Mount Hood

Western professor wins “Educator of the Year”

IndyMo honors Dr. Leanne Merrill during  the 56th year of community awards

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

For a little more than half a century, the cities of Monmouth and Independence have celebrated community members through their “Community Awards.”

This year, Western’s own mathematics professor Dr. Leanne Merrill was honored as co-honoree in the “Educator of the Year” category. A newer hire at Western, Merrill has been teaching full time for less than four years, and taught part time at University of Oregon while completing her master’s degree.

“I feel very lucky to have been recognized at such an early stage in my career — I don’t even have tenure yet,” said Merrill. “I love my job because I am so grateful that I get to work with (Western) students. Every single day I am energized and inspired by (Western) students’ work ethic, humility, bravery and accomplishments.”

Merrill goes on to say how rewarding it is for her department to receive such a high achievement.

“Mathematics gets a bad rap a lot of the time,” said Merrill. “But I strongly believe that everyone can be a successful practitioner of mathematics, and that mathematical empowerment is a human right.

As an educator, Merrill says she has struggled with imposter syndrome, particularly being a woman in science, technology, engineering and math. Being given the award made Merrill feel empowered, and that her teaching style is resonating with students while also making a difference in their lives.

“Teaching is a great but challenging career because there is no one right way to do it — what works well is depending upon the teacher, the students and the relationships that are formed in the classrooms,” said Merrill. “As a teacher, I believe it is my duty to meet students where they are. Teaching is so dependent upon the individuals involved that it’s always possible to rework ideas or discover new fun ways of doing things.”

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Independence lanza otro mes de rasca su

Primavera para apoyar a las empresas locales de Independence con April scratch its

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

La primavera ha llegado a Oregón y la ciudad de Independence celebra el inicio de la estación con el rasca y gana, que finaliza el 25 de abril. Los vecinos que gasten entre $5 y $100 podrán ganar dinero en su próxima compra comprando en estos 22 comercios participantes:

  • Panadería Ovenbird
  • Cervecería Parallel 45
  • Jubilee Champagne & Dessert Bar
  • Heladería independiente
  • La estación del grifo
  • Café Starduster
  • Mendi's Pizza
  • Restaurante italiano Mangiare
  • Cafetería Pink House
  • Dulces del crisol
  • Fro-Zone Yogurt Co.
  • Restaurante mexicano San Antonio
  • Chase Bar & Grill
  • Gilgamesh Brewing: El Río
  • Arena Bar & Grill
  • El fideo travieso
  • Independencia musical
  • El Pollo
  • Tienda Green Gables
  • Lo mismo que nunca fue Vintage
  • Señorita 9A's 

Además, durante toda la temporada de scratch it, todos los sábados en la plaza del parque Riverview, de 16:30 a 18:30, los residentes podrán escuchar música local en directo por cortesía de Musical Independence.

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Have some fun in the sun with a local photoshoot

Hit up these fantastic photoshoot locations near Monmouth

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida  

Whoever is reading this, this is a sign to go out and have a photoshoot. Spring has brought wonderful weather and beautiful blossoms, making now the perfect time to spend some time outdoors — and have photographic evidence of it. Whether looking for a last minute senior photo spot, or some inspiration for a fun weekend activity with friends, these spring photoshoot spots are sure to please.

Head downtown for some charming photos amid historic buildings. Any nearby city will do — even Monmouth’s Main Street has charismatic brick facades that make for the perfect photo setting.

Public art and murals can make for colorful backdrops that pop. Stay close by and check out some art and sculptures all around campus, such as “Growth” near the Richard Woodcock Education Center or “Oregon Rivers” in front of Rice Auditorium. Corvallis boasts a number of beautiful murals and even has a scavenger hunt for an added activity.

Cherry blossom season is nearly over, but even fallen cherry blossom petals can make for artsy photos. Take a roadtrip to the Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland, or make the shorter trip to Salem’s Capitol building to photograph in a lovely pastel pink grove.

Monmouth and its surrounding towns and cities have much to offer when it comes to parks — the nearest park could be just a few blocks away. Parks with a waterfront view include Sarah Helmick State Park in Monmouth, Riverview Park in Independence, Minto-Brown Island Park in Salem and Dallas City Park in Dallas. Chip Ross Park in Corvallis is an ideal spot for golden hour and sunset photos. Bush’s Pasture Park in Salem offers a manicured outdoor setting, including a picturesque gazebo amid a rose garden. Deepwood Museum & Gardens in Salem also provides an immersive experience into nature with a variety of plant life that can serve as a unique photo background.

