10-30-2005 6:36 PM
My cat is totally goofy right now...the catnip mouse I brought home from the store may have something to do with that.
Not that I was at the store just for a catnip mouse...
Jeff e-mailed me back already.  15 hours and 22 minutes after I e-mailed him.  Compared to not even getting back to me after more than three days, that's progress.  The bad news is, he fell asleep behind the wheel (!) and wrecked his car...the good news is, he'd like to get together sometime, probably this weekend.  I think this might actually be going somewhere.  And a weekend event, not involving being anywhere near work...that might officially constitute a date.
I'm, like, totally disgustingly happy.
So, naturally, I had to hit the store for a few essentials of life.  Shampoo, conditioner, hair accessories, more makeup.  I should've restocked on chocolate too, I'm almost out.

10-29-2005 11:50 AM
I slept in until 10:30 today.  Which should be good, but...I was figuring on 11:30 for the 8 hours, based on when I crashed...and that wasn't figuring in that I was up for a while after that, crying.  I forgot to take the sleep meds last night...or this morning, whatever...so I woke up earlier than I needed to.
I don't deserve Jeff.  If I really care, I'll stop chasing him now, before anything gets started that could hurt him. 'Cause I ought to be happier about his life not getting screwed up--I know what kind of experience he sidestepped--but instead I was eating chocolate and then crying last night 'cause that decreased my perceived odds of dating him and 'cause I realized what a jerk that made me and I did not want to know that about myself.

11:34 PM
OK, I think I'm pulling it together.
One thing I have to remember is, everything that messes with my head is going to seem a bit worse as long as my brain chemistry's out of whack enough that I need to be on antidepressants.  So that undoubtedly magnified the latest episode of crappiness.
Another thing is...Jeff could do better, but...he could also do a lot worse.  For one thing, I'm not one of those manipulative girls that give the gender a bad name...I also at least try not to make excuses for stuff that's messed up about me, and when I contribute to a problem, I do my best to own my side of it.  So...I guess it's Jeff's own place to decide if he can put up with me.

10-28-1005 4:54 PM
I'm meeting Jeff at work at probably about 8:30.
It'll be a miracle if I still have fingernails.
And I don't know what to wear...if I should do laundry so I can wear the outfit I really want to, or if I should just save that outfit for next time...and hope there is a next time...
Should I put any makeup on?
Is it even a date?  I'm theoretically the one who ought to know that, since I'm the one who asked to make the plans...but...neither of us actually used the word, and there's no food or movie involved.  But it is a Friday night. There are indicators leaning both ways...so I DON'T KNOW.

8:04 PM
I'm probably leaving any minute now.
I think I ran the building out of hot water, a couple hours ago...hair has been washed repeatedly, and then brushed, blowdried, re-brushed, re-blowdried, etc.
Different outfit, 'cause I decided it wasn't worth it to go to all the hassle of doing laundry.  I can always wear that outfit next time or something anyway.
There is makeup involved.
I still have fingernails...how the heck did that happen?
And I can't believe how nervous I am.  I just hope Jeff's at least relatively OK...but what exactly is relatively OK when someone's been up until 6 AM worrying?

11:44 PM    Definitely not a date
That wasn't the Friday night I had planned.
A bunch of people didn't show up to work, so a few minutes after I got to Valsetz, the student supervisor on duty practically begged me to clock in and pull my work shirt on and help.  I couldn't say no...and I got practically no time after that to hang out with Jeff.  We weren't even in visual range to flirt, most of the time.  I spent the night making pizza instead of getting closer to the guy I've been trying to date for probably a year now.  That was definitely not a date.
In the few minutes we actually got to talk, I found out that he worked his problem with his supervising teacher out, so everything's OK for him.  I should be freaking ecstatic about that...but...this is going to prove that I have a huge selfishness-type character flaw...there goes my chance to be supportive and helpful and all that.
And...all that angst and panic and hot water...for nothing.
I'm glad everything's OK for Jeff.  It's good for him, and it's also one less thing for me to worry about.
But I'm horribly, selfishly, incredibly sad for myself.
I shouldn't be.  There was no fight, and he didn't mention already having a girlfriend or anything like that.  In short, I still have the same chance with Jeff that I always did.
Just not the chance I thought for a while that I might have.

