Mount Hood

Sentirse incómodo, perseguir los sueños

Escrito por: Dakota Gange

"La felicidad no se puede comprar". El dicho resuena y rebota en las paredes de la vida, circula por las redes sociales y a menudo se recibe en forma de consejo de amigos y familiares. Se supone que el sentimiento es de conocimiento común, pero ¿por qué tantos de nosotros permanecemos en situaciones en las que estamos insatisfechos?

Para mí, priorizar la seguridad financiera fue lo que me impidió esforzarme por alcanzar mis sueños. La estabilidad financiera era una fuerza tan fuerte que me daba comodidad y tranquilidad. Saber que podía comer y pagar las facturas me ayudaba a dormir mejor por las noches. Ser gerente de restaurante es una carrera estimulante. Es meticulosa pero lo suficientemente indulgente como para que uno se lo pase en grande, sin dejar de estar constantemente rodeado de otras personas. Pero no era lo que quería hacer a largo plazo.

Estar atrapado entre la estabilidad y los sueños puede ser un enredo confuso. Para los que están atrapados en medio, quizá les sirva de consuelo saber que yo cambié mi cómoda carrera asalariada de una década por perseguir mis sueños a través de la educación sin un sueldo estable.

Ahora estoy llegando a la cima de la montaña. Solo tengo 29 años, pero estos últimos años han sido un cofre lleno de lecciones atesoradas.

Durante diez años, he estado desarrollando mis habilidades y mi carrera en el sector de la atención al cliente, lo que me ha llevado rápidamente a una situación fiscal cómoda. No era infeliz en sí, me lo pasaba muy bien, pero no era exactamente la pieza del rompecabezas que buscaba. Siempre supe que no lo era, pero aun así iba a trabajar cada día y me sorprendía pensando: "¿De verdad voy a hacer esto el resto de mi vida? No puedo hacer esto el 80% de mi vida". 

A pesar de lo cómodo que me sentía, el trabajo no estaba exento de insatisfacciones. Siempre había querido volver a estudiar, pero siempre acababa diciendo: "Vale, el próximo otoño".  

Entonces llegó la pandemia en marzo de 2020, y mi vida sufrió una fuerte sacudida. Me despidieron de mi puesto asalariado, que era exactamente el empujón que necesitaba. 

Así que me apunté a clases y enseguida me dio por escribir. Rápidamente, empecé a tomar clases de periodismo y a escribir para el periódico de la escuela en Linn Benton, que rápidamente se convirtió en un año de ser el editor de la voz de los estudiantes, seguido de un año de ser el editor en jefe. 

Aquí llevé a mi equipo de Linn Benton al quinto puesto en mejor selección general en los Associated Collegiate Press 2022 Nationals, juzgados por el ganador del Premio Pulitzer 2020 Rick Green, seguido de 21 primeros, segundos y terceros puestos en premios de la Asociación Nacional de Prensa de Oregón en mejores fotos, mejor redacción de noticias y artículos, mejores gráficos, mejor reseña y más. 

El periodismo y la educación me han llevado a conseguir cosas que nunca había pensado. 

Tras varios meses de paro, volví a trabajar a tiempo parcial. Entre ser redactor jefe y dirigir The Old Spaghetti Factory a tiempo parcial, era suficiente para mantener la estabilidad financiera.

Sin embargo, cuando recibí una llamada de mi jefe, pidiéndome que volviera a tiempo completo, fue tentador volver a ese sueldo de $60.000 para vivir y a la paga de vacaciones. Tuve que elegir entre mi carrera o mis estudios. Tenía 48 horas para decidirme, pero en un abrir y cerrar de ojos supe que nunca volvería a dedicarme exclusivamente a gestionar restaurantes.  

Estamos destinados a hacer mucho más que pagar las facturas. Con demasiada frecuencia escucho historias de infelicidad, a menudo debido a trabajos que no nos gustan. 

Aquí estoy, estudiante, madre primeriza de un niño pequeño, extremadamente, fiscalmente incómoda y no podría estar más contenta. 

