Mount Hood

Recent campus closure announcement

Escrito por: Gretchen Sims | Editor in Chief,  Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

Fall of 2021 marked the completion of the initial steam pipeline construction project; however, due to the lack of efficacy of the current pipeline, the vaults are now being replaced.

In an email sent on March 19, students were notified that “Work on the steam pipeline project will impact vehicle and pedestrian travel on Monmouth Avenue, starting March 26 through September 2024.” 

Also noted were the crosswalk closures on Church and Jackson Streets, as well as the parking closure on Church Street — all construction pathways will meet the Americans with Disabilities Act., ADA, specifications. 

Western, along with many other higher education institutes, uses steam to heat its campus, which runs through a series of pipes, vaults and boilers. What Western lacks for this system is tunnels to run the pipeline through every building, something that is vital to the system’s stability and maintenance. 

Due to the absent tunnel system, Western must bury the steam pipes directly in the ground. The steam system initially relied on cast iron pipes, which are durable and resistant to abrasion but not flexible and are prone to rusting. Due to the high acidity in Oregon soil, the pipes experienced rapid corrosion, and the initial project to repair this corrosion was compromised, prompting the new construction project. 

Groundbreaking begins on April 14. To prepare for this, 3,000 feet of fencing was put up over Spring Break to ensure student safety — with students getting trapped in the fenced off areas being a point of concern. 

Starting the second week of the spring term, signage will be posted around Western, breaking it into different quadrants. This signage is intended to direct people around campus so they don’t find themselves at a dead end and be forced to backtrack.

“I find it interesting, first of all, that this notice went out to campus about it being closed over spring break through September, but it’s open right now, which is confusing to me. Church Street parking is completely open when they said it was going to be closed from spring break,” said Sarah Lockwood, Western’s facilities scheduling manager. 

Jason Krawczyk, director of capital planning and construction, oversees all projects that require bringing in a contractor to campus or projects that are over a certain price threshold.

Krawczyk clarified the timings of the closure stating that access to Church Street from Monmouth Avenue is currently inaccessible, but Church Street will be fully fenced off, and the parking closure will be enforced, in the upcoming weeks — Jackson Street access, however, will be accessible until Summer Term. 

Krawczyk stated that the reason they ultimately decided to close Church Street is due to his staff’s commitment to student safety. Trucks will have to run from behind the New PE building up through Church Street, thus moving against the flow of traffic and posing a danger to not only vehicles, but also pedestrians and construction workers. If cars were parked on both sides of the road, vehicle operators would not be able to see pedestrians easily and pedestrians might not expect the vehicle to be there. 

Notice of the closure was not announced until the end of finals week, just days before the intended start of the project. Due to this short notice, questions were raised regarding the lack of information and prior notice. 

The first closure announcement was made through the @westernoregonuniversity Instagram page, four days before an email was sent out to the general student body. 

“We don’t put out any communication that hasn’t been approved and the approval process takes a long time. So it might seem like it is coming out last minute, but it’s because we only put out information that is 100 percent accurate,” said Krawczyk.

Many voiced concerns came from student veterans on campus regarding both students and community members who have served. Veterans already have limited exclusive parking spaces on campus — four spots for the one-hundred-plus veterans that Western serves — and usage of these spots requires both a Zone One parking pass and Veteran or Armed Forces license plates. 

One anonymous student veteran was concerned about how late the information was shared with the general student community. 

“The only official communication that I heard was through the Instagram post,” said the student veteran. “The rest was word of mouth from staff that were notified before us.”

The Veteran Resource Center, the VRC, puts on events throughout the year for all members of the Veteran community and those with connections to the Armed Forces. Another concern that arose from this is the parking access to the Werner University Center and, thus, the VRC, for disabled veterans from the community and their family members who attend these events. 

Mike Hanson, associate director of campus public safety, put the concerns regarding disabled veteran access to the VRC to rest. “The disability spots campus wide are reserved for any person who has a valid disability placard. They are able to park in any lot with any (Western) permit. That includes a guest day pass. If a person is a guest and is not eligible for a guest pass but has a valid disability placard they also have the ability to park at any meter without paying the meter. This is in accordance with state law ORS 811.635,” said Hanson.

