Home » Conference Detailed Daily Schedules » Monday August 1st, 2016
Monday August 1st, 2016
Monday, August 1st, 2016
Below is some important information about the sessions today.
In order to watch the live sessions, you will need to have registered for the conference by Saturday, July 30th. You will receive an email that has a link to the WebEx session. Follow that link, sign in to WebEx (using your name and email address), and the presentation will unfold.
Note: Each live session is a different WebEx event. This means you’ll need to leave the Zdenek Keynote and follow a different link for the International Activism Panel. You should receive a different notification email for each event. We understand this may result in you having multiple emails from us, and for that we apologize. At this time, this was the best solution we identified for an online, free conference.
We have alternated most live and video panels to try and provide adequate time and spacing between the different formats and presentations.
Anyone is welcome to participate and engage with the pre-recorded video presentations. We have embedded each of the videos for today below. During the time allotted, we encourage attendees to watch the video and discuss the video and content on Twitter. Please use the hashtag #Caption16.
ACCESS During the Conference
CART for sessions will be embedded within the livestreamed WebEx Event. To support additional access to CART on multiple devices, we are also streaming CART text to an external site.
CART text will be streamed to this address unless otherwise noted for each session. https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CaptionStudies
All CART has been donated by Strada Communications.
ASL interpreters are present only for sessions where one or several speakers use ASL. For this conference, that will be the Captioning Activism panel and the Captioning Research panel.
All ASL Interpreting has been donated by Strada Communications.
Closed Captions for Video
Closed captions have been provided for all pre-recorded video sessions.
All Closed captions have been donated by Strada Communications.
Due to some issues with embedding YouTube videos in this instance of WordPress, we have provided links to the videos on YouTube.
Documents and Handouts
Some speakers and presenters have opted to provide additional handouts or materials for reference during or after their presentation. While we have encouraged presenters to ensure the accessibility of these documents and that they play well with screen readers, we have not been able to vet or convert each of the individual documents.
Schedule Below
Each item below follows the same format
- Time
- Presenter
- Documents and/or pre-recorded video
- Twitter contact information
All times PDT. For specific details about each presenter, please refer to the Presenters’ page.
If you are engaging on Twitter, please use the hashtag #Caption16 for the conference. Individual presenters who have elected to have additional hashtags have indicated them below.
12-1 pm: Live: Keynote
Dr. Sean Zdenek keynoted the opening conference.
Dr. Zdenek will try to address responses and questions posted on Twitter either during or after the presentation. You can find Sean at: @seanzdenek.
Post Conference Update:
1:15-2:30 pm: Live: International Captioning Activism Panel: Stories and Suggestions
This panel is hosted by Dr. Lauren Storck of CCAC, with John Waldo, Braam Jordaan, Darja Pajik, Jim House and Michele Linder.
You can find Lauren at: @CCACaptioning.
Open Caption Video of the Activism Panel
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/0nubr3z5oRw”]
A folder with some related documents from presenters can be found here in a Google Drive folder.
2:45-3:45 pm: Pre-recorded: Caption software: Difficulties in captioning audio entertainment for Deaf and hard of hearing audiences
This is a pre-recorded video.
Here is a link to the open captioned version of this video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VXMkdyIuDAc.
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/VXMkdyIuDAc”]
The presenters will respond to email questions promptly at dfels@ryerson.ca or margot.whitfield@ryerson.ca.
4-5:15 pm: Pre-recorded: Caption user panel: D/deaf Educators
Several panel participants plan to be online for this discussion! Look for them with them to engage with you! Remember to use the conference hashtag: #Caption16.
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/bCJq-FWbdUk” title=”D%2Fdeaf%20educator%20video” cc_load_policy=”1″]
5:30-6:30 pm: Live: DIY Captioning
Captioning activists and pragmatists Mike Lockrey and Mike Ridgway host this panel. Be sure to tweet any questions for them before, during, and after the conference! These gentlemen love talking captions!
Here is the recording of their presentation on DIY captioning. Please note, Mike & Mike have captioned their own video.
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/6KvUUQfHzKE” cc_load_policy=”1″]
Here is a supplemental video that Mike Ridgway created for the conference that he and Michael encourage you to watch, if possible, before their presentation: https://youtu.be/ALMaJtpcDgk
You can also check out their Google Presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aw-ErU7DI7Od6wMqpeCa9karaiDT0OjwQc-dISbBiFM/edit#slide=id.p
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/ALMaJtpcDgk”]
You can find Mike Lockrey here: @mlockrey. Mike Ridgway is also on Twitter: @DIYCaptions .
Post Conference Update: The captioned video should be live during early February 2017.