Wildlife areas also offer elegant photo locations out in nature. Such areas include the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge in Dallas, the E. E. Wilson Wildlife Area in Monmouth and the Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge south of Salem.

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Las proyecciones del Cine Independencia comienzan el 9 de abril

Reapertura del cine Independencia tras el cierre de COVID

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

En febrero, se permitió la reapertura de los cines de Oregón de acuerdo con las directrices oficiales del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Sin embargo, algunos cines, como el Independence Cinema, retrasaron su reapertura, alegando preocupación por las nuevas cepas de COVID-19 y el deseo de exhibir películas más viables en las salas.

"Lo más duro para un pequeño negocio tan devastado por estos cierres sería volver a abrir sólo para tener que cerrar de nuevo", dijo Independence Cinema en un post en Facebook el 23 de febrero. "Lo hicimos este otoño, y no podríamos repetir ese escenario y sobrevivir".

Sin embargo, el 10 de marzo el teatro local anunció que reabriría sus puertas el 9 de abril. 

"Ha sido una decisión muy cuidadosa", decía un post de Facebook del 10 de marzo, "con mucha planificación, espera y vigilancia. Confiamos en que todo el mundo esté preparado para volver a disfrutar con seguridad del ocio familiar."

Los planes actuales de reapertura implican el funcionamiento diario con horarios limitados y el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad del sector, denominadas CinemaSafe. Según estas normas, todos los cines deben exigir al personal y a los espectadores que lleven máscaras, así como a los espectadores a distancia social, aumentar la ventilación cuando sea posible, proporcionar desinfectante de manos con un contenido mínimo de alcohol de 60%, desinfectar el auditorio entre proyecciones, formar al personal sobre los síntomas de COVID-19, poner las entradas en línea a disposición de los clientes y minimizar las transacciones en efectivo. En cada estado, el tamaño del aforo de los cines varía en función de los mandatos de los gobiernos estatales; en Oregón, depende del nivel de riesgo de COVID de cada condado. 

Desde el 26 de marzo, los funcionarios de salud del condado de Polk informaron el condado se clasificó para el nivel de riesgo moderado al tener una tasa de positividad de 2% y 72,3 casos por cada 100.000 personas en el transcurso de 14 días. Como resultado, el cine Independence tendrá una capacidad máxima de 50%.

En este momento, el cine no tiene un horario oficial para sus proyecciones, pero según su página de Instagram, planean abrir con "Voyagers", "Godzilla vs. Kong", "Nobody", "Chaos Walking", "Raya y el último dragón" y "Tom & Jerry". 

Para garantizar la seguridad de los espectadores, el teatro ha puesto en marcha un sistema de confirmación de asistencia que puede hacerse por Internet en la dirección o en persona en la taquilla situada fuera del teatro.

Si los espectadores no se sienten cómodos viendo las películas en persona, el cine sigue ofreciendo concesiones para llevar.

Para más información o preguntas, visita su página de Facebook @independencecinema8 o su Instagram @indycinema.

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Nutrition and chill at The Chill Spot

The Chill Spot offers a new healthy food option in Monmouth

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

On Feb. 19, The Chill Spot officially opened in Monmouth. Montserrat Rodriguez has brought a new healthy food shop — a nutrition club, as she calls it — to the community. 

“We were so blessed and … overwhelmed with the support that everybody brought to us and continue to bring us,” Rodriguez said of their opening day.

Rodriguez personally experienced the energy and emotional boost eating healthy can provide, and she wanted to share those feelings with IndyMo residents. All of her products at The Chill Spot reflect this value: her smoothies, teas, food and more are low in sugar and carbohydrates and high in vitamins, protein and other nutrients.

“I always ask people … what do you feel you need?” Rodriguez explained. She enjoys personalizing every customer’s experience and recommending certain products based on their needs.

The Chill Spot serves up nothing but healthy and delicious — from protein smoothies for pre- and post-workout, to fruity aloe and herbal teas with booster options like collagen and vitamin B12, to delectable crepes and waffles. The pom berry lemonade and bomb pop mega teas are already fan favorites. Rodriguez also sells products in bulk online, so that customers can bring the health food home.

