Curriculum Vitae



University of Washington Information School, Seattle WA
Master of Library Information Science; 2005

University of Oregon, Eugene OR
Batchelor of Arts, English Literature; 1997

Chemeketa Community College, Salem OR
Associate of Arts, 1994



Western Oregon University

Monmouth OR

Dean of Library and Academic Innovation, August 2019 – present

  • Work with faculty and staff to develop a vision and plan for both library services and academic technology; including learning management systems, innovative pedagogical practices, comprehensive support for online, hybrid and technology enhanced courses.
  • Create opportunities for high quality professional development opportunities for faculty.
  • Engage with university faculty through regular attendance at various college, division, program, department, and faculty governance meetings. Advocate for the importance of the Hamersly Library’s and the Center for Academic Innovation’s roles on campus, and maintain their value to the University’s instructional programs.
  • Keep current with library and academic innovation trends; advocate for new technologies and services which complement the University’s mission, values and strategic plan.
  • Manage the budgets for both the Hamersly Library and the Center for Academic Innovation, while working to find and support possible synergies between the two units, and ensure appropriate funding levels are maintained for each.
  • Ensure library and academic innovation services, initiatives, and activities are established with a commitment to diversity and are aligned with the distinctive characteristics of WOU’s student population.
  • Support WOU’s membership and engagement with the Orbis Cascade Alliance, a non-profit consortium of 39 colleges and universities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
  • Facilitate the upholding of the library profession’s unique ethics and standards (e.g., ALA Library Bill of Rights, ALA Code of Ethics, intellectual freedom, right to privacy).
  • Attend local, regional and national conferences appropriate to the position of Dean of Library and Academic Innovation.
  • Seek out grant opportunities and projects to support the Hamersly Library, the Center for Academic Innovation and mission fulfillment.


University of Washington Libraries
Seattle WA

Interim Associate Dean of Libraries for Research and Learning Services, May 2018  – July 2019

  • Provide leadership for Research and Learning Services (RLS), a multiple-department portfolio consisting of: Access Services, Libraries Information Technology Services and Digital Strategies (ITS&DS), Learning Services, Research Services, and Scholarly Communication and Publishing.
  • Directly supervise 4.0 FTE tenured librarian directors as direct reports, and provide oversight of all librarians, professional staff, classified staff, and student employees in the portfolio.
  • Oversee the operations of RLS, providing strategic direction and monitoring the work of the departments and branch libraries.  Work collaboratively with department directors, unit/branch librarians and staff to ensure a high quality of service. Create effective teams to achieve quality services.
  • Foster communication among the RLS departments and with other units in the Libraries.
  • Provide Libraries-wide leadership for development of transformational and user-centered services; Libraries teaching and learning programs; digital strategies; and scholarly communication. Oversee assessment of programs and services.
  • Ensure proper funding allocation and fiscal responsibility for operating and revenue budgets assigned to RLS.
  • Nurture an inclusive environment that supports diversity and equity; create a safe, bias-free working environment that promotes cooperation and mutual respect among all employee groups.
  • Provide leadership as an administrative sponsor for the Public Web Operations Group, Alma Primo Operations Group, Open Access Policy Implementation Team, Teaching and Learning Group, and Tri-Campus Digital Scholarship Group.
  • Keep current with issues and trends in professional librarianship and higher education and provide leadership at local, state, regional and national levels through collaboration with library consortia, professional organizations, task forces and committees.