10-27-2005 11:09 PM
I still haven't heard from Jeff.
He said he'd get back to me in a day or two.  Two days ago.
I know it's probably fine...probably a simple matter of him losing track of time.  If he's staying up until 6 AM...maybe even cutting classes since they've got to feel pointless now...no big surprise that he might lose track of exactly how many days it's been.
I really need to crash so I can get up early.  I actually do know this.
But I want to stay up so that if Jeff e-mails I'll be online and maybe if the system's working fast we'll be able to talk a bit.

11:59 PM
I give up, I'm gonna crash.
And my headache's coming back again.
It just doesn't freaking stop.

10-26-2005 11:58 AM
I need a few really good cramming days to catch up on everything.
I also need to be online in case Jeff tries to get ahold of me--he still hasn't written back again.  That makes me worry, since I'm familiar with some of the crap that must be running through his head.  If he hasn't gotten back to me by the time I get home from math lecture, I'm gonna see if the phone number in last year's student directory is still right.
I always sort of figured that I'd eventually have a boyfriend.  What I didn't figure on was that, even in the process of trying to get into a relationship, I'd be giving someone else's problems the ability to mess with my head.  And the crazy thing is, I'm not totally sure that's a bad thing.

9:35 PM
This totally sucks.
I actually psyched myself up to call Jeff after math...but the number he used in last year's student directory didn't work.  So I'm still worrying.
If Jeff and I end up dating, I must train him to be online more.

10-25-2005 2:32 PM    I officially can't cope...
The good news is, I heard back from Jeff.
The bad news is, he's having a crappy time too--trouble in the program, with his supervising teacher, to the point where it's looking like he's going to have to change majors.  Not all that dissimilar to what happened to me last year, really...it's kind of spooky.
I keep thinking, "I can't believe it, I can't believe they're doing this to him," but the problem is, I can believe it, 'cause it's a lot like what they did to me.  And I know it's still true that this is a great school to have a degree from, in education--the problem is, I'm having more and more doubts about whether it's a decent school to go through.  The fact is, there's no support structure for if anything goes wrong--even tiny stuff becomes a dealbreaker.  Doesn't seem right to me.  I'm actually thinking again about putting in transfer applications to other schools.  I was so upset when I heard about this that it literally took me over an hour to calm down enough to eat lunch (I'm not totally sure I'm digesting it); I'm getting a headache (possibly not related since I had a nasty one yesterday too, but quite possibly related since it seemed to be at least almost gone); and, I'm at home now: I've pretty much decided to cut math and art today--I know for sure about math, boring anyway, I'd be better off just doing the homework; we'll see if I'm feeling up to an almost three-hour class tonight, but I suspect I won't be.  I don't have the homework remotely done, the headache feels like it's gonna be a bad one, and I apparently, other than for the headache and the ability to freak out a bit, have no brain.
I'm a week overdue on getting in for my interview, and it's definitely gonna be at least another week.
I officially can't cope.  If anything else goes wrong, I'm gonna start hitting my head against a wall.
The one good thing is, because of the crap that happened last year with my application, I'll possibly be a good person for Jeff to be around.

I guess there are two things really messing with my head about this:
1) Bad enough that they screwed me over, they shouldn't mess with my friend!
2) I've been sort of figuring that if I can just get into the program, I'll get through and everything'll be OK.  And now that this happens, I have to think, maybe that's not true.

5:18 PM
I'm definitely not in Art tonight.
Dishes are clean.  Living room is slightly better than it was this morning.
Homework, not so much.
Head, still not clear...headache receding just a little, but still non-fun.
And I forgot to write this earlier, but...thank God I didn't use the phrase "How's term 3 going?" in casual conversation at any time.  I hated answering "How's it going" questions back when all my stuff was falling to crap.