Not only does The Chill Spot provide a healthy food and beverage location, but it also offers a great place to hang out. Now that indoor seating has begun to open back up, Rodriguez hopes her shop can be a study space, a place for post workout relaxation and a club to meet up with friends and family.

Interested in a deal? The Chill Spot offers memberships where customers can get discounts for one annual fee. Customers can also get more involved with the nutrition club by becoming distributors; contact Rodriguez directly with membership inquiries at 503-983-2131.

The Chill Spot is located at 362 Main St. E in Monmouth. Their current hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Be sure to stay up to date by following them on Facebook @The Chill Spot and Instagram @the.chillspot. 

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IndyMo celebra un mes de compras en comercios locales

IndyMo businesses reward locals with utility bill discounts and in-store coupons

Carpintero de Sydney | Editor de noticias

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Monmouth and Independence have come together to dedicate the entire month of February to the purchase of products from local businesses, known as the “Love Local” event. In each town, residents are rewarded with different benefits. 

For Monmouth, all patrons who purchase $20 worth of goods from local retail stores, restaurants, fitness facilities or personal service businesses with a physical storefront will be credited with $10 towards their next utility bill. Participants can earn this $10 credit up to three times per account.

Photo courtesy of Love Local Indy 2021

“(We’re) trying to get some recreational things happening out here,” said Dancing Muse Costume Shop owner and Vice President of the Monmouth Business Association James Martin.

“I have to remind people that there’s fun still. Even if you are stuck in the house because of COVID-19, you can still go to a Zoom meeting and hang out in different costumes.”

Martin explained he intends for his patrons to escape the mundane life activities brought on by COVID.

“I enjoy dressing up and having fun and I want to have other people dress up too,” said Martin. “Drinking a mug of ale with a bunch of friends and singing sea shanties while dressed as a pirate, well there’s nothing better, even if it is through Zoom.”

Photo courtesy of City of Monmouth – Love Local Challenege

For businesses in Independence, patrons who make purchases from any of the 14 participating businesses will receive a scratch it ticket worth $1, $5, $10 or $20 that will go towards their next purchase. 

For more information on the event, contact Suzanne Dufner at 503-838-0722.

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Nuevos acontecimientos en Independence, Portland, Eugene y otros lugares

Enjoy quality time with these virtual and in-person events 

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

As February begins, it can be fun to plan events to attend with family or individually for people to enjoy and explore. Some events have gone virtual ⏤ which makes it even easier to enjoy with family or friends ⏤ or going to in-person events alone while social distancing and taking the necessary precautions can add some variety to the day. Either way, everyone needs some new things to do this year, and it is important to still be engaged and social for mental and emotional health. 

Virtual and in-person events can be a way to find new friends and folks with similar interests, or it can be a way to get out of the old comfort zone. Life gets busy and it’s not always easy to know what the latest happenings in and around town are, so here are some recommended events to look into:

  1. Teen/Adult DIY – Valentine Flowers: Feb 5. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  2. Kid Craft Fun – Valentine Cards: Feb 8. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  3. Virtual Storytime with Miss Jo: Each Wednesday — Feb. 10, 17 and 24. Virtual event. Independence, OR. 
  4. Holiday Show at River Gallery: Feb. 4 through March 5. River Gallery 184 S. Main St., Independence, OR. 
  5. Spark of Love Virtual Auction: Feb. 5 through 10. Supports the Salem Fire Foundation. Virtual event.
  6. Something’s Brewing: a global look at tea and coffee customs: Jan. 6 through March 5. Pringle Park Plaza, 390 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR. 
  7. First Friday Artists Receptions: Feb. 5, 7 to 9 p.m. Lunaria Gallery 113 N Water St., Silverton, OR.  
  8. Portland’s Seafood and Wine Festival: Feb. 5 through 6. Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR. 
  9. Portland Jazz Festival: Feb. 18 through 27. Virtual and in-person options. Portland, OR.  
  10. Chinese New Year Celebration: Feb. 12 through 28. Lan Su Chinese Garden, 239 NW Everett St., Portland, OR. 
  11. Cascade Festival of African Films: Feb. 5 through March 10. Virtual event. Portland, OR. 
  12. Eugene’s Virtual Boat & Sportsmen’s Show: Feb. 5 through 11; March 12 through 31. Virtual event. Eugene, OR.

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