Director of Access Services, UW Libraries, July 2015 to present

  • Lead a department of 38 FTE employees in Branch Operations Services, Central Circulation Services, Library Account Services, and Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services. 
  • Directly supervise the work of the Head of Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services (1.0 FTE librarian) and the Head of Central Circulation (1.0 FTE professional staff). 
  • Coordinate the system-wide formulation and implementation of access policies in relation to circulation, resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery. 
  • Facilitate understanding of the current priorities and objectives of the University of Washington Libraries among Access Services staff across three UW campuses.  Establish policies, programs and services in accordance with these priorities and objectives with approval of the Senior Associate Dean of University Libraries.
  • Lead strategic planning of the activities of Access Services; implement change management strategies that maximize employee engagement with new initiatives and resources.
  • Contribute to the management and administration of Research & Learning Services and the Libraries by participating in the development of recommendations for Libraries-wide policies, plans, and programs.
  • Monitor security issues in the Libraries. Ensure that security related policies and procedures meet Libraries’ needs.  Serve as security liaison with the University of Washington Police. Serve as the Chair of the Libraries Security Committee. 
  • Provide leadership on open educational resources.  Work within the Libraries and with other entities as needed to develop an awareness of and promote creation and adoption of open educational resources.

Head of Access Services / Research Librarian, UW Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Library, April 2012 to July 2015,

  • Directly supervise the Access Services Manager, Reserves Supervisor, and Evening Circulation Supervisor; provide oversight for six additional staff and eight student employees
  • Serve on the Campus Library Leadership Team and Campus Library Public Services Group. In collaboration with team members, implement programs and services and contribute to the management of public services at the Bothell Campus Library.
  • Establish priorities, assess and develop professional practices and guidelines, nurture a service-oriented philosophy, research and implement appropriate applications of technology, mentor and develop personnel, and foster internal and external communication. 
  • In collaboration with unit supervisors, formulate and implement access policies and procedures in relation to circulation, resource sharing, and course reserves. Coordinate services and training for users and staff.  
  • Represent the Bothell Campus Library on UW Libraries Access Services Committee, Primo Operations Group, and Alma Operations Group.
  • In collaboration with Library Administration, coordinate the handling of situations relating to disruptive patrons and incidents involving library patrons and staff.  

Access Services / Research Librarian, UW Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Library, August 2007 to April 2012,

  • Provide leadership and supervision within Access Services. Directly supervise the Circulation Manager and Evening Supervisor who in turn supervise 4.5 FTE public services staff. 
  • Provide reference in the Library Information Commons and online. Liaise with Disability Support Services at UW Bothell and Cascadia College. 
  • Serve as Outreach Coordinator for K-12 teachers and librarians. Lead the Academic Services Orientations Committee and coordinate orientation activities for the Campus Library. 
  • Keep current on emerging technologies, particularly those related to Circulation, Document Delivery and Reserves, and take an active role in updating web pages related to these areas. 
  • In collaboration with faculty at Cascadia College, provide information literacy instruction for College 101 and English 102 courses. 
  • Serve as selector and liaison librarian for Disability Studies and American Sign Language.

University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries
Las Vegas NV

Head of Access and Delivery Services, January 2007 to August 2007 

  • Provide leadership and supervision for Access and Delivery Services during a transition from two distinct departments (Circulation Services and Document Delivery Services) into one unified department consisting of eight full-time staff and 25-35 student employees. 
  • Lead UNLV Libraries to join the Link+ consortia. In collaboration with systems librarian and unit staff, implement the Link+ borrowing system. 
  • Formulate and implemented access policies and procedures in relation to circulation and resource sharing. 
  • Oversee document delivery / interlibrary loan operations with an eye toward offering new document delivery services for UNLV faculty. 
  • Follow trends and technology related to all areas of Access Services. 

Head of Document Delivery Services, August 2005 to December 2006 

  • Provide leadership and supervision for all aspects of Document Delivery Services consisting of three full-time staff and 3-4 student employees. 
  • Implement ILLiad management software and establish, evaluate, revise, and document policies and procedures to greatly improve services to UNLV faculty, staff, and students. 
  • Customize ILLiad software to streamline OCLC lending, OCLC borrowing, Docline lending, Docline borrowing, and Loansomedoc document delivery into one workflow. 
  • Train all staff on new software and additionally cross-train staff to facilitate cooperation, teamwork, and balancing of variable workloads. 

