evento. Para saber más sobre Ryan Kelly, visítalo en Twitch @youthpastorryan donde publica gameplays, TikTok @youthpastorryan o en YouTube @Youth Pastor Ryan.

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Western modifies traditional spirit week events

Western organizations prepare for socially distanced spirit week

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

During non-pandemic years, there is usually a spirit week in October that is dedicated to Western’s homecoming football game. Throughout the week, students could participate in various activities such as the carnival, Paint the Town Red, the powerpuff game, a bonfire and Paint The Wolf. Due to COVID-19, some of these in-person events have been cut this year to ensure student safety.

Adapting to the current situation, Student Engagement and the Student Activities Board have planned various online programs and a few in-person activities that abide by social distancing guidelines in an effort to keep the tradition of spirit week.

Paint the Wolf: For this outdoor activity, students will participate in repainting the weathered WOU logo located on Church street. 

Pop Culture Trivia Night: During this online event, students will be quizzed on various pop culture topics present in our society. The winner will receive free spirit gear.

Wolf Royalty Voting: Homecoming Court and Wolf Royalty are traditions at Western. Each year, two first-years, sophomores, juniors and six graduating seniors are nominated to Homecoming Court. Two of the graduating seniors are then nominated to Wolf Royalty.

Movie Night: If this outdoor activity is approved, SAB plans on announcing Western Royalty as well as putting on a movie for students.

WOU School Spirit Compilation: This activity is done over the week; students upload photos or videos to Instagram, tagging @student_engage to show ‘what Western means to them’. The winner receives free Western merchandise.

Downtown Scavenger Hunt: For this in-person event, students will be given a list and asked to find all the items in downtown Monmouth; the winners get free Western swag.

For in person events, SAB and Student Engagement are not requiring students to sign up. When people arrive at the events, they will be asked to sign their name at a table for contact tracing purposes if an outbreak occurs at Western. Additionally, senior biology major and SAB director Kayley Arpaia confirmed that there will never be more than 100 students at the in-person events, but students are still required to stay six feet apart and wear masks. 

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2020 Spirit Week Court profiles

A look at 2020’s Spirit Week Court, announcement of Wolf Royalty to come

Cora McClain | Editor-In-Chief

These six seniors have been nominated by their peers, student organizations, and WOU departments as Wolf Royalty nominees. They are outstanding student leaders who exemplify the values of Western. 

With their committee interviews completed and the student body having casted their votes for two nominees on Sunday, Oct. 19, final scoring to determine who will be crowned Wolf Royalty will be completed by the end of the week. The Student Activities Board has yet to determine a date to virtually announce Wolf Royalty, but will provide more information on Instagram @wousab.


Connor Park

Pronouns: He/Him

Hometown: Albuquerque, NM

Major: Biology/Physical Science

Zodiac: Pisces

Favorite WOU Memory: “Genetically modifying bacteria with Dr. Snyder” “Genetically modifying E Coli bacteria in Dr. Snyders lab”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Living on an Alaskan homestead, “I see myself with a degree living somewhere where it snows.”

Social Media: @yogurtofagbon

Who is your favorite musician?: Damon Albarn

Favorite food/restaurant: Butter Chicken or Pierogis with sour cream

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: Mike Tyson “so we could talk about me investing in his ranch”

What is your most embarrassing moment?: “Getting banned from Chuck E. Cheese when I was 2”

Ultimate travel destination: “I want to travel to Poland to eat delicious food and look at Castles”


Carlos Fonseca Jr

Pronouns: He/Him

Hometown: Klamath Falls, OR

Major: Exercise Science

Zodiac: Cancer

Favorite WOU Memory: “Every year has been fantastic, but my second year as an RA over in Heritage was an absolute blast. I was blessed with an amazing staff and the best residents you could ask for. #2ndGunnForLife”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: “I see myself working in student affairs, hopefully as a Residence Director.”

Social Media: @cfonseca_jr

Who is your favorite musician?: Jon Bellion

Favorite food/restaurant: Mexican food, “shoutout to Casa Burrito”

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: My grandfather

Ultimate travel destination: “Guanajuato, Mexico. I would love to see where my family comes from and get a chance to immerse myself in my Mexican culture!”


NJ Johnson

Pronouns: He/Him

Hometown: Scappoose, OR

Major: Public Policy & Administration

Zodiac: Taurus

Favorite WOU Memory: “Having the distinguished honor of serving the student body as ASWOU President.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: “Working as a local government administrator for an Oregon municipality”

Social Media: @iamthenj

Who is your favorite musician?: Barenaked Ladies

Favorite food/restaurant:  Seafood Alfredo at Olive Garden

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: Tom Brady

What is your most embarrassing moment?: “Attending a class I wasn’t supposed to be in for 30 minutes in my first day at WOU.”

Ultimate travel destination: “Right now, I’m most looking forward to the opportunity to go to Cancun, Mexico with my family. It was intended to be a collective graduation reward but our trip was canceled this last summer due to the pandemic. The trip is on the books again for June 2021.”


Keyonna Jones

Pronouns: She/Her

Hometown: Lynnwood, WA

Major: Business with a focus in accounting, Communication minor

Zodiac: Taurus

Favorite WOU Memory: “Being on the women’s basketball team”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: “I see myself married and with a couple of kids. Owning my own personal financing firm.”

Social Media: @Balla4ever13

Who is your favorite musician?: Ella Mai

Favorite food: Mac and Cheese

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: Dwayne Wade

Ultimate travel destination: “I think my number one place is Miami, Florida. I would go to the beach and lay out in the sun all day. I would just walk everywhere and enjoy the scenery”


Christopher Linares-Espinoza

Pronouns: He/Him

Hometown: Portland, OR

Major: Organizational Leadership

Zodiac: Cancer

Favorite WOU Memory: Drag Show

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: “In 10 years I see myself giving back to the community I was raised in by making it safer through education and after school programs. I also see myself helping the community my parents grew up in to make sure that the children of the future have what they need to succeed.”

Social Media: @chris_linaress

Who is your favorite musician?: Kendrick Lamar

Favorite food/restaurant:  Urban Deli

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: Donald Glover (Childish Gambino)

What is your most embarrassing moment?: “Week 8 of my freshman year I took my first and last 8am class. I was tired from pulling an all-nighter so I fell asleep in class and woke up with drool on my notebook”

Ultimate travel destination: “If I were to travel right now I would go visit my family in Mexico to see how they’re doing and enjoy their company”


Brandon Parsons

Pronouns: He/Him

Hometown: Gresham, OR

Major: History

Zodiac: Aquarius

Favorite WOU Memory: “Campus Residency, and the connections I’ve made with hallmates, roommates, and RAs”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: “Being a dad, perhaps.”

Social Media: @brparsons_

Who is your favorite musician?: Big Sean

Favorite food/restaurant: Wing Stop

If you could have dinner with anyone you admire, living or dead, who would it be?: “Brett Parsons, my twin brother.”

What is your most embarrassing moment?: “My everyday social awkwardness.”

Ultimate travel destination: “The beach is a classic family vacation spot. Or Odell Lake, OR with my dad. Just spend time together enjoying the outdoors, and quality time.”

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