Mi felicidad se encuentra en perseguir mis sueños a través de la educación y lo que eso conlleva merece la pena. 

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Horchata auténtica al estilo mexicano

Escrito por:  Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

La horchata es una bebida popular latinoamericana a base de leche, agua, canela y arroz blanco. Dulce -pero no demasiado-, cremosa y sabrosa, la horchata es la compañera perfecta para acompañar la cocina cultural tradicional. Es importante tener en cuenta que los ingredientes de la horchata varían según la región. Esta receta se inspira en la horchata al estilo mexicano, que se sirve tradicionalmente en Estados Unidos. 


De principio a fin: De 4 a 8 horas

Rinde: 5-6 raciones

1 taza de arroz blanco de grano largo sin cocer

4 tazas de agua

¾ lata de leche evaporada de 12 onzas líquidas

¾ lata de 14 onzas de leche condensada azucarada

Azúcar (opcional para endulzar) 

1-2 palitos de canela

½ cucharadita de extracto de vainilla (opcional)

Canela molida

Lavar el arroz. Mezclar en un cuenco el arroz blanco remojado, 4 tazas de agua fría y la canela en rama. Dejar la mezcla de arroz blanco en remojo durante un mínimo de cuatro horas y un máximo de ocho; puede ser mejor dejarlo toda la noche. Refrigérelo y, a continuación, retire la mayor parte de las ramas de canela. En una batidora, mezcle la mezcla hasta obtener una pasta fina. Cuele la mezcla en una jarra -lo ideal es utilizar una estopilla o un colador de malla muy fina- para separar y eliminar los trozos sólidos de arroz que puedan quedar. En la jarra, añadir la leche evaporada y la leche condensada, el extracto de vainilla, si se utiliza, y el azúcar, si se utiliza. Equilibre el nivel de dulzor preferido añadiendo más agua, vainilla o azúcar. Decorar con 1 rama de canela o canela molida. Servir con hielo y disfrutar.

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Senior Stress

Escrito por: Jude Bokovoy

Senior year brings a whirlwind of emotions — including excitement to be finished with college; finding a place to move and starting one’s career. At the same time, each of those things can be equally as stressful. Applying a few of the tips below can help ease one’s mind and prevent some potential headaches as graduation grows closer.

Start thinking about the future now — Think about jobs, destinations, living situations, relationships or whatever else that could come into play when starting the post-college journey. Narrowing down one’s career field of choice can be the first step that will determine one’s next destination. What comes into play when picking a place to move to? Is it one’s job, being close to family or a spouse, weather or cost of living? Figuring that out now can help establish what’s important when searching for the perfect place.

While still here, take advantage of opportunities — The lull between now and graduation is prime. The diploma will soon be in hand, but for now, one can sit pretty focusing on coursework, figuring themselves out and exploring what they might want for their future. This is the optimal time to gain some experience and add to one’s resume. Whether that means working a full-time job, an internship or even volunteering in the field of work one is striving to enter, every bit of experience helps. 

Soak it all in — For most of us, this is the end of the long road of education. No more general education credits, math classes or filler courses to take. This last term and a half is it. Take this time to work hard in the final push, put oneself out there and most importantly, make memories that will define one’s college experience. Don’t sweat the small stuff and spend these last few months doing the things one will be pleased to look back on.

Looking for assistance to help one figure all this out? Go on Handshake to make an appointment with one of the Center for Professional Pathways staff members. They offer resume reviews, career counseling, career assessments, internship/practicum advising, job searching mock interviews, graduate school counseling and much more.

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Valentine’s Day writing prompts

Escrito por:  Jude Bokovoy 

No matter what one has planned for Valentine’s Day, there is always a reason to write. If inspiration strikes, pick out one of these prompts and write one’s heart out. 


Personal prompts

  • What are a few ways I can show love to others?
  • If love was a color what would it be?
  • What does love mean to me?
  • What does love feel like?
  • Describe your best Valentine’s Day memory.
  • How do I show love to myself?
  • What/who do I love more than anything?
  • Who are two people that I love?
  • What do I bring to my relationship/friendships?
  • Do I prefer to receive love notes or gifts?
  • I deserve to be loved because…
  • What have I learned from love?
  • Write about the person you admire most.
  • Explain whether animals do or don’t feel love.
  • Do you think parents should give their children valentines?
  • Make a list of all the things you have put your heart into.

