Mount Hood

Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire

Escrito por: Michael Hager | Freelancer

Advertencia sobre el contenido: This article contains spoilers

“Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” is the latest movie and second-best box office opening to come from the MonsterVerse. As the sequel to the popular 2021 movie “Godzilla vs. Kong,” it is the fifth movie in the MonsterVerse, the 38th Godzilla movie and the 13th movie in the King Kong series. 

The MonsterVerse originated when Legendary Pictures and WarnerBros Pictures purchased the rights to the franchises related to Godzilla, King Kong and other Toho monsters, now known as “Titans,” back in March 2010, with plans to unite the two titans in future films.

Toho Company LTD were the original creators of Godzilla in 1954, alongside Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan. All four titans were featured in the 2019 movie “Godzilla: King of the Monsters.” 

In “Godzilla x Kong,” Monarch — a secret organization formed in the 1940s to hunt and study massive unidentified terrestrial organisms, MUTOs or titans — has hundreds of different locations around the world to study each titan associated with a region. At the end of “Godzilla vs Kong,” the audience learns about Hollow Earth, a whole different world underneath Earth where Kong rules over in the end. 

Kong begins exploring Hollow Earth and expanding his territory until he runs into Suko, or Baby Kong, as fans have dubbed him. Suko eventually leads Kong to a new place, where he finds hundreds of great ape titans like him working like slaves and an ice titan named Shimo — also known as Blizzard Lizard —  ruled by an ancient orangutan titan called Skar King. Skar King’s goal is to rule over Earth, which forces Kong to rise up and ask for Godzilla’s help. At the same time, Godzilla has killed multiple titans, building up his radiation to prepare for the big fight. When Kong first shows up, Godzilla fights him on sight. The last surviving Iwi from Skull Island awakens Mothra, who is able to convince Godzilla to help Kong. 

Godzilla and Kong are able to break the crystal that controlled Shimo, and no longer under Skar King’s power, she is able to help. After defeating Skar King, Kong, Suko and Shimo return to Hollow Earth, and Kong rules over all the other great ape titans. Godzilla goes to the Coliseum and sleeps.

My theater experience was very enjoyable. The movie theater had limited edition cups, with the  choice of Godzilla or Kong toppers and popcorn tins to promote the movie. In my opinion, this movie was the best to come from the MonsterVerse. 


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Tiktoks don’t belong in film

Escrito por: Lili Minato | Autónomo

Advertencia sobre el contenido: este artículo contiene spoilers 

The original song “Sexy” starts to play as Karen Shetty — played by Avantika — appears on the screen to record a TikTok about Halloween. As she ends her video, multiple other tiktokers appear on screen singing the same song. A collage of vertical videos fills the large movie theater screen, complete with off-brand heart, share and comment emoticons inspired by the social media app. 

The film’s desired effect of relatability does not occur as the audience is vocally taken aback. The implementation of social media apps in films created by an older generation for a younger audience often does not have the desired effect on audiences. 

This trend has been prominently used in coming-of-age Netflix movies for an indulgent audience, with the hopes that it will convince children and teens alike to relate to their poorly written main characters. Now, this idea has infected the big screen. 

Ironically, the recent “Mean Girls” musical — which has been even more popularized through TikTok — has tried and failed to cater to the youth of today. While having a good chance of being a decent film, the consistent usage of social media caused the downfall of the musical. 

Hailee Carmody — a sophomore at Western — shares her opinion on the matter, “I think it (TikToks) takes you out of the movie quite a bit, especially when the phone frames the scene,” Carmody said.

Later in the film, TikToks are used once again to show the spread of Regina George’s downfall. In the clips of students sharing their grievances against George, tiktokers and celebrities — like Megan Thee Stallion — appear on screen as well. 

This causes shock within the audience — whether it be negative or positive. Carmody related to the former option, “Including tiktokers is more promotion (for the film) and I think they added nothing to the story, they were just a face,” stated Carmody.

The TikTokers that were included are popular on TikTok but outside of social media, they don’t have much of an impact on viewers. It’s simply another half-hearted attempt to relate to the target audience of teenagers.

Social media and film are the oil and vinegar of media, they never mix well. The off-brand icons and the internet slang age movies and take audiences out of the watching experience. 

Instead of its intended use of relatability, TikTok turns good films into tacky, laughable cash grabs with little substance.