8:57 PM
One other thing I forgot to write earlier: if the timestamp was right, Jeff sent that e-mail at around 6 AM...and it was from a Hotmail address, so odds are it was right...and he said he'd been up all night worrying.  So now I'm worried.

10-24-2005 12:03 PM
1) I really could've used some caffeine this morning
2) This morning, I got a refill of the antidepressants, and my doctor wants me to try out an increased dosage.  Much angst--I do NOT want to get stuck on these things.
3) Eww.  Headache.

10-20-2005 10:11 AM
I'm an idiot…caffeine + no breakfast = Avrila gets the shakes in class.
Hopefully I'll be able to grab a snack between classes…this sucks.

10-18-2005 10:29 PM
This is freaking insane.
I was supposed to have my ed program interview today--but some of the professors wandered away or something, so I didn't have any interviewers...so I'm being rescheduled, probably for sometime next week.
Which means, I changed from pants, socks, and boots into a skirt, nylons, and dress shoes for the interview for nothing, and wasted a dose of that anti-anxiety stuff too.
And I'm gonna need to get into the clinic for a restock on the antidepressants--I'm down to less than a week's worth.  I want to get off them eventually--but not by running out and quitting all at once.  That would probably be exceptionally bad.
I should've come straight home after class and studied.  Stuff's been piling up because my head's been on interview stuff, not on studying.  Well, I came home...to drop my books off and pick up the car.  I needed a spicy chicken burrito SOOOOOO bad after how this day went.  And then I've been too freaking tired...so screw it, I'm gonna catch some sleep.
It's not that piled up...I'll hit it hard until the weekend.

10-13-2005 11:01 AM
Professor just got here--he's running 1 minute behind.  Blames clocks being set to different times.
I've had professors who would've chewed people out for showing up 1 minute late.
Oh well, I guess this beats having an anal-retentive prof.

Professor's using chocolate ice cream references to explain "something he values"--professor ALMOST owed me a monitor cleaning

10-10-2005 11:25 AM
Note to self: sleep meds and staying up too late playing computer games is a very bad combination.
Application stuff got turned in Friday...interview's a week from tomorrow...homework's piling up a little 'cause I over-relaxed over the weekend.  No big deal, I'll try to hit it hard tonight.
The antidepressants are definitely kicking in, and I've got an appointment tomorrow to find out about something that might help with short-term special-occasion-anxiety kinds of things like the interview.  I don't know if I totally like the idea, on the other hand I wouldn't have to use it a lot.
Now...must finish summary for nonverbal com...and then if I have time, find a snack, because not having time for breakfast sucks.

9-26-2005 9:29 AM
It's a new term...a new year, even...another fresh start.
I've ordered MSAT score copies...still must order CBEST score copies...and see if the Ed office still has both of the above on file or if I need to petition to turn scores in late.  No big deal, that petition at least they rubber-stamp.
And...eek.  I've got a counseling center appointment for Wednesday.  Which I should've done last year.  That one's my fault.
Also I've got an appointment at Career Services...and I have a feeling I'm not going to accidentally blow this one off, partly because I'm at least borderline-coherent now (as opposed to the first few days after February 17th) and partly because this one's about getting into the program, not doing something else instead.
I need an ibuprofen (left back at the apartment).
I can't check in with my friends because I didn't bring my ethernet cable (left back at the apartment).
Landlord didn't come over last night after all to mess with the receiver...so I need to get home right after my meeting with Jennifer in case he shows up so that I'm at least there when he meets my new cat...'cause he's basically a decent sort and will probably cut me some slack on the minor breach-of-lease in getting the order wrong on doing paperwork, putting down deposit, and then getting a new pet...however his reasonableness might be strained if U-Turn (called that for the multiple kinks at the end of his tail--he was born that way, so possibly a genetic defect, result of inbreeding, etc.) gives him cat scratch fever.
I'd go home and get ibuprofen and ethernet cable now, and lock cat in bathroom, but I didn't drive today and my feet don't feel like making extra trips.
Oh, and I didn't get to the pool this morning after all...I got up early enough, but even the thought of physical activity was unappealing what with the back pain...I think I need to hot-soak my back again, along with the ibuprofen.  And maybe some chiropractic sessions to put everything back together after carrying stuff around all vacation...I guess I'd better call Doc Johnson on that one.

