Mount Hood

Waste the day away with these popular entertainment apps

Find out why people love these free apps

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Apps can make life so much easier, and they can also be a great way to waste time in between assignments or Zoom meetings. These latest apps can provide much needed entertainment any time of day, and most have received high ratings and reviews. From all the different app stores available, these are just a few of the hottest games and apps out right now.  


  • “Tetris” ⏤ The world’s famous block puzzle game, now with daily challenges and group matches. 
  • “The Sims Mobile” ⏤  Create a unique online world with customizable characters, homes, friendships and lifestyles. 
  • “8 Ball Pool” ⏤  With one vs. one matches or eight player tournaments, any fans of pool can enjoy playing this game. 
  • “UNO!” ⏤  The popular card game has gone virtual, now with leaderboards and real time matches.
  • “Two Dots” ⏤  A puzzle game that propels two dots through an artistic world.
  • “Super Mario Run” ⏤  Control Mario’s running by tilting the phone, and help him navigate all the different worlds in the game. 
  • “SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off” ⏤  Put those cooking skills to the test in this fast-paced cooking game.
  • “Tangle Master 3D” ⏤  Try to detangle the ropes by trying out all the possibilities.
  • “BitLife”⏤  In this creative life simulator, people can pick and choose exactly how their life goes, and see how everything pans out.
  • “Hello Neighbor” ⏤  A combination of a puzzle, adventure and horror game, players’ stealth and skills will be put to the test.


  • “Footpath Route Planner” ⏤  Track a long walk or short run with this app and its customizable navigation.
  • “AllTrails: Hike, Bike, & Run” ⏤ Discover all the hiking, biking and running trails in any area.
  • “Topo Maps+” This app provides a reliable and portable map for any destination.
  • “Wavve Boating- Easy Marine GPS” ⏤  Stay safe in the water with this navigation app, or mark a few favorite boating spots. 
  • “harbor: home safety made easy” ⏤ Emergency preparation and SOS responses.


  • “Auxy – Music & Beat Maker” ⏤  A music maker with beats, loops, sounds and effects. 
  • “Sway: Magic Dance” ⏤  Motion effects and AI filters.
  • “Smule Social Karaoke Singing” ⏤  A karaoke app available with over ten million songs.


  • “Libby, by OverDrive" Library e-books and audiobooks.  
  • “Tubi” ⏤  Stream movies, TV shows and other content. 

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Muestra tu amor a la Madre Tierra el 22 de abril

Formas sencillas de disfrutar del Día de la Tierra este año

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Con el Día de la Tierra cada vez más cerca, es hora de empezar a hacer planes para el 22 de abril. Ya sea quedarse en casa o salir, hay más de una forma de defender las preocupaciones medioambientales y celebrar el Día de la Tierra. Según, "(el Día de la Tierra) es celebrado por más de mil millones de personas cada año como un día de acción para cambiar el comportamiento humano y crear cambios políticos globales, nacionales y locales". Para celebrarlo, ten en cuenta estas formas de disfrutar del Día de la Tierra en solitario o distanciándote socialmente: 

  • Dona la ropa o los objetos que no necesites en casa para ordenar y apoyar a organizaciones benéficas locales y a personas necesitadas. 
  • Devuelve latas y botellas para descongestionar, reciclar y conseguir un poco de dinero extra. 
  • Salga al aire libre con proyectos de jardinería ⏤ que pueden atraer a polinizadores autóctonos, apoyar los ecosistemas locales y proporcionar productos frescos.
  • Caminar, hacer senderismo y montar en bicicleta son actividades gratificantes que ponen el cuerpo en movimiento mientras se está al aire libre. 