However, some students have a better vision for the future of parking. “A few veterans have said that they wish they could park anywhere as long as they had the veteran plate and the parking pass,” said the student veteran. 

Employees who live on campus also spoke on various concerns about the closure of Church Street. 

“I can’t afford a parking pass because my wages don’t equal out to ‘just buy a parking pass,’” said one anonymous student employee. “You’d have to have another job… that’s the only spot I can park.”

Some Western employees who commute simply do not want to pay for a parking pass, as they may only spend a few days a week on campus — not making the cost of a parking pass worthwhile. Other students, staff and faculty concerns revolve around access to locations needed for commencement. Because Church Street will be fenced off during June, access to the New PE building and the football stadium will be limited. 

Krawczyk wants to reassure any event planning committees that “During any construction project, we’re willing to work with groups that have events happening on campus as long as we know about them ahead of time and can plan for them,” said Krawczyk. 

Access to Church Street will be made available for commencement.

Additionally, the closure of Church Street has caused a parking crisis among students and staff alike over the loss of free street parking. 

“I went for a walk today and I counted (the) parking spaces… there are 54 just normal parking spaces, there are four handicap-accessible parking spaces and there are three to four — depending on how many cars fit — 20-minute parking spots that are right by the front doors (of the WUC),”  said Lockwood.

Students share many concerns about the closure of Church Street, some of them include the fact that, because the announcement was so late notice, purchasing a parking pass was not an expense these students planned for. 

Church Street is city property and, therefore, Western is not responsible for the replacement of these spaces. However, the parking options now available to students are not comparable to the number or type of parking spaces lost due to the closure. 

Lockwood reached out to Parking Services in an attempt to request a suitable alternative for the loss of parking. “Parking services, when reaching out to them about the street being closed, they were very matter-of-fact about there not being any replacement parking. The street was going to be closed and the options were for students to use metered parking… or pay for a parking pass, or find street parking on the perimeter of campus,” said Lockwood.

On Lockwood’s walk around campus, she noted that there were approximately ten metered parking spaces and a few empty street parking spaces around the perimeter of campus, but these numbers will not make up for the 54 lost spaces that were filled. 

Addressing student concerns regarding the loss of handicapped spaces, Hanson said, “For any person to park in a disability spot anywhere on campus there are two requirements. The first requirement is having a valid WOU permit (this includes guest permits) and a valid disability placard.”

Despite the losses of the parking spaces on Church Street, Krawczyk and the construction crew on this project are doing their best to alleviate the issue. 

“With the student success center, I think it’s important to note that we worked closely with parking and actually paid for thirty spaces so that the construction people on that job site would not be taking the free public parking on the road. And the same thing is happening with this. By taking Lot E, for our laydown area and construction worker parking, that means that all of the added people brought to campus by this construction project will not be taking free parking from students. We know that we will have an influx in people and we try and make sure that they don’t… anger the community by parking in front of their houses at 6 a.m. in the morning with loud diesel trucks, and don’t anger our student population by when they show up for an 8 (a.m.) class and all the free parking is gone,” said Krawczyk.

One proposed resolution to the loss of parking spaces due to the closure is the opening of P Lot as a free parking Zone. There are a comparable amount of parking spaces in the lot as were lost from Church Street, and it is usually fairly empty. 

“In general with the road closure, like there should be a safe spot to park if there’s nowhere to park on Church Street. They should have everybody park in P Lot, but then have an officer on standby to walk everyone back,” said the anonymous student employee. 

Lockwood also recommended a few spots in H Lot be converted into 20-minute parking spaces for easy access to the WUC. 

Hanson reasoned against the handing out of free parking spaces saying, “…we were not able to just give out free parking to those that do not have (parking) permits. (This) would cause issues with the spring events that occur on that portion of campus including, but not limited to, Baseball and Track and Field events. The other issue would be the equality for those who have already purchased permits. The free parking would cause the issue of why some people have to pay for permits while others do not have to pay to park on campus.”