2:26 PM
I just ran into Jennifer and she changed her schedule, so she's not going to be able to meet until 6...so it'll be worth it after all to go home after Math and then come back, I think, unless I get in some kind of mental groove where I can just hit the math homework for those two hours.  That'd be OK too...in which case, it'll be class, homework, meeting, home for dinner, call landlord and see if he can make time tonight to fix the TV thing because it's getting moderately annoying (unless it's working when I get back, which would be OK too except I'd have to wonder if U-Turn left claw marks).

9-21-2005 10:24 AM London time, 2:24 AM Monmouth time
Here I am again in Heathrow.  No trouble at all sleeping last night--I was insanely tired.  Unfortunately I'm fairly sure I got less than 8 hours...and I'm going to be up for at least 19 hours (probably more because I expect I'll jump on the internet for a while when I get home)...I can do it, though--with caffeine, anything is possible.  I'm even kind of tired now, so as soon as I get the chance I'm getting a Coke or something.
There's a TV on in the room where I'm waiting, but it's the news so I'm not really watching.  It's crazy, though...I haven't actually watched any TV in over two weeks, almost two and a half because of that glitchiness with the satellite service.  I ought to be going crazy, and I'm definitely going to turn it on when I get home, but I'm actually relatively OK.
Hmm...I'm in an airport terminal and there are restaurants around...maybe one of them has Coke or something similar...

4:22 PM Chicago time, 2:22 PM Monmouth time
I was actually gonna set up a pay-as-you-go account to use the wi-fi here.  $6 an hour is a lot for me, but I was only gonna use it for an hour or an hour and a half anyway, and I miss actually using my own computer for stuff, so I was gonna deal with it.
But as I was trying to set up an account to give them money, the network kept booting me off.
Not a great advertisement for them.
Oh well...I'll be in Portland in roughly six and a half hours...and Portland has free wi-fi, so I can use that to let everyone know I've landed...and I'll be home sometime after that, and home has wi-fi too...
Hopefully I won't be totally wrecked...the problem is, to me it's already 10:30 PM.

5:17 PM Chicago time, 3:17 PM Monmouth time
As much fun as sitting on the floor, watching my battery charge, and playing Spider Solitaire is...well, my computer battery's now at 88%, but my brain's significantly lower than that, it needs the kind of recharge that comes from caffeine.  So, I now go in search of Coke or similar.

12:36 AM Monmouth time, technically the next day but I don't care
I'm finally home.  And freaking exhausted.

9-20-2005 6:04 PM London time, 10:04 AM Monmouth Time
About 18 hours from now, I'll get on a plane to go to Chicago and eventually home.
About 35 hours from now, I'll land in Portland.
Maybe about 36 hours from now (depending on traffic and if I can con one parental unit or the other into stopping by Subway), I'll be home.
I'm just about ready, too.  My feet hurt from walking around so much in so many places--my blisters just about have blisters, and where my feet aren't blistery they're just sore.  I don't even wanna know what my credit card balance is right now.  I've probably also done bad things to my checking account.
It's been great.
I needed a break from normal life SOOO bad.  And I don't totally want to go back to some of it...but that's my life, that's what I've got to face.  It already hurts again, just thinking about it..."again," what "again," still.  I never did manage to shake that sometime every day, the knowledge that I don't measure up pops back into my head.  That part still sucks beyond belief.  It's been easier than usual, these last two weeks, to distract myself from that stuff, most of the time--we'll see if that lasts.
It's my own fault, though, that this hit me so hard.  Over the last few years I've let school and teaching-related stuff push just about everything else out of my life...I've held down a few jobs because I had to, but they've never been part of my identity.  Outside of ClubED, I've had practically no social life.  And anyone who thinks my family could be any help hasn't been paying attention.  So I guess it's no surprise that I was screwed up when I'd narrowed myself down to one thing and that one thing got messed up.
It still hurts.  And the only way it's going to stop hurting is if I can get back on track.
Crap, now my throat hurts, and not 'cause I sneezed or anything.  Choking up just from thinking about it...that's been a couple weeks.