Northwest / Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Seattle WA

Library Research Assistant, March 2004 to June 2005

  • Provide reference and research support in biology, physiology, chemistry, mathematics, and environmental sciences using print and electronic reference tools. 
  • Provide interlibrary loan and document delivery services to local and remote scientists using tools appropriate to library workflow and user needs. 
  • Maintain awareness of national interlibrary loan trends and issues. 
  • Stay current with and develop comprehensive understanding of copyright issues related to document delivery and interlibrary loan services. 
  • Identify and resolve errors within the library online catalog. 
  • Revise and construct catalog records, both original and copy cataloging. 
  • Contribute to collection development in print and digital formats.

University of Washington Libraries
Seattle WA

Graduate Student Assistant, August 2003 to February 2004

  • Inform patrons of Library services and collections, make referrals to other Libraries and Campus organizations
  • Help patrons locate library materials, assist patrons at workstations with software and search questions including the online library catalog and other databases
  • Assist patrons with the operation of computers, printers, and/or photocopiers, and answering phones 
  • Circulate materials using Innovative Interfaces catalog

University of Oregon Libraries
Eugene OR

Circulation / Reserves and Videos Student Coordinator, January 2000 to July 2003  

  • Provide leadership in matters regarding customer service, workflow, and staff training for circulation and reserve processing. 
  • Hire, train, supervise, and provide informal and formal performance evaluation for 30-40 student employees. Manage student wage budget. 
  • Lead a comprehensive New Student Assistant training program once per year; provide additional training for student and hourly employees as needed. 
  • Design, develop and maintain online procedural manuals for students and staff. 
  • Assess need for copyright permission for reserve materials. Oversee production workflow of electronic reserves and processing of paper reserves using the Innovative Interfaces reserve subsystem. 
  • Provide circulation assistance and issue resolution to library patrons. 

Interlibrary Loan Assistant, June 1997 to December 1999

  • Provide interlibrary borrowing services to students, staff and faculty. 
  • Assist with exploration, evaluation and integration of new technologies. 
  • Evaluate, revise, and document departmental policies and procedures. 
  • Create training and procedural documentation for applications used by the department.
  • Serve as contact for patron concerns as well as questions from staff at other libraries. 
  • Process difficult/problematic borrowing and lending requests. 
  • Process and report data for copyright compliance. 
  • Assist with initiation and monitoring of resource sharing agreements. 

Interlibrary Loan Student Assistant, December 1994 to June 1997

  • Provide customer service related to interlibrary loan requests.
  • Photocopy articles. 
  • Page books from stacks, mail articles and books.
  • Enter temporary bib/item records into Innovative Interfaces catalog. 
  • Search OCLC and produce ILL borrowing requests, perform data entry in OCLC ILL system. 

Honors and Awards

  • UW Libraries Allen Transformation Award of $12,000 for Open Textbooks by UW Faculty, 2017.  
  • Orbis Cascade Alliance John F. Helmer Professional Development Award of $3000 for Copyright First Responders Program, 2017
  • UW Libraries Friends of the Libraries Grant of $5000 for Rebus Open Textbooks Pilot, 2016
  • ALA Emerging Leaders Program Scholarship, 2009


Batchelor, M. (2018). Transforming Publishing with a Little Help From Our Friends: Supporting an Open Textbook Pilot Project with Friends of the Library Grant Funding. OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians. Pacific University Press. 

Batchelor, M., Frederiksen, L. Hofer, A., Lantrip, J. Snoek-Brown, J. Schoppert, J., Smith, P. and Tucker, B. (2017). Pacific Northwest OER Directory.

Batchelor, M., Rutner, J., Matthias, C., and Chow, L. (June 2010). Accessibility / Usability Survey of the American Library Association (ALA) Website. ALA Connect. American Libraries Association,

Batchelor, M. (Sept 2009). Bringing the Immersion program back home. College & Research Library News 70.8, p. 445. 

Batchelor, M. (2007) Head of Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services. In Shontz, Priscilla K. and Richard A. Murray, (Eds.), A Day in the Life: Career Options in Library & Information Science, (pp. 144-147). Westport, CT : Libraries Unlimited.