“We understand the effect that this closure has on the parking. (Western) Parking has worked with the city of (Monmouth) and Independence to provide an alternative resource to students, staff and faculty. The parking near campus and the nearby neighborhoods have had a longtime pressure on available street parking. The Monmouth Independence area was given funding to research and implement the MI Trolley service. This is a free ride service that travels from (Western)’s campus all the way to Riverfront (Park) in Independence. This service gives those without a permit a free option to ride to campus,” said Hanson.

“Unfortunately, the project is too long, it can’t just happen over the summer months, and we can’t do it, also, during the rainy season. So doing it spring and summer was really our only option,” said Krawczyk.

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Comunicado de prensa: Control del gasto en construcción universitaria

Los líderes de los gobiernos estudiantiles de las universidades públicas de Oregón piden al Estado que invierta en ayudas económicas

 N.J. Johnson | Presidente de ASWOU

Jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021 

Los presidentes del cuerpo estudiantil de la Universidad de Oregón, la Universidad de Oregón Occidental, la Universidad de Oregón Oriental, la Universidad Estatal de Oregón y la Universidad Estatal de Portland han publicado hoy una carta conjunta dirigida a los miembros de la Asamblea Legislativa del Estado de Oregón y de la Comisión Coordinadora de Educación Superior en la que piden al Estado que aborde el aumento de las matrículas y mejore la gobernanza y la supervisión de las universidades públicas de Oregón, que fueron desreguladas en 2015.

La carta dice:

A: Comisión de Coordinación de la Enseñanza Superior y Legislatura del Estado de Oregón

Fr: Asociación de Estudiantes de Oregón y Gobiernos Estudiantiles Universitarios Asociados

Asunto Prioridades de la enseñanza superior para la sesión legislativa

Entendiendo que el efecto de COVID-19 y la recesión financiera que le ha seguido han tenido un inmenso impacto en los estudiantes, nosotros los presidentes del cuerpo estudiantil de las universidades públicas de todo el estado de Oregon hacemos un llamamiento a la legislatura estatal para que tome medidas significativas para reevaluar el curso de la financiación de la educación superior.

Tras una cuidadosa evaluación de las prioridades de nuestro campus y de las necesidades de los estudiantes en medio de esta pandemia, esta asociación ha determinado que las inversiones de emergencia en la Beca Oportunidad de Oregón sean una prioridad absoluta. En la actualidad, menos de 1 de cada 4 estudiantes que cumplen los requisitos para recibir la Beca de Oportunidad de Oregón reciben la financiación. Se trata de un defecto muy preocupante en la distribución estatal de la financiación. Creemos que la inversión en ayuda financiera es una parte fundamental de cualquier estrategia para la recuperación económica a largo plazo en todo el estado. Los estudiantes que cursan estudios superiores constituyen una gran parte de la población de clase trabajadora del estado de Oregón; sin más ayuda financiera, prevemos que estos estudiantes se verán obligados a elegir entre su búsqueda de oportunidades de educación superior y la estabilidad financiera. 

Esta pandemia ha puesto aún más de manifiesto las desigualdades de nuestros numerosos sistemas sociales. Específicamente, bajo el análisis de la distribución financiera a nuestras universidades públicas, hemos visto una tendencia recurrente en la financiación de iniciativas y proyectos a través de las universidades estatales que no contribuyen directamente a las necesidades de los estudiantes. Si bien la OSE apoya la inversión en actualizaciones y mejoras de seguridad, así como la construcción de centros de equidad, centros de estudiantes multiculturales y centros de recursos para soñadores, las necesidades de los estudiantes no siempre se tienen en cuenta cuando las instituciones priorizan los nuevos proyectos de construcción. Somos muy conscientes de la recuperación financiera potencial que ofrecen las iniciativas de construcción de capital en estos tiempos difíciles, sin embargo, sopesamos la

Las cargas financieras a las que se enfrentan los estudiantes son una prioridad para la financiación estatal. En su estado actual, la financiación de la construcción de capital no apoyará directamente las necesidades de los estudiantes, especialmente cuando estos proyectos tienen fechas de finalización previstas para años en el futuro. Las administraciones universitarias han argumentado que las inversiones en construcción de capital mitigarán la crisis de matriculaciones y harán que la educación sea más asequible. En cambio, los datos recogidos en la última década muestran un descenso de las matriculaciones y un aumento alarmante de las matrículas. Pedimos que los estudiantes y las necesidades de los estudiantes sean una prioridad directa durante esta sesión. Pedimos que los legisladores trabajen con los estudiantes para reevaluar y reimaginar los incentivos, la gobernanza y las prioridades de nuestras universidades públicas.

