I have worked on a number of projects over the years. Since I suspect most readers don’t want to read pages of text summarizing my projects, there is a bulleted list of one-sentence summaries of some of the ones I’ve worked on at WOU, and you can check out our publications below.
- Do native crayfish interact differently with conspecifics compared to an invasive species?
- Do honeybees use magnetic fields to orient?
- How does foot size and shape affect crawling in garden snails?
- How does population density affect fruit fly reproduction?
- Do fruit flies orient using magnetic fields?
Peer-reviewed Publications
Baltzley MJ, Nabity MW. 2018. Reanalysis of an oft-cited paper on honeybee magnetoreception reveals random behavior. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb185454. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.185454 PDF
Hemmert H, Baltzley MJ. 2016. Relationship between size and speed in a terrestrial snail. Biological Bulletin. 230 (1): 78-84. https://doi.org/10.1086/BBLv230n1p78 PDF
James TA, Baltzley MJ, Davis S, Zachary ED, Latham KL. 2016. Innate directional preferences of Drosophila melanogaster. PURE Insights. 5 (1): 3.
Gibbons KR, Baltzley MJ. 2014. Differing synaptic strengths between homologous mechanosensory neurons. Invertebrate Neurobiology. 14 (2): 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10158-014-0168-2 PDF
Baltzley MJ, Sherman A, Cain SD, Lohmann KJ. 2011. Conservation of a Tritonia Pedal peptides network in gastropods. Invertebrate Biology. 130: 313-324. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7410.2011.00242.x PDF
Baltzley MJ, Gaudry Q, Kristan WB Jr. 2010. Species-specific behavioral patterns correlate with differences in synaptic connections between homologous mechanosensory neurons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 196 (3): 181-197. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-010-0503-y PDF
Baltzley MJ, Lohmann KJ. 2008. Comparative study of TPep-like immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of nudibranch molluscs. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 72 (3): 192-206. https://doi.org/10.1159/000157356 PDF
Baltzley MJ, Paradise CJ, Dunson WA. 1999. Interactive effects of density and water sodium concentration on insect larvae inhabiting tree holes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 14 (1): 113-124. PDF
Finished…but rejected. If you know of a journal that likes negative results, please let me know!
Baltzley MJ, Zachary ED, James TA, Barton S, Wallace NE, Torrez SR, McKechnie MM, Mendazona RL, Franco Ramos MC, Crumrine TA, Latham-Scott KL. Using artificial selection to assay magnetic field orientation in Drosophila. Twice submitted, twice rejected. 🙁 PDF