Mount Hood

Western lanza una nueva aplicación para grupos de estudio

Western ha ampliado su red de apoyo académico en línea a través de una aplicación llamada CircleIn

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Western ha anunciado su nueva asociación con una aplicación de apoyo educativo conocida como CircleIn.

Fundada en 2017 por el consejero delegado Gerald Meggett Jr, CircleIn se creó originalmente para abordar las discrepancias en las estadísticas de graduación universitaria de los varones afroamericanos y las minorías de todo el país. Sin embargo, la aplicación es útil para todos los estudiantes que cursan estudios superiores, según un artículo escrito por Meggett.

La primavera pasada, Western encuestó a los estudiantes sobre los desafíos que enfrentan en la escuela en línea. A continuación, Western se puso en contacto con CircleIn después de haber establecido el contacto original en 2019.

"CircleIn conecta automáticamente a los estudiantes con sus compañeros de clase para que puedan formar grupos de estudio, compartir materiales útiles y hacer preguntas", explica la Decana de Biblioteca e Innovación Académica, Chelle Batchelor.

La aplicación proporciona a los estudiantes herramientas de estudio para gestionar su carga de trabajo, priorizar las tareas y mantenerse organizados. Una vez que los estudiantes inician sesión en la aplicación, aparecen cuatro rectángulos de colores con las etiquetas "atrasado", "próximo", "en curso" y "hecho".

"Para ayudar con la motivación, CircleIn está gamificado", dijo Batchelor, "lo que significa que a medida que los estudiantes completan diversas tareas y actividades en CircleIn, pueden ganar puntos para recompensas tales como tarjetas de regalo y becas."

En la aplicación, los estudiantes pueden elegir entre 26 grandes marcas para obtener recompensas, como Target, Spotify, Taco Bell y Starbucks.

"Ya he hecho $10", dijo Elijah Thompson, estudiante de tercer año de Pedagogía.

Antes de CircleIn, Thompson solía anotar las tareas como recordatorio, y ahora la aplicación CircleIn recompensa este comportamiento.

"Mi impresora se acaba de quedar sin tinta y ahora podré comprar más", dice Thompson.

Además de un planificador virtual, CircleIn se sincroniza automáticamente con el horario de un estudiante para formar grupos de estudio para todos los que están en la clase. Batchelor afirmó que Western está explorando actualmente la idea de añadir tutores dentro del grupo para proporcionar apoyo adicional al aprendizaje en línea. 

Los estudiantes interesados en la aplicación CircleIn pueden descargarla en sus teléfonos o ir a la página web y acceder a los servicios sin necesidad de ser miembro de pago.

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WOU finaliza el acuerdo de compra con Wise Education para el nuevo sistema de proctoring

Western expands pilot of new online proctoring system Wise Proctor

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Western’s Academic Innovation Department has launched a broader version of the proctoring system Wise Proctor.

In spring 2020, the transition to remote instruction raised concerns about testing integrity. 

“Academic Innovation investigated different remote proctoring solutions and ultimately selected Wise Proctor for a pilot,” said Academic Innovation Director Michael Reis.

After a summer test trial, Western moved forward with a large-scale pilot currently funded by Library & Academic Innovation. Reis explained that the department rearranged savings from temporary operational changes brought on by COVID-19 in order to fund the program. At this time, Western does not require or intend to require professors to use Wise Proctor; but, in departments like biology, some professors have opted to enter the pilot program.

“It can be difficult to ensure academic integrity and fairness in an online system,” said Assistant Professor Gareth Hopkins, “and so this is a way to try to ensure that in my classes.”

According to Hopkins, there had been a desire for a proctoring system by several biology faculty members for classes that are important prerequisites for programs such as medicine, dentistry and nursing. However, some faculty have opted out of using the system.

“My main reason is to ensure equity in my classes,” said Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemistry Dr. Feier Hou. “What if a student does not have a camera on their computer? What if the student has poor internet connections…? What if the student is not comfortable showing their household to the proctor or me?”

Hou had heard from other universities that their proctoring systems had given false positive results to students with learning disabilities for having different eye movements when they work on an exam.

However, Wise Education President Ian Hartley said the company has researched body movement extensively.

“We’ve got a very advanced AI algorithm,” said Hartley. “We’ve trained on hundreds of thousands of photos and scenarios in the real world. It’s detecting all the things that you’d want while eliminating false positives.” 

Hartley assured that the company was built on prioritising student privacy and students are made fully aware they are being filmed by giving their consent while using the program and Wise Proctor is not downloadable software that has access to your computer at all times

For professors who have chosen not to use the new system, some have altered how they give quizzes and exams entirely.

“I realized that the traditional way of testing … may be testing more on students’ ability to take tests or perform under stress, than on their knowledge in chemistry,” explained Hou. “So I made my big exams open-book, and rewrote the exams so that they contain more open questions where students have to explain and show their … understanding of the materials.”

Additionally, Hou acknowledged that some students might see her as a “push-over” and cheat on exams, but she reported a vast majority of her students are not like that.

“I choose to trust my students, and if someone is going to cheat, they will eventually get the consequences later in their lives,” said Hou.

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