Por lo tanto, nosotros, los presidentes del cuerpo estudiantil de la universidad pública en el estado de Oregon, hacemos un llamamiento a la legislatura para hacer inversiones de emergencia significativas en la Beca de Oportunidad de Oregon para ayudar a los estudiantes que sufren financieramente durante la larga sesión. Pedimos a la legislatura que apoye los llamamientos de los estudiantes para aumentar la transparencia y la responsabilidad de las universidades públicas para garantizar que los fondos están apoyando directamente las necesidades de los estudiantes. Por último, pedimos a la legislatura que se oponga a la actual deriva hacia la privatización de nuestras universidades públicas mediante la planificación de una inversión significativa y una reforma significativa de la gobernanza.


Isaiah Boyd, Presidente Estudiantes Asociados de la Universidad de Oregón

N.J. Johnson, Presidente Estudiantes Asociados de la Western Oregon University

Keegan Sanchez, Presidente Estudiantes Asociados de la Universidad de Oregón Oriental

Motutama Sipelii, Presidente de los Estudiantes Asociados de la Universidad Estatal de Portland

Isabel Núñez Pérez, Presidenta Estudiantes Asociados de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón

En los cinco años transcurridos desde que se desmanteló el Sistema Universitario de Oregón y se instauraron las juntas institucionales, las matrículas han aumentado un 18,5%, un ritmo superior al de los cinco años que precedieron directamente al fin del Sistema Universitario de Oregón. Esto da lugar a enormes desigualdades en el acceso a la enseñanza superior. En la Universidad de Oregón, por ejemplo, hay casi tantos estudiantes cuyos ingresos familiares se sitúan en el 1% de mayores ingresos como estudiantes cuyos ingresos familiares se sitúan en el 20% de menores ingresos.

Mientras tanto, la recaudación de fondos privados en las universidades, que se dijo a los estudiantes que se destinaría a ayudar a mantener las matrículas bajas, se ha destinado en cambio a proyectos de construcción de alto perfil, a menudo con poca participación formal de los estudiantes. En el bienio 17-19, el estado de Oregón destinó $330,8 millones a proyectos de construcción de capital en las universidades. Esto es más del doble de la cantidad asignada a la ayuda financiera ese año: la Beca de Oportunidad de Oregón recibió $146,1 millones. Un libro blanco publicado por SEIU Local 503 en 2019 demuestra que desde 1999 hasta 2019, la proporción de apoyo financiero estatal para las universidades que se destina al servicio de la deuda de construcción aumentó de menos de 3% todo el camino hasta 16%.

En relación con la carta, el presidente de la ASUO, Isaiah Boyd, afirmó: "En este último año, la epidemia de Covid-19 ha puesto de manifiesto las crecientes deficiencias de nuestros sistemas de educación superior. Hemos sido testigos del agravamiento de los problemas socioeconómicos a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes que cursan estudios superiores. Los estudios superiores en todo el país están llegando a un punto crítico en el que los estudiantes ya no tendrán la estabilidad financiera necesaria para perseguir sus sueños."

NJ Johnson, Presidente del cuerpo estudiantil de la Universidad de Oregón Occidental, afirmó: "Con los insostenibles aumentos de las matrículas correlacionados con la disminución de las inscripciones en todo el estado, ahora es el momento de invertir significativamente en el acceso y la asequibilidad para poner fin a este ciclo."

Para más información, póngase en contacto con el Presidente de ASWOU, N.J. Johnson, en el teléfono (503) 838-8555 o en la dirección de correo electrónico aswoupresident@mail.wou.eduo póngase en contacto con Isaiah Boyd, Presidente de ASUO, en el teléfono (541) 346-0624 o en la dirección de correo electrónico