Mount Hood

El Centro de la Libertad abre sus puertas en WUC

A place for connection, understanding and learning about heritage and culture 

Mikayla Coleman | Editor de noticias 

Oct. 1 marked the opening of Western’s Freedom Center. Located in the Werner University Center, the Freedom Center is meant to be a physical space in which students of color are able to find refuge. While this is the main purpose of the Freedom Center, different clubs and organizations that are culturally specific are able to use the space to hold meetings and collaborate with one another. 

The road to the opening of the Freedom Center proved to be a treacherous longhaul. Students have been advocating for the creation of a space like the Freedom Center for quite some time.

“It has been a project that has been requested by the students for a very long time, and to finally have it shows all the hard work that past and current students put into it,” said Elisa Tenido, Associated Students of Western Oregon University Director of Multicultural Advocacy. 

The establishment of the Freedom Center is hoped to expand cultural competency among everyone on Western’s campus, something that many believe has been lacking for far too long. The Freedom Center is expected to be a place where students can make connections based on cultural backgrounds, whether they are similar to or different from one another. 

“As a Filipino, I do not know a lot of other Filipinos on campus and the (Freedom Center) provides a space where we can meet,” said Tenido. 

The Freedom Center was officially opened by co-founders senior communications studies major Makana Ripley and junior social science major Arlette Topia Lopez with a ceremony and cake pops.

In the same way that Western works hard to ensure the comfortability of everyone on campus — taking this step will allow a safe space in which students are able to talk about differences and make connections between the vast amount of different traditions and heritages students bring with them when they come here to pursue their higher education. 

For those who have experienced racial profiling or discrimination, it can be hard to explain and make connections with people who have not had to experience those hardships. 

“Personally it is hard for me to put into words how important this space is for people of color. When people of color talk about their experiences with non-people of color, there always seems to be this layer of explaining that is done … explaining why something is funny or why something is offensive,” said Tenido. 

The Freedom Center hopes to be able to bridge these gaps through growth in knowledge and understanding. 

“Having the (Freedom Center) takes away that layer because people of color can just talk about their experience or something funny that happened when they were growing up or (compare) random cultural superstitions,” said Tenido. “It is a space for students of color to be seen by other students of color to share and bond.”

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Comunicado de prensa: Los estudiantes BIPOC piden al Consejo de Administración de la WOU que atienda las necesidades de los estudiantes

Estudiantes negros, indígenas y de color de Western explican su propuesta global al Consejo de Administración de WOU

Makana Waikiki | ASWOU IFC Chair

Para publicación inmediata

3 de abril de 2021

La propuesta de los estudiantes negros, indígenas y de color de la Western Oregon University pide al Consejo de Administración y a la Administración de la WOU que atiendan las necesidades de los estudiantes

Monmouth, OR - Los estudiantes negros, indígenas y de color de la Western Oregon University han lanzado una propuesta integral a la Junta de Síndicos de la WOU que presentarán en la reunión de la Junta del 21 de abril de 2021, llamando la atención sobre las necesidades de los estudiantes a través de la financiación y la reevaluación de las necesidades que la WOU y su administración no han proporcionado a los estudiantes, el personal, el profesorado y la comunidad.

La propuesta se divide en dos categorías de necesidades de los estudiantes de la WOU: fiscales y de reevaluación. En los últimos años, los estudiantes de WOU han compartido su frustración debido a la falta de apoyo a través de los recursos de la administración. Los estudiantes de color siguen siendo algunos de los grupos de estudiantes más afectados en este campus y han estado abogando por un centro en el campus que los reúna, que sea un espacio seguro y que promueva y celebre la diversidad y la riqueza de sus culturas. La primera demanda fiscal es financiar el Centro de la Libertad, un espacio creado por estudiantes BIPOC para estudiantes BIPOC en WOU. Este espacio proporcionará salas de estudio, tecnología y un lugar al que los estudiantes de color puedan acudir en busca de apoyo, recursos y, lo que es más importante, un entorno seguro en este campus.

Nuestra propuesta también aborda la grave necesidad de una educación post-secundaria en WOU que sea asequible, accesible y proporcione a los estudiantes los recursos que necesitan para tener éxito. La tasa incidental es una importante fuente de ingresos que financia servicios vitales, programas, recursos, como la despensa de alimentos, y las oportunidades de empleo para los estudiantes y el personal. Estos servicios y programas necesitan ser financiados, sin embargo, está ligado a la matrícula y con la disminución de las tasas de matrícula que seguimos presenciando deja áreas que proporcionan servicios esenciales y recursos insuficientemente financiados. Estamos pidiendo a la Junta de Síndicos que subvencione los recortes que el Comité de Tasas Incidentales (IFC) tuvo que hacer este año (~$203.000) para que todas las áreas financiadas por el IFC que benefician a los estudiantes estén totalmente financiadas en el próximo año académico.

