Madalyn’s Manifesto

ManifestoI write about anything and everything
I write not so the world can see me, but so that I can see the world

I write because I want an escape
I write because I feel compassion towards my characters and their life stories
I write because it is how I learn and discover the world
I write because I get to express a simple concept into a novel
I write because I can be myself and ask all the questions I want and then answer them in the most realistic way

I write to understand consequences for actions
I write to understand what happens in the psyche of individuals based on background and experience
I write to understand psychology
I write to understand mental health
I write to understand people

I write to predict what may be out there in the world
I write to experience adventure
I write to free my imagination
I write to understand my feelings in relation to my actions

I write because I am empowered by strong leads
I write because it helps me be a better listener
I write because my mind and heart can’t be controlled
I write because it teaches me about my feelings and my questions
I write because it is my mind and my heart coming together to create something beautiful

I write to experience emotions I’ve never felt before
I write to understand the importance of life and love
I write to have a connection with something inside myself
I write to understand my complex self
I write to discover myself

I write to know what love feels like
I write to know what loss feels like
I write to know what fear feels like
I write to know what trust feels like
I write to know what forgiveness feels like

I write because I feel misunderstood in the real world but understood in my world
I write because it shows me what I value and what I find is important
I write because I’m a hopeless romantic
I write because I can learn and understand other people’s values
I write because it opens up parts of myself that only come out when truly inspired

I write to experience an alternate universe that is just as real as this life
I write to experience love, grief, betrayal, etc. in the fiercest moments life has to offer
I write to detach from my own body and immerse myself in the moment of a fully developed fictional character
I write to gain empathy of the struggles of people that are so different from each other
I write to live situations that I would never experience on my own

I write to understand why people do what they do because of who they are and how they feel
I write to connect with many alter egos that could respond and view a situation in a many various ways
I write to feel emotions that I could only feel through the life of a character
I write to connect with a deep piece of my soul that can only ever be expressed through writing

I write because as any person in this society, I am attracted to things that are different from myself
I write because no one will judge me there
I write because I feel like my writing supports me and gives me answers
I write because I can experience more excitement and involvement than the real world
I write because when reality slows down, an alternate reality comes to life

I write to quench my curiosity
I write to understand the world I live in
I write to explain to people how I see the world
I write to live vicariously through others
I write to filter the chaos of my mind into one fluid mosaic of literature

I write to make sense of the world in all its glory and catastrophe
I write to live adventure, learn new things, and grow
I write to learn from the mistakes of my characters
I write to love myself and others no matter what the circumstance
I write to live within the enigma of myself and expand it to the world
I write to no one and I write for no one but myself

7 thoughts on “Madalyn’s Manifesto

  1. This is great! I write for many of the same reasons. Although, honestly, I don’t really write for myself, or at least not only for myself. I think writing to learn might fall under that category, but that’s something I’m still figuring out. Writing to gain empathy is also a really interesting idea.

  2. Your manifesto honestly inspired me! It was such a great reminder of how diverse writing can be, and all the wonderful ways we can use it. Because it is such a magnificent thing, I often forget all of it’s possibilities and potentials that it has to offer. Through all of life’s phases, chapters, and emotions, writing is a constant friend. I especially enjoyed the line that explained how writing allows you to experience things you would not have access to otherwise. Writing can transport us, take us on a journey, and allow us to venture deeper and further into the world.

  3. For a lot of your reasons I felt the same, except for reading. “I read to quench my curiosity, to understand the world I live in,” etc. It is interesting that you get all of these different experiences from writing. Writing must be very important to you, and that is great, as are all of your reasons. Just a few would be enough for most people, but if I counted right you gave around 60! Excellent!

  4. You have done a wonderful job at making me realize what I gain from writing and why I do it. If someone had asked me why I write, I would have probably told them that I simply enjoy it, but that’s not entirely true. You’ve listed so many incredibly different reasons as to why we write, reasons we don’t actively think about or acknowledge.

  5. This reminded me of some of the reasons I decided to double degree in Psychology–to help fuel my writing and help me understand parts of life by writing, but informed by psychology. I like how diverse you are with the reasons to write. I especially loved the part about writing to feel the various emotions you might not otherwise feel.

  6. I love the form that your manifesto takes, and the picture fits with it so perfectly. I also find that the reasons I write are multifold. I love the concept of discovery writing and the idea that writing can do so much for us. I don’t understand people who say that they don’t like to write. Sometimes, I don’t like writing either, but it’s something that helps me do so much that I don’t know how I would be a functional human without it. Thanks for sharing, Madalyn.

  7. You have so many personal purposes for why you write, and it took me a long time to even figure it one for myself. This piece was excellent, and I especially loved the very last line. That’s definitely an inspiring thought, and I hope that I can take that notion and incorporate it into my own work as well.

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