Fictional prompts

  • You are on the hunt for the person who left the peonies and heartwarming card at your front door.
  • You create the most successful dating app. What makes your app different from all the others?
  • What would the world be like without love?
  • You are the final girl left on The Bachelor, he gets down on one knee and proposes. You get a gut feeling that he isn’t the one for you. What do you do?
  • Write a valentine for your future spouse.
  • Create the ultimate Galentine’s girls day out.
  • Write up a class plan for a fourth grade class for Valentine’s Day. Will they make Valentine’s mailboxes, what will they learn about, will there be games?
  • You’re a wedding photographer but have yet to find your match.
  • In the attic of your new apartment, you find a small red box tied with a bow with a love letter attached to it.
  • Write out the most elaborate proposal you can think of.
  • Write a love story about a couple who’s been together for over 50 years.
  • Plan your future wedding without a budget. 
  • You’re cupid for the day, who do you set up?
  • You own the local flower shop in town. It’s Valentine’s Day, what customers will be popping in?
  • You travel to a place that doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. What will you do to explain and celebrate with them?
  • Write a movie that revolves around Valentine’s Day.
  • Who was the first person to associate the shape of the heart with love?

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Local options for getting comfortable with outdoor biking

This Independence restaurant experience is worth the price


Jude Bokovoy | Editor de estilo de vida

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Mountain biking is one of many outdoor activities that Oregon has to offer. Searching for new trails helps people look forward to being outdoors and gets them excited about participating in a good workout. For some, mountain biking can seem intimidating, but this article provides three trails near Western’s campus to ease one into the sport.

Dallas Creek Trail is surrounded by a river, trees, wildlife and is also paved. These inclusions  give an easy going feeling of mountain biking without obstacles such as roots, rocks and hills. Since the trail can be accessed through a safe neighborhood, it can be used while the sun sets. 

The McDonald-Dunn Forest in Corvallis offers a variety of open trails that are perfect for beginners. The smooth trails allow people to adjust to the feeling of biking on dirt for the first time. This also allows beginners to work on switching gears on their bikes as they go up hills. While riding on these beautiful trails, people can take pit stops or even turn around when needed because of the wide paths. 

Last is the Calloway Trail in the McDonald Research Forest Oak Creek Access, which is for bikers that are ready to take on a more challenging trail. The narrow path is enclosed by greenery, has sharp turns, roots, and hills, which makes for a whole lot of fun. Bikers can speed though the trail while going across bridges and avoiding obstacles. There are many other trails located in the same area when one feels ready to level up. After a ride, stop across the street at Cookie Binge for a post-ride sweet treat. They offer a variety of cookies, milkshakes, ice cream and more–perfect to fuel up a hungry biker.

Titular: Campeones contra campeones

Análisis de las actuaciones de Navarro y Trinity Valley en el College Daytona de la National Cheer Association

Jude Bokovoy | Editor de estilo de vida


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This article contains spoilers for competition results and season two of “Cheer.”

Navarro cheer team is one of the most well known collegiate cheerleading teams in the U.S. Navarro can be easily recognized by their sparkly red and black uniforms, incredible stunting abilities and team spirit. In 2020, Netflix released a documentary about Navarro’s road to reach the National Cheerleaders Association National Championship in Daytona Beach, Florida, called “Cheer.” The show and the team’s execution of their routine was a major success. Navarro was named the 2019 National Champion in Daytona’s advanced large coed junior college division. 

Daytona is NCA’s Collegiate Dance and Cheer Competition. To be able to participate in Daytona, each team needs to qualify by either getting bid on at an NCA camp or approved by sending in a video. Cheerleading teams come from all over the country to experience and compete in the notorious Daytona.

