Mount Hood

Seis citas de San Valentín en casa

Ideas de citas únicas para este San Valentín en cuarentena 

Allison Vanderzanden Redactora de estilo de vida

Para quienes suelen celebrar San Valentín con una cita extravagante, este año puede resultar decepcionante. Pero estar encerrado en casa no significa que las citas no puedan seguir siendo emocionantes. Acomódate con tu pareja y diviértete con estas ideas. 

  • Pruebe a cocinar la comida favorita del otro o enfréntese a un nuevo plato. Haz un reto creando una cena o un postre solo con los ingredientes que tengas en la despensa. 
  • ¿Todavía tiene ganas de viajar? Varios museos, acuarios y otros destinos populares ofrecen visitas virtuales y retransmisiones en directo. Sumérgete en lugares como el Guggenheim, el Louvre, el Smithsonian, Disney World's Main Street, la Torre Eiffel, acuarios cercanos y mucho más desde la comodidad de tu casa. 
  • Las parejas pueden sentirse cómodas acampando en casa. Monten una tienda en el jardín o construyan un fuerte de mantas en el dormitorio o el salón. Disfruten de unos s'mores -que pueden cocinarse sobre un hornillo de gas o en el microondas- y de perritos calientes. Después de cocinar, dejad a un lado los aparatos electrónicos y disfrutad de vuestra compañía bajo las estrellas o a la luz de las velas. 
  • Ponte elegante y organiza una velada de etiqueta para dos en casa. Disfrázate y saca el champán o la sidra de manzana burbujeante para una cena elegante o una noche de cine. 
  • Las noches de juegos son un clásico, y cada nueva ronda es única. Siéntate a jugar a tu juego de mesa o de cartas favorito, o aprende un nuevo juego de cartas como el Ratscrew egipcio, el GOPS o la Briscola. Los videojuegos también son una opción divertida: organiza una partida uno contra uno de "Super Smash Bros." y "Mario Party", juega en cooperativo a "Minecraft", "Animal Crossing" y "Sigue hablando y nadie explotará" o organiza una partida de Jackbox. 
  • El psicólogo Arthur Aron presentó 36 preguntas que han demostrado generar cercanía en la pareja. Siéntese con su pareja, un amigo o incluso un desconocido y aumente la intimidad hablando de estas cuestiones 36 preguntas según la Universidad de California Berkeley. 

¿Buscas más ideas? Haz una lluvia de ideas con las actividades favoritas de cada uno y decidid cómo pasar San Valentín juntos. 

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Celebra la estación del amor con estas actividades

Ways to spend time this Valentine’s Day if alone or single

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but not everyone has plans this year, or a significant other to spend it with. However, the holiday doesn’t have to be full of sadness or longing for a partner; instead, it can be an opportunity to make the most out of singledom and celebrate love in other ways. Here are some of the best ways to spend time alone when single or without plans:

  • Write letters to family or friends: If spending this holiday solo, love letters or letters of gratitude for friends and family can go a long way. This past year has been hard on everyone, and a small moment of appreciation can mean more to someone than initially thought. It doesn’t have to be pages long, but can highlight favorite memories, inside jokes or a cute message. Go the extra mile and mail them out if needed. 
  • Pampering: There are a ton of takeout and delivery services available to enjoy a nice meal, beverage or sweet treat from home. Or the day can be spent cooking favorite meals or treats at home, with a movie or music. Take a nap, get out of the house, enjoy time in nature ⏤ do whatever brings the most relaxation through the day.
  • Spend time with pets: Valentine’s Day can be spent with pets, either out on a walk, playing, lounging around or by giving them treat after treat. Have a fun photoshoot with pets to commemorate the day together, give them a little Valentine’s with a toy or treat in it and bestow some extra attention (flowers are optional, chocolate not recommended).
  • Random act of kindness: There are plenty of people in our community that need a helping hand, from folks facing homelessness to families in our own neighborhoods. Donating time and resources can make a big difference to those who may be struggling, even if it’s something small. Spread the love by going through old clothes, dishes, home items or unwanted food products and donating them to food pantries and homeless shelters. 
  • Valentine’s Day cards: If there are any kiddos or youngsters in the family, they may really appreciate some chocolates, a toy or Valentine’s Day cards — since they aren’t in classrooms and can’t quite celebrate in the traditional way. It can be an exciting time for children to soak in the holiday, so try out a themed activity with them. Have them make their own cards to give to family members or friends, decorate the house, bake goodies or have a spa day. 