Workshops and Presentations


Batchelor, M. “Welcome to the Rebus Community: Unlocking the Future of the Open Textbook.” Presented at Access Services Conference, Atlanta GA, November 2017. 

Batchelor, M. Danneker, J. Marlowe, J. & Thompson, E. “Equity, Access, and Innovation: Open Textbooks @ UW.” Facilitated Open Textbook Workshop, Seattle WA, April 2017.

Batchelor, M. “Copyright and OER.” Presented at Open Education Day Workshop, Bothell WA, April 2017.

Batchelor, M. “Current Campus Efforts at University of Washington.” Washington Student Association Textbook Summit, Tacoma WA, December 2016.

Batchelor, M., Billings, M., Cullier, C., Ernst, D., Lauristen, K., McGuire, H. & Smith, J. (2016) “The Future is Now: a Network-Based Approach to the Next Generation of Open Textbooks.” Panel at Open Education Conference, Richmond VA, November 2016. 

Batchelor, M. & Hofer, A. (2016) “Collaboration and Cross Pollination: Creative Solutions to OER Challenges.” Pre-conference Workshop at ACRL-Oregon & Washington Joint Fall Conference, Corbett OR, October 2016.

Batchelor, M. “The Open Textbook Publishing Pilot: a Collaborative Approach to the Next Generation of Open Textbooks.” Presented at Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, July 2016, Portland OR

Batchelor, M. (2015) “Access Services 2020.” Presented at Access Services Conference, Atlanta GA, November 2015.

Batchelor, M., Munson, D., Thomas, J. & Weston, M. (2015) “General Electronic Services & Display Logic Rules.” Presented at Orbis-Cascade Summer Meeting, Portland OR, July 2015 and via Webcast January 2016.

Batchelor, M. (2014) “Work Orders for Fulfillment.” Presented at Orbis-Cascade Summer Meeting, Portland OR, July 2014 and via Webcast January 2015.

Batchelor, M., & Romaine, S. (2014) “Take the travail out of your work!: Alma Work Orders Explained.” Presented at ELUNA, Montreal Quebec Canada, May 2014.

Batchelor, M., Peterson, R.  & Smith, D. (2014) “Alma Fulfillment implementation tips & tricks.” Panel at Cohort 3 Functional Workshop, Portland OR, March 2014.

Batchelor, M. & Waddell, K. (2014) “Alma Fulfillment training: front line services.” Presented at Cohort 3 Functional Workshop, Portland OR, March 2014.

Batchelor, M., Estes, R., Parker, S. & Garrard, T. (2013) “CAREful change: Supporting users and each other through times of significant change.” Presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Washington and Oregon Joint Conference 2013, Pack Forest WA, October 2013.

Batchelor, M. and Johnson, A. (2012) “Let’s Get Ready! Leading an Effective Team Through a Time of Transformation.” Presented at Access Services Conference, Atlanta GA, November 2012.

 “Sharing Our Collections: Looking to the Future. (2012) Coordinated and moderated on behalf of the LLAMA SASS / RUSA STARS Cooperative Remote Circulation Committee at ALA Annual, Anaheim CA, June 2012. 

Batchelor, M. “Mobile Madness: Mobile Apps for Access Services.” (2011) Lightening talk presented at FEAST: Future and Emerging Access Services Trends, sponsored by LLAMA SASS Access Services Committee at ALA Annual, New Orleans LA, June 2011.

Batchelor, M. and Romaine, C. “Future Ready 365 and the Future Ready Job Search.” (2011) Presented at Special Libraries Association, Seattle Chapter Student Night, April 2011. 

Batchelor, M. and Fredericksen, L. “Electronic Reserves: Change is Our Constant Companion.” (2010) Presented at Access Services Conference 2010, Atlanta GA, November 2010. 

Batchelor, M. “Training Technologies A-Zed: Getting Started With Training Innovation.” (2010) Presented at Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference 2010, Portland OR, September 2010.

