Central Region GNAD Meeting

I am beginning to understand Ghana time. If something is to start at 9:00, you might leave your home around 9:15 and arrive around 9:30 at which time, other people might be there setting up the chairs and working on the agenda. Everything might begin around 10:00. Or might not. At any rate, this is how the GNAD meeting started on Saturday.

I arrived and began video recording with my iPad. When the memory was full, I switched to my laptop. I have about 3 hours of video – lots of rich data collected! I have backed up the two videos on my laptop, but I have not been able to back up the videos on the iPad. This worries me. I am having difficulty getting online to upload them to Vimeo or YouTube. When I tried putting them in iCloud, the file was too large. I do not think that there is a way to import the videos/back them up on a flash drive. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.

The meeting was primarily an opportunity for the GNAD president to report on his attendance at the World Deaf Federation Congress in Istanbul, Turkey in July. The President asked that everyone in attendance introduce themselves, say where they were from, and what their role was at the meeting. Introductions and the President’s report were followed by the Central Region chair’s report, the minutes report, and several Central Region District reports. Throughout the meeting, attendees were invited to come forward and share thoughts, questions, and concerns.

I am looking forward to working with the GNAD representatives to transcribe the videos and begin doing some analysis.

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