11:33 PM London time
Ow, my poor feet.
I've been on 'em, next to non-stop, since 7:30...and that was with them already sore and blistery...I guess it's no surprise that they totally hurt, or that I just drained the hugest blister I've ever had (close to dime-sized)...this one really needed drained, too, it was gonna pop sometime no matter what and I didn't want it to happen inside my shoe.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a pin--fortunately, one side's skin was really thin so I just pressed it toward that.  (I tried pressing it the other way, but the other side was actually under a callus, so the pressure didn't go out, it went in...so that hurt.)
Less than 13 hours until I leave for home.
Crap, I need an ibuprofen and I'm already on my upper bunk for the night.  I think I can actually do without it, though, I'm that tired.

9-19-2005 3:19 PM
Crap.  Four wireless networks that at least intermittently reach this room, and not one of them is actually open-access.  That's just not quite fair, somehow.
Also, I somehow managed to pick up a slight sunburn...I think it must've been on the bus to get here (oh yeah, I'm in London now) 'cause I was sitting next to a window and that weird glowing UFO they call "the sun" was out at the time.  And of course it reddened the most right on that bump on my forehead, so I finally used a bit of the makeup I brought with me, to cover that up.  Anything to keep that bump from being any more obvious.
(Yes, I realize that it's a bit extreme to get a sunburn from a 3-hour bus trip in the UK in late September.  What can I say, we already knew I burn easily.)
Finally, just to complete this trip's status as a true vacation, I now have an "approached by a beggar" story...a woman with a small child and a tale of woe (I don't know if it was true or made up)...I was just minding my own business, having lunch and tearing off pieces of bread from the sandwich to throw at pigeons (you haven't seen funny until you've seen pigeons in a feeding frenzy)...I guess I looked approachable...she showed up and asked if I'd listen to the situation she was in, I was polite and said OK...then she told her story and asked for rather a lot of money, supposedly "as a loan" and she'd meet me back there on Thursday or send it to me...I kind of told her no since I wouldn't lend £40 to anyone the first time I met them, and anyway if she was in that bad of a situation where the heck would she get the money to pay it back?  I could feel kind of bad about it, because I actually do believe what that song says about "don't let me be a stranger to those less fortunate than I"...except I offered her enough to make a phone call and some bread I had in my backpack from dinner a couple nights ago, and she turned it down, so she can't have been that desperate.

9-18-2005 11:04 AM
There's a shock, no wireless connection available at an isolated train station in rural North Wales.  It's kind of funny that the computer even checks.
My train's not until 12:47 but there's not enough time to do anything in town...especially since I had to find the station this morning (which went better than it could've, but was still a long walk)...so I'm waiting here.   Hmm, I think I've got a book in my backpack somewhere...
Oh, and I'm hitting the pineapple juice fairly hard--hopefully it'll do my throat some good.

12:21 PM
I'm out of pineapple juice.
I've finished my book.
I'm tired of playing computer solitaire.
And can I PLEASE stop sneezing? *whimper*

8:59 PM
Well, I'm in Cardiff again...in the same room as the first time, somehow...and I was going to say I'd stopped sneezing, but I just sneezed again <_< ...hopefully dinner (a can of chicken soup, and a liter of orange juice) will do some good in that area.
I'm all set with reservations for tomorrow night and the night after...and then I'm going home.  Crazy.  I guess it figures...I've finally sort of gotten used to the way things are here, so of course I have to leave.
I don't mind, though.  It'll be good to get back to my own place and my own routine.
Of course, ask me about that again a month from now...'cause I've got to do an application packet between now and then, including mailing off for some test scores.