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Review: “Turning Red”

“Turning Red”: The starting point of representation for this generation’s teenagers

Mirella Barrera-Betancourt | Redactor

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This review contains spoilers. 

“We’ve all got an inner beast. We’ve all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out.”

It seems that Disney and Pixar have a knack for calling out the faults present in modern parenting methods. While I liked the film, I honestly would not have watched it if it hadn’t been for the trending topics caused by the film’s release.

For those unfamiliar with the premise of the movie, it follows the story of Meilin Lee — who is referred to as Mei throughout most of the film — a thirteen year old girl at the onset of her teenage years. Unbeknownst to Mei for the first few minutes of the film, she is the descendant of a gifted — or cursed — lineage, which instantly transforms her into a fluffy red panda.

Ever since its release, the film has sparked controversy among viewers for issues related to “taboo” topics. What I have to say is: f–k them. 

The film hits audiences in the feels, like most Pixar films do. It is a heartwarming and relatable story that discusses the importance of menstrual cycles in a hilarious, yet educational way. It also makes a suggestive joke on “gyrating,” or what I would call, “twerking.” While others might see all this as inappropriate, I just see it as the real representation of teenagers and their quirks.

My favorite aspect of the film was the conflict Mei found herself in while choosing between her friend group, who seemed to understand her for who she really was, and her mother, who all but dumped her own dreams and expectations onto her. I loved the idea that this soft red panda represented the wild and carefree side of Mei and how her splitting away from the red panda meant she was separating from an integral part of who she was.

Also, don’t get me started on Mei’s mother. On occasions, I thought her mother was incredibly selfish. However, as the film delved further into the storyline, I slowly grew to like her. Perhaps mothers and grandparents can have the best intent in mind but go about it in selfish ways. 

Like all films, “Turning Red” has its fair share of dislikable elements. I was slightly put off with the stereotypes present within the film, such as that all girls only think about boys or that menstruation is deemed critical to reaching womanhood. There’s also the small fact that Mei’s friends criticize her for seemingly being a “goody two-shoes,” which only adds to the plight of the already negative connotation attached to the term.

But who cares? In the end, “Turning Red” is a film soon-to-be and existing teenagers should watch. I know that if I were a teenager, I would have appreciated such a film to help me laugh on the ups and downs of adolescence. Rating: 8.5/10.

Las proyecciones del Cine Independencia comienzan el 9 de abril

Reapertura del cine Independencia tras el cierre de COVID

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

En febrero, se permitió la reapertura de los cines de Oregón de acuerdo con las directrices oficiales del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Sin embargo, algunos cines, como el Independence Cinema, retrasaron su reapertura, alegando preocupación por las nuevas cepas de COVID-19 y el deseo de exhibir películas más viables en las salas.

"Lo más duro para un pequeño negocio tan devastado por estos cierres sería volver a abrir sólo para tener que cerrar de nuevo", dijo Independence Cinema en un post en Facebook el 23 de febrero. "Lo hicimos este otoño, y no podríamos repetir ese escenario y sobrevivir".

Sin embargo, el 10 de marzo el teatro local anunció que reabriría sus puertas el 9 de abril. 

"Ha sido una decisión muy cuidadosa", decía un post de Facebook del 10 de marzo, "con mucha planificación, espera y vigilancia. Confiamos en que todo el mundo esté preparado para volver a disfrutar con seguridad del ocio familiar."

Los planes actuales de reapertura implican el funcionamiento diario con horarios limitados y el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad del sector, denominadas CinemaSafe. Según estas normas, todos los cines deben exigir al personal y a los espectadores que lleven máscaras, así como a los espectadores a distancia social, aumentar la ventilación cuando sea posible, proporcionar desinfectante de manos con un contenido mínimo de alcohol de 60%, desinfectar el auditorio entre proyecciones, formar al personal sobre los síntomas de COVID-19, poner las entradas en línea a disposición de los clientes y minimizar las transacciones en efectivo. En cada estado, el tamaño del aforo de los cines varía en función de los mandatos de los gobiernos estatales; en Oregón, depende del nivel de riesgo de COVID de cada condado. 

Desde el 26 de marzo, los funcionarios de salud del condado de Polk informaron el condado se clasificó para el nivel de riesgo moderado al tener una tasa de positividad de 2% y 72,3 casos por cada 100.000 personas en el transcurso de 14 días. Como resultado, el cine Independence tendrá una capacidad máxima de 50%.