En las audiencias abiertas del Comité de Tasas Incidentales, los estudiantes deportistas expresaron su preocupación por la necesidad de nuevos uniformes y equipación. Es necesario invertir para apoyar a los estudiantes deportistas de nuestro campus, que ayudan a reclutar nuevos estudiantes. Pedimos que se asignen $122.000 a los estudiantes deportistas para sus uniformes y equipaciones. Esta asignación duplicaría el presupuesto de cada deporte, ya que están gravemente infradotados.

Este último año hemos sido testigos del aumento de los ataques dirigidos contra las comunidades de color y de cómo esto ha afectado al bienestar mental y físico de los estudiantes de color de nuestro campus. Esta universidad quiere enorgullecerse de sus valores fundamentales de diversidad y respeto afirmando que "la equidad y la inclusión son una base fundamental en la diversidad humana" y, sin embargo, los estudiantes de color son los que exigen y trabajan para crear el Centro de la Libertad. Los estudiantes no deberían ser el único grupo de personas de nuestro campus que quiera crear un entorno seguro y acogedor; esta debería ser una misión por la que todos nos esforzáramos. La Junta puede tomar medidas para ayudar a abordar esta cuestión mediante la financiación de un Director de Equidad e Inclusión. La financiación para este puesto sería de 2 años y sería contratado por un comité de estudiantes, profesores y personal BIPOC. Este puesto se ocuparía de los casos de injusticia racial y social sistémica, y apoyaría a los estudiantes, el personal y el profesorado de color en la consecución de sus objetivos en WOU.

El Consejo de Administración también debe reevaluar cómo se contrata al profesorado y al personal. Hay una falta de representación BIPOC en la administración, el profesorado y los puestos del personal. El Presidente Fuller debe preparar un plan para establecer una nueva política de contratación de profesores y personal, y un plan que incluya la representación de no menos de un estudiante BIPOC, no menos de un miembro BIPOC de la facultad, y no menos de un miembro BIPOC del personal, para la próxima reunión de la Junta de Síndicos. Además, la Junta de Síndicos debe reconsiderar nuestro plan sobre la reapertura del campus para el período de otoño en su próxima reunión de la Junta de Síndicos, con un punto específico del orden del día con 30 minutos de comentarios públicos sobre el asunto. La junta también debe colaborar con ASWOU para llevar a cabo una serie de foros públicos el próximo otoño 2021, en el que los estudiantes, profesores y personal será capaz de proporcionar información sobre los siguientes temas: Seguridad pública en el campus, racismo en el aula por parte del profesorado, Centro de Salud y Asesoramiento Estudiantil, instituir una clase de competencia cultural y racismo sistemático de primer año para que todos los estudiantes de WOU la tomen en su primer año, instituir un currículo cultural en todas las clases ofrecidas para Licenciaturas y Posgrados en consulta con el Director de Equidad e Inclusión, y la Respuesta COVID-19.

Esta propuesta integral de los estudiantes BIPOC en WOU aborda las principales preocupaciones que los estudiantes de WOU han expresado durante años e instamos a la Junta de Síndicos a tomar medidas mediante la aprobación de nuestras peticiones presupuestarias y recomendaciones de reevaluación. Nos hará falta a todos: estudiantes, profesores, personal, la administración y la Junta de Síndicos para salvar nuestra universidad y restaurar el nivel de confianza, transparencia, responsabilidad, inclusividad y, lo que es más importante, nuestro sentido de comunidad.

Para más información, póngase en contacto con la presidenta de ASWOU IFC, Makana Waikiki, en


11 de abril de 2021

"Como comunidad, hemos depositado nuestra confianza en personas y sistemas que no la merecen. Nos estamos poniendo en peligro cada día que nos levantamos y tratamos de obtener una educación aquí en WOU. Con el aumento de los crímenes de odio, la falta de recursos para las comunidades marginadas, y el aumento en el precio y la dificultad de la educación superior, necesitamos que la Junta de Síndicos priorice nuestras necesidades. Los estudiantes de WOU están presentando esta propuesta, de nuestras necesidades fiscales y de reevaluación que WOU y su administración no han proporcionado a sus estudiantes, personal, profesores y comunidad. Es hora de cambiar".

- Makana Waikiki (ella/ellos) Líder estudiantil y defensora de los derechos de los estudiantes

Homenaje a las experiencias de los estudiantes BIPOC en las universidades de Oregón

This Instagram page holds Oregon universities accountable, one post at a time

Natalie Dean| Editor de entretenimiento

Though the college experience can be an exciting time for many students, there are inherent stressful experiences that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous and People of Color students, and their ability to feel safe on campuses. 