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          Killer cardio to get the blood pumping

          Equipment free cardio workout to do at home

          Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

          Burn some calories and build endurance at home with this equipment free cardio circuit. Do each exercise for 30 to 40 seconds and rest for 20 to 30 seconds in between. Rest for two to three minutes after completing the circuit, then repeat for a total of three times through. Modify as necessary. 

          Jumping jacks: From a standing position, bend the knees slightly and jump; spread legs to about shoulder-width apart and stretch arms out and overhead. Jump back to standing position to complete one rep.

          Burpees: From a standing position, squat down and place hands on the floor. Kick or step the legs back into a plank position, and add an optional push-up. Jump or step the legs forward to return to a squat position, then reach arms overhead and jump into the air. Immediately lower into a squat again and repeat the cycle.

          High knees: Start by standing with feet hip-width apart. Lift up the right knee as high as possible, then quickly alternate so the left knee comes up before the right foot lands.

          Mountain climbers: Begin in a pushup position, and bring the right knee forward to the chest to tap toes in the floor. Quickly switch to bring the left knee forward to complete one rep. Remember to maintain a flat back throughout.

          Skaters: Start with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Jump sideways to the right, landing on the right leg. Bring the left leg behind the right ankle and optionally tap the left foot to the ground for balance. Now jump to the left with the left leg, then continue alternating.

          Jump squats: Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms either down or straight ahead and parallel to the ground. Hinge at the hips to lower down until thighs are parallel to the floor. Press feet downwards to jump off the floor as high as possible. Upon landing, immediately drop back into a squat and repeat.

          Bicycle crunches: Lie face up on the floor with hands behind the head and knees bent. Lift shoulder blades off the ground and raise knees until shins are parallel to the floor. Bring the right knee towards the chest while straightening the left leg. Simultaneously, rotate the torso so the left elbow moves towards the right knee. Switch and pull the left leg up, extending the right leg and twisting so the right elbow touches the left knee, then continue alternating.

          A demonstration of the exercises in this cardio circuit can be found on our YouTube channel @The Western Howl.

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          Creating custom bath bombs

          Destress with DIY bath bombs

          Allison Vanderzanden | Editor de estilo de vida

          What better way to wind down after a stressful day than with a hot bath? Elevate bath time with homemade miniature bath bombs made in an ice cube tray or other silicone mold. Customize the scents, colors and decorations — like dried lavender or sprinkles — as desired. 

          DIY BATH BOMBS

          Start to finish: 1 day

          Yields: 6 medium-sized bath bombs

          1 cup baking soda

          ½ cup citric acid

          ½ cup cornstarch

          1 to 2 teaspoons water or witch hazel

          10 drops essential oil of choice


          Food coloring

          ½ cup Epsom salt

          2 tablespoons coconut, almond or olive oil

          In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. In a separate small bowl, melt the coconut or almond oil if using, then combine wet ingredients.

          While continuously whisking, very slowly drizzle the wet ingredient mixture into the dry ingredients. The wet mixture may also be poured into a spray bottle to make combining easier. The outcome should be similar to a dry, crumbly sand with no clumps. If the mixture gets too wet, the bath bomb will fizz too soon.

          Tightly pack the mixture into the ice cube tray or silicone mold. Let set for 10 minutes, then carefully remove and let harden on parchment paper for 24 hours. Finished product will still be somewhat fragile.

          Store in a mason jar or package in cellophane for gifting.

          Recipe from

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