9-17-2005 8:20 PM
This room is freaking FREEZING.  Possibly the window not closing right has something to do with that.  Whatever; this whole hostel needs a bit more restoration, really...lots of holes in walls, broken glass, doors that don't shut right...I won't miss it.
The Ffestiniog railroad was neat, also I got some good pictures.  The mint chocolate chip ice cream cone I got in Porthmadog while waiting for the return trip wasn't bad either.
Bad news: I may be coming down with something--I've been sneezing from time to time, and after I sneeze my throat feels sore for a while.  I guess the surprise is that it took me this long, between getting seriously rained on and being in a whole new germ pool.
I've been feeling like I need a lot of sleep over the last few days (possibly finally catching up on the night I practically missed on the plane).  No big deal, that at least makes sense.  What doesn't make sense is that for the last day or two, I've been starving.  And I haven't been skipping meals or anything--if anything I've been snacking a good bit.  All right, I skipped breakfast today because I slept in that late, and then I had lunch early...and I think I remember a snack...and that ice cream cone...and then dinner, about an hour and a half ago...and I'm already feeling as if there might be a midnight snack in my future tonight.
Maybe it's all the walking I've been doing, or something like that, though I haven't felt quite as thirsty the last couple days.
Or maybe I'm expecting too much when I ask it to make sense.

8:46 PM
Can I PLEASE stop sneezing???
Ow...my poor throat...L

9-16-2005 2:23 PM
I'm now hanging out in the lounge at Llanbedr, waiting for reception to open and deciding what I want to do over the next couple days while I'm here.  This one's right in town--no huge hill to carry all my stuff up!
I'll probably take the bus in tomorrow and take a trip on the Ffestiniog Railway...I'm not the train nut my dad is, but on the other hand there's not much else to do right around here and I can definitely fit that in with wandering around and taking pictures. 
Two nights here...a night in Cardiff...two nights in London...and then home.  I can't believe how close that is.  And then I'll have classes again before long...it's crazy.

Good things about going home:
1) Not having to carry everything around all the time
2) Not having to figure out a different bus schedule every day
2a) ...because I'll have my car so all transportation will be on MY schedule
3) Cheaper food
3a) ...with names and brands that I'm used to and don't have to ask stupid questions about
3b) ...ditto for fast-food places
3c) ...and beef I can eat without worrying about it
4) 24-7 internet access
4a) ...on my own computer
4b) ...in or near the same timezone as most of my friends, so I'll actually be able to talk to people
4c) ...at my own place (so I can kick off my shoes and go online while sitting on my bed and eating junk food if I want to)
5) Being able to get off my feet before my blisters get blisters
6) Being able to get new shoes before I walk a hole straight through these
7) Cheaper laundry machines
7a) ...including real dryers so clothes will be dry in less than two days
8) No roommates
9) I'll actually be able to understand what people are saying!
9a) ...because most people will in general have my same accent and speak my language
10) No more converting £ to $ in my head to figure out if something's a good deal
10a) ...and then realizing that if I think about it, just about nothing looks like a good deal (stupid freaking value-added tax)

9-15-2005 6:49 PM
I think I'm eventually going to trash that floppy disk...it's storing files just fine, but there's a little bend in the metal part and every time I take it out of my camera or my floppy drive, it jams.  Very annoying.
Caernarfon was neat, especially the castle (lots of good pictures before the battery crapped out again <_< ), and then I got online from the library for an hour which was nice.
I think I'll try to actually get up early tomorrow...if it's clear out so there'll be decent pictures I'll maybe do that Snowdon Railway thing, otherwise I'll just get an early start and actually do something on the way...I'm thinking about Llanbedr for the next one since it's right on the rail line, which would be important since I'm going to be leaving from wherever on a Sunday and I've got to get to Cardiff.  And I've GOT to be in Cardiff, Monday morning, to catch my bus back to London...
I can't believe I'm this close to going home.