  • Únete a un grupo o ve solo a recoger basura en parques, playas, embalses, rutas de senderismo o por el barrio.
  • Reduce, reutiliza y recicla materiales en casa con proyectos artísticos como los que te proponemos a continuación. 
  • Crea un comedero para pájaros cogiendo una piña y cubriéndola con mantequilla de cacahuete, y luego espolvoreando alpiste sobre la mantequilla de cacahuete. Una vez cubierta de manera uniforme, ata la piña con una cuerda en un lugar seguro. 
  • Prueba a pintar y decorar rocas, que pueden dar un toque especial a cualquier patio o jardín. Los diseños pueden ser tan sencillos como un sol o una mariquita, o pueden utilizarse como marcadores identificativos de distintas plantas.
  • Haz un jardín de hadas con objetos cotidianos que encuentres en el exterior, como palos, cortezas, piedras, musgo y flores. 
  • Infórmese sobre otras formas de ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente, como intentar no utilizar plásticos, reducir los residuos y ser eficiente energéticamente.

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Coge unas palomitas y disfruta de las últimas obras locales

Western presents “Little Prisons: A Series of Short Plays by Portland Playwrights”

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

There are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the performing arts from home, and local theater events are still happening throughout the year to provide some much needed entertainment. Beginning Mar. 6 Western’s theater students will be live streaming their upcoming event, “Little Prisons: A Series of Short Plays by Portland Playwrights,” which is directed by Jessica Wallenfels. This performance highlights four plays written by local playwrights, all of which will be free to watch. There will also be various streaming methods to accommodate different schedules — some will be pre-recorded, while others will be streamed live. 

The plays featured will have a wide range of topics and themes, the titles being: “The Third Prisoner” by EM Lewis, “A Wing and a Prayer” by Josie Seid, “Three Love Songs” by Anya Pearson and “Joy Fricken Hates her Stupid Dumb Room” by Sara Jean Accuardi. 

These local art performances can be found on WOUTV and will be available to stream at 7 p.m. on Mar. 6, and will be available on demand until Mar. 8 at midnight. To learn more about the event and to support the local arts, check out the theater department’s Instagram, @woutheatredepartment, or their Facebook page, @WOU Theatre Department.

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Heartfelt holiday gifts

Low and no-cost presents for this season of giving

Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

The holiday season can quickly burn a hole in your pockets by the time gift shopping has been completed. But there are numerous heartfelt gifts to give that cost little to no money and still bring the holiday joy. Consider these low and no-cost thoughtful presents for friends and family this year.

Art piece: Having a knack for art — whether it be drawing, painting or crafting — can make for personalized and low-cost gifts. Depending on one’s skill set, ask loved ones for their favorite flowers, quotes, animal or character and create something special for them.

Memory jar: Use sticky notes or strips of paper to write down some favorite memories between one another. Roll or fold the notes up and place them in a jar or similar container. Decorate the jar if desired with sequins, twine, stickers or lettering.

Mixtape or playlist: Though cassette tapes are pretty outdated, the thought behind making a music mix for someone can translate to today’s era. If the gift receiver has a way to play them, make a cassette tape or CD and design a fun cover. Otherwise, create a playlist on their preferred music streaming service, and get creative by sticking to a theme. This could be the gift receiver’s favorite genre, songs that lift their spirits or songs that remind the maker of the receiver.

Offer services: Time can be one of the most useful gifts to all in our busy lives. If one has time to spare, write out a coupon book of services which the gift receiver can redeem for future use. These services could include babysitting or pet sitting, cooking meals, cleaning or yard work.

“Open when…” letters: Take some time to write personalized letters for the gift receiver to open in the future. Choose a number of specific occasions, such as “Open when you need a pep talk” or “Open when something worth celebrating has happened,” and write letters and notes to put into individual envelopes. Gather all the letters in a nice box to present to the gift receiver.

Personalized journal: Buying a journal, planner or sketchbook can be useful for many types of people. These kinds of presents can be made more personal by writing a note on the front page: give them some words of encouragement or best wishes, or draw them a picture.

Recipe cards: For families and friends who share their love through cooking, consider designing recipe cards for one another. Choose a personal favorite recipe and decorate a note card with the recipe written on it. If there are too many recipes to choose from, create multiple cards and compile them with a binder ring.

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