En este momento, el cine no tiene un horario oficial para sus proyecciones, pero según su página de Instagram, planean abrir con "Voyagers", "Godzilla vs. Kong", "Nobody", "Chaos Walking", "Raya y el último dragón" y "Tom & Jerry". 

Para garantizar la seguridad de los espectadores, el teatro ha puesto en marcha un sistema de confirmación de asistencia que puede hacerse por Internet en la dirección o en persona en la taquilla situada fuera del teatro.

Si los espectadores no se sienten cómodos viendo las películas en persona, el cine sigue ofreciendo concesiones para llevar.

Para más información o preguntas, visita su página de Facebook @independencecinema8 o su Instagram @indycinema.

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AppleTV+ presenta la última creación artística de Billie Eilish

El documental debut de Billie Eilish es un éxito instantáneo entre los fans

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

No cabe duda de que Billie Eilish sigue dominando la industria musical con su música creativa e inquietante, pero esta vez ha adoptado un nuevo enfoque para destacar su viaje a la fama con su documental de debut, "Billie Eilish: The World's a Little Blurry". Estrenado en cines seleccionados y en AppleTV+ a partir del 26 de febrero, el documental de dos horas y media de duración cubre todo lo que los fans podrían querer saber sobre el último año en la vida de Eilish. 

El director R.J. Cutler ofrece una mirada exclusiva a los momentos clave, desde la elaboración de su último álbum, "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?", hasta su posterior obtención de los cuatro grandes premios en los Grammy. 

En el tráiler del documental, disponible en YouTube, el público puede oír a Eilish decir: "Miro a la multitud y veo que todas las personas que están ahí están pasando por algo, y yo tengo los mismos problemas. Me dije: '¿Por qué no convierto esto en arte, en vez de limitarme a vivir con ello?".

La película presenta a Eilish de una forma que el público no había visto antes, mostrando sus relaciones personales y su proceso creativo, junto con el vertiginoso mundo de la industria musical y la presión de mantener la autenticidad en una posición de superestrellato. Los espectadores pueden comprender mejor su vida personal, ya que el documental contiene escenas vulnerables y conversaciones con su familia, así como los estragos que la fama causó en la salud mental y física de la joven Eilish. La película dedica tiempo a sus problemas de salud mental y a su lucha contra las autolesiones, y a cómo recurre a su música y a su proceso creativo para combatir la depresión y los pensamientos suicidas. 

Profundizando en su vida privada, Eilish habla más de su relación y ruptura con el rapero Brandon Adams, también conocido como 7:AMP, al que apodan "Q" a lo largo de la película. También hay muchas imágenes de sus conciertos, giras y escenas entre bastidores en la habitación de su infancia convertida en estudio musical. En un momento de la película, Eilish profundiza en su proceso creativo con su hermano Finneas O'Connell a la hora de formar el álbum "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?". 

Al final de "Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry", los fans pueden apreciar plenamente la forma en que el director Cutler muestra el viaje de Eilish para ser una persona auténtica y con los pies en la tierra, y al mismo tiempo ser una de las artistas musicales más comentadas y premiadas de la industria. 

Si tú o alguien que conoces está luchando contra la depresión o tiene pensamientos suicidas, acude a amigos, familiares o llama a la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio al 1-800-273-8255. 

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Bebidas y críticas: "San Valentín"

A comedic romance in the perspective of three drunken reviewers

Kyle Morden | Head Designer

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

“Valentine’s Day” may not have scored high on Rotten Tomatoes, but it sure makes for a great drunk movie night. Read our full reviews in our online issue, which may contain spoilers. Please drink responsibly.

Kyle Morden | Head Designer

This needs to be put out there. If Allie doesn’t say this, SHE IS PISSING WHILE WRITING THIS> 

Love, cheating, thriller, jason, harry styles, queen beyonce, and valentines day — a day full of lonely a– b—–s who somehow get a love interest by the end of the day?? EVEN THIS LITTLE A– 7 YEAR OLD GETS HIS ONWN MOTHER BACK?? “Lmao im 7 and love sick” B—H WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWSEFERSFDRSGFDRGFGFRGdfgfsjhfvsgfsjhghkjfbvdjkbfhjsdbhjvhbfhbhjvbjnkvbjnkfnk?????????fjkhsgjcgkhhbjkhjkgfbgjfhgfxhjgyibfhhsdjkbzakuhks. Btw. military families amitire? Love em. Thank god that military mom came back for her son. Btw tbh i only remember the actors name (bradley cooper hit me up)

Valentines day is a day where a lot of people get f—-d (up to your interpretation uwu)

Ok ok so “valentine’s day” a movie full of twist and turns and sharkboy and lavagirl — without the lava girl and shark. How the f–k do you get two taylors into one movie??? LET ALONE HAVE THEM DATE EACH OTHER??????????????????????


