4/18/2024 – 11:17 a.m.
Dear Campus Community:
The water in the affected campus buildings from yesterday’s water main break was tested and has been deemed safe to use and drink. The boil water notice is no longer in effect.
As a reminder, the buildings are listed below:
- Administration Building
- The Cottage
- Maple Hall
- Campbell Hall
- HSS/Bellamy Hall
- Advising Center
Thank you for your patience.
4/17/2024 – 2:31 p.m.
Dear Campus Community:
The water main break on campus has been repaired and the water is turned back on in the following buildings:
- Administration Building
- The Cottage
- Maple Hall
- Campbell Hall
- HSS/Bellamy Hall
- Advising Center
The water in the above buildings has been sent for testing to ensure safe potability levels.
Until further notice, DO NOT DRINK THE WATER from these buildings, as these buildings are under 24 hour boil water notice from the City of Monmouth. The water in the listed buildings above is safe to use in restrooms and for hand-washing; please refer to the Oregon Health Advisory guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be available in these buildings for an added layer of safety and comfort and water bottles will be placed in these buildings. Individuals are also welcome to bring their own water and hand-sanitizer if they wish.
The water in all other buildings on campus has not been affected and will continue to operate as usual.
Students, faculty, and staff who have been affected by building closures will resume normal schedules tomorrow, April 18.
4/17/2024 – 10:27 a.m.
Dear Campus Community:
Due to a water main break from the steam pipeline construction, the following buildings will not have water pressure, meaning that the restrooms, water fountains, and kitchens are out of service and cannot be used. Water testing will need to occur before water can be deemed potable.
Due to health concerns, faculty, staff, students, and any vendors/visitors must vacate the following buildings:
- Administration Building
- The Cottage
- Maple Hall
- Campbell Hall
- HSS/Bellamy Hall
Faculty and students, please communicate with each other regarding missed classes.
Staff, if you are able to work remotely, please do so. If you are unable to work remotely, you will still be paid for the work day. Please work with your supervisor.
If you have classes or work in buildings on campus not listed above, the water is safe to drink and restrooms and kitchens are operable. Business as usual.
This is an ongoing situation and we will provide an update this afternoon.
Thank you.