Mount Hood

Valentine’s day is for your friends

Escrito por: Hannah Field | Redactora de noticias

You’re in elementary school again — nearing the final stretch of winter — it’s cold and gray outside, typical of February weather. Inside the school, however, it’s warm and cozy, with heart streamers dangling from the walls and artwork on the whiteboards. The students’ cubbies are packed with cardstock and goodie bags, a reflection of the Valentine’s Day cheer.

The holiday isn’t as easily understood by children, who have no experience with romance and its faults. They have yet to learn the cost of an expensive dinner or the difficulties of planning a perfect excursion — they haven’t had to worry about finding that flawless gift for your soulmate or even how to find a soulmate in the first place. To the children, the holiday is about candy, the color pink and friendship.

For these kids, Valentine’s Day will likely flip, the way it has for many adults, and turn into a pro-corporation, anti-single-person, couple-schmoozing money pit. Couples are expected to blow hundreds on extravagant presents, maybe even some diamond rings, and spending Valentine’s Day alone usually culminates in classic movie reruns and ice cream on the couch — Titanic, anyone?

Nobody can really be blamed for sighing at the sight of dozens of flower vendors standing on street corners during February, trying to finesse desperate men into overpriced bouquets. More than half of American adults think that Valentine’s Day isn’t a “real special occasion” and it ranks low — if not lowest — on the list of top ten favorite holidays nationwide.

Truly, how many people outright say that Valentine’s Day is their favorite holiday?

I do. Valentine’s Day, for as long as I can remember, began years ago as an event built off of love, kindness and acceptance. I was excited to appreciate my friends and classmates — and it only grew with me. I love gathering my friends and baking with them or for them, offering little gifts to showcase my respect for them. If they’re single, I make a note to do it in a more significant fashion. I try to tip waiters who work on Valentine’s Day more; I try to say “I love you” to people who don’t hear it as often as they should. 

We’ve long since lost sight of what we practiced in elementary school, blinded by money and out-doing other couples. At its core, Valentine’s Day should just be about love and peace — not competition.

Reminder: men like flowers too — they’re just waiting to be asked.

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Here are a few simple pranks to pull come April 1st

These practical jokes are entertaining for everyone

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

It’s no hoax — April Fool’s Day is nearly here. Traditionally, people pull lighthearted pranks and jokes on unsuspecting family or friends, most of which range in the surprise factor. There are many tried and true tricks, like using fake spilled nail polish on the carpet or the classic caramel dipped onion on a stick. If folks need some inspiration, consider attempting these silly April Fool’s Day antics:

  • Taping googly eyes to household objects is a simple way to provide some laughs through the day. Throw them on the lamp, the TV, on the outside of a coffee mug ⏤ anywhere is possible. 
  • Covering sensors on electronics, or removing the batteries, can be a harmless way to prank the household for part of the day.
  • Take dark colored paper and cut out an insect, then tape it to the inside of the lampshade to make it look like there’s a large bug lurking. Plastic toy insects work just fine in a pinch and are normally pretty cheap.
  • Scrape the filling from a few Oreo cookies, and replace it with white toothpaste. Leaving some of these cookies ready on a plate can help entice the prankee to fall for it.  
  • If there’s a near empty or fully finished jar of mayonnaise, rinse out the container very well and replace it with whipped cream, and then pretend to eat the “mayonnaise” right from the jar to see people’s reactions.
  • Replace photos in the house with random celebrity pictures or popular TV characters. Some examples people have used in the past are pictures of Danny Devito, Steve Buscemi and Shrek.  

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‌Hop to it, Easter is just a few days away

Plan something fun for Easter with these suggestions 

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Easter get-togethers and egg hunts across the community will look a little different this year, but there is still an abundance of things to do come Easter Sunday. The day can be as simple as enjoying one’s own company ⏤ full of rest, relaxing and eating huge chocolate bunnies. Whatever people may have planned, here are a few things anyone can try to stay entertained:


  • For many people, dyeing Easter eggs is a must, although it can get messy. There are online tutorials that explain tips for beginners and ones that show elaborate designs. 
  • Easter egg hunts are a staple activity for people of many ages, and can also be a good way to keep kids engaged for a while. Try it with pets by putting treats in the eggs and hiding them in a place they frequent. 
  • The egg toss is perfect because all ages can participate in the competition. This is another messy game but it allows people to enjoy time outdoors and to practice their hand-eye coordination. 
  • It would be a shame to forget about the egg walk — which requires the player to hold a spoon in their mouth, while an egg balances in the spoon. Then, they walk a certain distance without dropping the egg in order to win. 
  • “Pin the tail on the rabbit” is an easy, interactive game to help entertain the youngsters. This will require a blindfold, a piece of paper, a pen to draw the bunny, some tape and a white cotton ball for the tail. 

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