As a Member of the NCIEC
WRIEC is a proud member of the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC).
With shrinking federal dollars that must be stretched further, WRIEC coordinates and shares many educational opportunities with its affiliate NCIEC Centers. Comprised of five interpreter education centers and one national center, NCIEC's overall end purpose is to significantly increase the number of qualified and credentialed interpreters and educators in the field.
NCIEC's mission:
Excellence and effective practices in sign language interpreter education.
It's goal:
Maximize resources and reduce unnecessary repetition and expense while promoting innovation, strong partner networks and multiculturalism.
NCIEC accomplishes these goals by forging collaborative links and facilitating practice and product sharing among interpreter education service providers, practitioners, educators, and consumers nationwide. Under this collaborative structure, products and services have been developed for use by educators, practitioners and stakeholders throughout the nation.
Visit on a regular basis to learn more about current and future NCIEC products. For example, is a GREAT website for folks interested in exploring the diverse and varied world of sign language interpreting! Check it out!