
The WASLI conference officially started last night with a reception. There were speeches, beverages, and appetizers. To top it off, Eve and I picked up a corn on the cob on the way home. This morning, I set up my poster session and then went to the first Keynote session. I sat in on the morning sessions. During the break, the poster presenters went to the room where the tea was being served and stood by our posters. I met people from Nigeria and I met the WASLI Regional Representative who is from South Africa. In the afternoon, I was the time keeper for three sessions. You cannot imagine how stressful that is! 20 minute presentations with 10 minutes for questions and 5 minutes for transition to the next presenter! After that and during the afternoon tea break, I stood by my poster again. I met Paul from Cameroon. He knows some old friends of mine from Gallaudet. I hope to be able to visit Camaroon while I am in Africa.

Paul and I at tea break in front of my poster.

Paul and I at tea break in front of my poster.

2 thoughts on “Conference

  1. We discussed with you @WASLI2015 in Istanbul, Turkey and you were able to come to NIGERIA to facilitate our SIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION workshop unfortunately i was not present but carried along online. We wont forget you. A big thanks to you.

    • Hello, Samuel! Yes, I was sad to find that you were not in Nigeria when I went to visit and present. A big thank you to the organizers. What a wonderful experience for me!

      By the way, I am working on my blog posts about my visit.

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