Batchelor, M.  “Jing Screencasting and Information Literacy Instruction.” (2009) Presented at InfoCamp, Seattle WA, October 2009. 

Batchelor, M. “Cool Tools 2.0: Jing.” (2009) Lightning talk presented at Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference, Portland OR, September 2009.

Batchelor, M. and Rossi, J. “Worldcat Navigator Regional Training Workshop.” (2008) Presented at OCLC Western Service Center, Lacey WA. November 2008 and Washington State University, Pullman WA, November 2008.

Batchelor, M. and Bridgewater, R. “Copyright for ILL: an introduction.” (2008) Presented at Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference, Portland OR. September 2008.

Professional Service


Standing Committees


University Technology Advisory Committee, 2019 – present
Co-chair, 2019 – present

Academic Affairs Executive Committee, 2019 – present

Search Committees, Task Forces, Teams


University Technology Advisory Committee, Accessibility and Inclusion Subcommittee, 2020 – present

University Technology Advisory Committee, Learning Management Review Subcommittee, 2019-2020


University of Washington

Standing Committees

UW Libraries Cabinet, 2018 – 2019

Collections and Resources Council, 2017 – 2019

UW Police Department Campus Security Advisory Committee, 2015 – 2019

UW Libraries Security Committee, 2015 – 2019
Chair, 2015 – 2018

UW Libraries Council, 2015 – 2019

Research and Learning Services Core Directors Team, 2015 – 2019

UW Libraries Open Educational Resources Steering Committee (Co-chair), 2015 – 2018

UW Libraries Alma-Primo Operations Group, 2013 – 2019

UW Libraries Primo Operations Group, 2011 – 2016 

Academic Services Orientations Team (Coordinator), 2008 – 2015

UW Libraries Access Services Committee, 2007 – 2019
Chair, 2015 – 2018

Bothell Campus Library Web Team, 2007 – 2015
Chair, 2011 – 2015

UW Bothell Academic Services User Needs Committee (Co-chair), 2007 – 2008

Search Committees, Task Forces, Teams

Research and Learning Services Organizational Review Initiative Task Force, 2017

UW Libraries Scholarly Communication and Publishing Outreach Librarian Search Committee (Chair), 2017

University of Washington Accessible IT Capacity Building Institute, 2016-2017

UW Libraries Media Center Review Task Force (Chair), 2016

Bothell Campus Library Head of Access Services / Research Librarian Search Committee, 2015

UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan /Document Delivery Harmonization Implementation Team, 2008 – 2009

UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan Harmonization Task Force, 2008 

Regional and National

Orbis Cascade Alliance Board of Directors, 2021 – present

Orbis Cascade Alliance Copyright First Responders Planning Team, 2017 – 2020

Orbis Cascade Alliance Shared Integrated Library System Contract Negotiation Team, 2017 – 2018

Open Educational Resources Pacific Northwest Interest Group, October 2016 – 2018
Co-chair, 2016 – 2017 

Open Textbook Network, 2015 – 2018

Orbis Cascade Alliance SILS Implementation Team, 2014 – 2015

Orbis Cascade Alliance Circulation and Resource Sharing Working Group, 2013 – 2015
Chair, 2014 – 2015

ALA LLAMA SASS Executive Committee, 2010 – 2012

ALA LLAMA SASS / RUSA STARS Cooperative Remote Circulation Committee (Chair), 2010 – 2012

ALA LLAMA SASS Circulation Access Services Committee, 2009 – 2011

Orbis Cascade Alliance WorldCat Navigator Implementation Team, 2008 – 2009 

Pacific Northwest Interlibrary Loan Conference Planning Committee, 2007 – 2015
Chair, 2007 – 2009

ALA LLAMA SASS Circulation Access Services Discussion Group, 2007 – 2013
Chair, 2011 – 2012
Co-Chair, 2010 – 2011
Secretary, 2009 – 2010