I accidentally deleted my last paragraph, so go watch this movie yourself.

GAY COUPLES ARE THE ONLY COUPLES. ALSO DONT F—–G GROUP ALLIE WITH ME. SHES CRAZy. She said shes rolling, but idk if she means the drug or literally rolling on the floor? Dont do drugs, drink responsibly

How much do i need to type? I dont remember a word count. I KNOW HOW TO FINISH THIS.

Revisión general: Let’s get naked~ uwu

Slide into my dms @_kylemorden on instagram 😉

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Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

Okay first of all i was NOT too into this movie i was just having fun. MY ROOMMATE was into it tho

I would like to preface my review with the fact that i know none of the characters names, only taylor and taylor. I am inept when it comes to celebrities

Rotten tomatoes is WRONG, I had an AMAZING time watching this movie even though I was really confused. Who’s at the airport??? Whos barely legal in high school??? I could not tell you I could not

But listen. Really. It’s a fun movie to watch drunk. Tbh itd probably be Bad if I was not intoxicated. But it was cute! It was nice! There was representation! Gay men and single mums! We support them all!!! GAY BRADLEY COOPER!!!!!!!

Even through the confusion i was extremely satisfied w/ the ending. Through the MULTIPLE PG-13 sex scenes, there was still a sweet undertone where everyone got a happy ending uwu Not that I shouvlde expected ANY less from a 2010 rom com. Google “romcom drinking games” and watch this movie, you’ll have a fantastic time.

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Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

Okay so this what I got from this, please note this is my first time being drunk in my life. There were a lot of straight people but at some point we were gay and it was beautiful. I’m convinced all of these people were stunt doubles cause there absolutely no way all these famous people got together. The stunt doubles failed to give me wolf man and sharkboy there was sex scenes sometimes which was fine but i wasn’t really paying attention because I was busy eating my chili fries there was a little boy with a lot of angst for no reason over a cougar woman In conclustion roses are expensive af, and this mans was throwing them in the lake to feed ducks and thats acceptable.  THE MILITARY MOM CAME BACK AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Im going to bed 

Dont email me, i wont’ reply email thank you

15 films to close off the year

Scope out some of the newest December films

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento 

There’s no shortage of memorable movies that have been released this year, and new flicks are still being produced through December for anyone to enjoy during the holidays. Ranging from action movies, thoughtful tales and lighthearted family films, all these films can help make a cold night feel more comfortable. Plus, staying at home, kicking back with some cocoa and throwing something on the big screen sounds like a pretty solid way to close off the year. 

Here are 15 movies that are sure to keep everyone occupied during winter break and help beat any boredom. Most of these films are or will be available on video streaming services, and some can be found in select theaters after their release date. 


  1. “The Sound of Metal” (Dec. 4) (Amazon Prime Video)
  2. “Let Them All Talk” (Dec. 10) (HBO Max)
  3. “Songbird” (Dec. 10) (Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, iTunes and Youtube )
  4. “The Prom” (Dec. 11) (Netflix)
  5. “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (Dec. 18) (Netflix) 
  6. “Greenland” (Dec. 18) (Amazon Prime Video)
  7. “Coming 2 America” (Dec. 18 — postponed) (Amazon Prime Video)
  8. “Breach” (Dec. 18) (Amazon Prime and in theaters)
  9. “The Father” (Dec. 18 — postponed) (Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Netflix)
  10. “Soul” (Dec. 25) (Disney+)
  11. “Promising Young Woman” (Dec. 25) (In theaters)
  12. “Wonder Woman 1984” (Dec. 25) (HBO Max and in theaters)
  13. “News of the World” (Dec. 25) (In theaters)
  14. “We Can Be Heroes” (Dec. 25) (Netflix)
  15. “One Night In Miami” (Dec. 25) (Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Netflix)

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