One student at Western Oregon University saw the need for a space where BIPOC students can voice their experiences with racism and harassment, so they created the Instagram account @bipocatoregonuniversities. Students from Western Oregon University, University of Oregon and Oregon State University can submit their stories through Google Forms to be posted anonymously on Instagram. 

The creator of this page first saw a need for a safe space over the summer of 2020. They felt compelled to make the account after being profiled for a second time during winter term of 2021, when trying to buy food at the Valsetz Dining Hall. 

They recounted this experience, “To people it may not be a huge deal, but for me when the simplest task of getting food is met with bias and assumptions based upon how I look, it can be difficult to feel welcome in a place you pay thousands of dollars a term to attend. … The purpose of this page is to make sure that universities do not have any room to think they can silence students of color’s voices by creating policies and forms that statistically deter students rather than helping them get the help and resources they need.”

Since the page started on March 1, students across universities have reached out to safely share their experiences, with the creator of the account saying, “So far this experience has been nothing short of phenomenally amazing. I have received overwhelming support from students around the state, as well as faculty, department heads, staff, and employees. I have encountered a particular post that was extremely ignorant and simply uneducated. I made sure to make an example out of what this page was not created to publicize. This page is for students of color, this is a time for particularly white students, staff and faculty to acknowledge and truly listen to what students on this campus have endured.”

Additionally, “There are always ways for universities to grow and provide support for BIPOC students, such as hiring students of color for student work and leadership positions, a well-funded diversity center and additional supervisors, advisors and counselors of color.

There are many ways white students and staff can uplift BIPOC students, such as by “understand(ing) why our country, and why our world is the way it is. If you see something that is wrong, don’t just stand there and let it happen. Speak up, and just do the right thing. It’s okay to make good trouble.”

Students deserve to feel safe and represented on their campuses, and Instagram pages such as @bipocatoregonuniversities provide a space for students to be heard until the colleges decide to take further measures to address racism at their own schools.

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Homenaje a las experiencias de los estudiantes BIPOC en las universidades de Oregón

This Instagram page holds Oregon universities accountable, one post at a time

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

The college experience can be an exciting time for many students, and it can also be inherently stressful — the days are full of cramming study sessions, keeping up with assignments and too many late nights. Unfortunately, there are larger issues that have been running rampant across many universities in Oregon, ones that heavily impact Black, Indigenous and People of Color students and their ability to feel safe on campuses. 

One student at Western Oregon University saw the need for a space where BIPOC students can voice their experiences with racism and harassment, so they created the Instagram account @bipocatoregonuniversities. They post experiences that are submitted anonymously through Google Forms, it allows for students from Western Oregon University, University of Oregon and Oregon State University to submit their stories anonymously. 

The creator of this page first saw a need for a safe space over the summer of 2020. They felt compelled to make the account after being profiled for a second time during Winter term of 2021, when trying to buy food at the Valsetz Dining Hall. They recounted this experience, “To people it may not be a huge deal, but for me when the simplest task of getting food is met with bias and assumptions based upon how I look, it can be difficult to feel welcome in a place you pay thousands of dollars a term to attend.” 

After experiencing this racial discrimination on Western’s campus, they followed their gut instinct and created the page to share stories from other students of color, and the page has been active since March 1, 2021.

“The purpose of this page is to make sure that universities do not have any room to think they can silence students of color’s voices by creating policies and forms that statistically deter students rather than helping them get the help and resources they need.”

Since the page started, students across universities have reached out to safely share their experiences, with the creator of the account saying, “So far this experience has been nothing short of phenomenally amazing. I have received overwhelming support from students around the state, as well as faculty, department heads, staff, and employees. I have encountered a particular post that was extremely ignorant and simply uneducated. I made sure to make an example out of what this page was not created to publicize. This page is for students of color, this is a time for particularly white students, staff, and faculty to acknowledge and truly listen to what students on this campus have endured.”

Additionally, “There are always ways for universities to grow and provide support for BIPOC students, such as hiring students of color for student work and leadership positions, a well-funded diversity center and additional supervisors, advisors and counselors of color.

There are many ways white students and staff can uplift BIPOC students, by “understand(ing) why our country, and why our world is the way it is. If you see something that is wrong, don’t just stand there and let it happen. Speak up, and just do the right thing. It’s okay to make good trouble.”

Students deserve to feel safe and represented on their campuses, and Instagram pages such as @bipocatoregonuniversities provide a space for students to be heard until the colleges decide to take further measures to address racism at their own schools.

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