This January, the second season of “Cheer” was released that included their rivals, Trinity Valley Community College. Throughout the season, they went back and forth showing how each team prepared for Daytona, as well as the ups and downs throughout the season. Both teams were incredibly talented and had viewers on their toes, wondering who was going to be the 2021 National Champions. TVCC ended up placing first, stealing Navarro’s national title. 

Although both of these teams are located in Texas, they couldn’t be more different. Days before Daytona, many competing teams performed a showcase of their routines for their friends, families and fans. At TVCC’s Daytona showcase, the camera crew made it clear that they were only focused on certain individuals, by exclusively filming certain cheerleaders as they were executing their skills. Their routine was extremely tumble heavy leaving viewers in awe, however it seemed they were more focused on the individual spotlight rather than working as a team. It didn’t go unnoticed that many of them did not smile during the duration of their performance. 

The Navarro routine was team-based. Everyone had a smile on their face and they were energetic while performing their fluid routine. Navarro’s baskets and transitions were jaw dropping. As always, their choreography lit up the mat. What these two teams had in common were the high magnitude of tumbling, stunts and ambition. 

This year TVCC decided to enter into the advanced small coed division, meaning that they did not end up competing against Navarro. During the weekend of April 6 – 10, NCA’s Daytona provided each team two days to perform their routine twice in hopes of taking home a trophy. 

Throughout TVCC’s day one performance, their tumbling was clean but the stunts were not. There were many shaky dismounts, two stunts needed to be saved and the center group for their main pyramid fell. TVCC made a comeback on day two; their team jump combo was level throughout the team, the baskets were very high and the center tumbler had lots of energy. Unfortunately in the same middle stunt group, the flyer slipped during the pyramid. While making their final exit on day two, each member of the team did actions towards the crowd of an “I’m the best” mentality, iconic of the individualistic mindset that is rampant in TVCC.

On the other hand, Navarro blew it out of the park for both days’ performances. On day one, their beginning tumbling sequences were intense, all of their pyramids were executed well and included elaborate transitional stunts. On day two, all of their one-man stunts were solid; they nailed their first jump combo of a toe touch to a b-twist and they performed choreography with enthusiasm. The only notable flaw from Navarro was during one of their pyramids in which well known athlete Gabbi Butler slipped but regained balance while doing the choreography. When Navarro left the mat on day one and two they all hugged each other and exited as a supportive team.

At the end of the day, both TVCC and Navarro executed their intense routines very well. Both included elaborate baskets, jump combinations, tumbling and pyramids; because of their determination and skill Navarro and TVCC went home as the 2022 National Champion for their respective divisions.

Creating the perfect picnic

Creating the perfect picnic

Jude Bokovoy | Editor de estilo de vida


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Now that the sun is shining over Oregon once again, it is the perfect time to go on a picnic. Picnics allow one to breathe in fresh air, get creative with meals and share the view with friends. 

Whether picnicking alone or with company, Riverview Park in Independence is the perfect picnic place. They provide many places to sit such as amphitheater seating, grass lawn and benches overlooking the Willamette River. The Riverview Park provides public wifi, allowing students to be able to work on homework while enjoying the outdoors.

When packing a picnic, the options are endless. Perhaps the best part about picnicking is how the food can be specifically catered for personal preferences. Nothing is off limits. Fruit, sandwiches, drinks and snacks are all great choices. Below are two recipes that keep well for any picnic.



Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: 1 serving

2 slices of nuts and seeds bread

1 leaf of romaine lettuce

3 slices of oven roasted turkey

1 slice of sharp cheddar cheese

½ an avocado, mashed

½ teaspoon of salt

½ teaspoon of pepper

1 ½ tablespoons of pesto

½ tablespoon of mayonnaise, optional

On one slice spread mashed avocado, season with salt and pepper. On the other slice of bread spread pesto and mayonnaise. Add smoked turkey, cheese and romaine lettuce. Place the first slice of bread on top. Slice in half and package appropriately.



Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: 2 servings

1 banana, sliced

3 tablespoons of extra crunchy peanut butter

1 tablespoon honey, optional

Place banana slices in a sealable container. Add a scoop of peanut butter to each slice. Drizzle with honey. Serve with chopsticks.