Western Oregon University alum highlights social work career

MONMOUTH, Ore. - Universidad de Oregón Occidental is proud to highlight the accomplishments of alumnus Michael Waller ‘08. Waller received a bachelor’s degree in social science from Western, leading him to a career in social work.

Western introduced Waller to his two passions which are acting and sociology. Waller shares that he always knew he wanted to help people and while at Western,  learned there were a multitude of avenues he could take. Currently, he is a school social worker at McDaniel High School in Portland and a working actor. 

“One of the biggest things I learned at Western was to take chances. I did not believe that I could get into some of the things I’m into today. I was introduced to some staff at Western who really challenged me,” shared Waller. “They challenged me to have critical thinking and I wouldn’t be where I’m at without it. I recommend Western to everyone.” 

Waller’s story is a testament to Western’s commitment to supporting students in discovering and following their passions. His dedication to supporting youth through social work exemplifies the impactful contributions that Western alumni make to society, showcasing the values of compassion, leadership, and excellence instilled by their alma mater.

Watch Michael Waller’s success story


Acerca de Western Oregon University

La Western Oregon University, fundada en Monmouth en 1856, es la universidad pública más antigua de Oregón. Con cerca de 4.000 estudiantes, Western es una institución de tamaño medio de la División II de la NCAA, con aproximadamente 80% de sus estudiantes procedentes del estado. En particular, su diverso alumnado está formado por personas de orígenes subrepresentados, veteranos y estudiantes no tradicionales. Western es el campus preferido en Oregón para aquellos que buscan una educación enriquecedora en un entorno enriquecedor y centrado en el estudiante, caracterizado por una enseñanza dirigida por el profesorado..  Juntos lo conseguiremos.

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