8:36 PM
Dinner was good...and now I'm back in my room.  Only now there are four of us girls in it (we also all split a table for dinner)...and all of us are Americans...it just seems odd to me that we're on the other side of an ocean and still we all end up hanging out together.

9-13-2005 9:46 PM
My back hurts.  I wonder if carrying a bunch of stuff around so often has anything to do with that.
My feet hurt.  I wonder if walking around on blisters has anything to do with that.
I've got some entries I need to type up from my notebook, over the last couple days or so...there's been some interesting stuff.  Aberystwyth was nice (actually I went back there for a little while today because I didn't have time yesterday for the National Library, what with getting online from the town library and then getting slightly lost trying to use the guidebook maps).  For most of today, I went out to Machynlleth--I did the tour at Celtica, with the audiovisuals and stuff, and then looked around a bit on my own.  After that I got lunch and sat down on a bench on the street to eat it, and realized halfway through that I'd ended up just out front of the Owain Glyndŵr Parliament House.  So naturally, I snooped around and took pictures.  (No pictures from the National Library, though...they don't allow it for some reason, maybe too many people that don't know how to disable the flash before they take pictures of artifacts.)
And I don't want to pack up and leave the area tomorrow, dangabbit!
Well, at least my sweet tooth should be happy for a while: I realized I'd forgotten to get anything for dinner, so I bought three candy bars from the check-in desk.  Yay chocolate!!!  (One of them had some peanuts and peanut butter-like substance, so there should be enough protein in there...or something like that...OK, even a third of the way around the world I can justify ANYTHING.)

9-10-2005 4:32 PM
I think I was just as wet as a human being can be and not actually drown.  That was serious enough rain that 1) even the locals were taking cover, and 2) I, a born-and-raised Oregonian, actually bought an umbrella.
A hot shower and dry clothes helped, and now I'm going to pull pictures off disks, and then just as soon as I can get a pair of shoes dry enough I'm going downstairs to see what I can do about dinner.  And then I need to decide where I want to go tomorrow--'cause it turns out I can't stay a third night here, 'cause they're going to be full.
Oh, and I had a nasty headache last night...I'm starting to think they're altitude-related, since I had one on the plane too.
And, just my luck...I got on the internet for a half hour at the TIC in Hay-on-Wye, taking refuge from the rain and waiting for a bus, but the forum was down and the computer I was on didn't have MSN so I didn't get to talk to anybody.  Well, it was the wrong time for most people's part of the world anyway...but still.  I haven't talked to any of my friends since Tuesday.
Not a lot of pictures today...my camera battery crapped out.

7:31 PM
I got my fuzzy slippers dry enough to wear down to make dinner...but I can't wear those instead of my shoes tomorrow, and my shoes just don't seem to want to dry out.
Also I'm starting to think that the cracks in the soles go just about straight through...for one, they look deep, and for another I'm not sure how the entire shoe got quite this wet otherwise.
And I still need to decide where to go tomorrow.  It just doesn't stop.
Well, at least it's a total break from normal life.

9-9-2005 1:05 PM [entered from notebook later]
I finally have a pen...18, in fact.  Not a bad deal at all for £1...comes out to less than 10¢ each.
Unexpected side trip today...I got on a slightly wrong bus.  Got to see some nice countryside, though, and take a few pictures.  People have been really nice, trying to help me get where I'm going, it's just that I can't understand some of the accents still.
Next bus from where I am now to Llwyn-y-Celyn, where I'm spending the next 2 or probably 3 nights, is at 1:50...so, not so long now.  I should be able to set these horrible heavy bags down.  Not that a backpack and a duffel bag are that bad for a 2-week trip...but they are that bad for my back, and no picnic for my feet either.  The duffel bag is an especial pain because it's also extremely bulky, so it's a bit hard to carry with me.  At least I don't have to take it around town, though.
And now it's raining.  Luckily I'm from Oregon so rain doesn't bother me--unluckily, rain does bother the notebook I'm writing in, so I went inside.
And I'm coming to the conclusion that I've been doing too much of my writing on the computer--my handwriting is going to crap.

6:32 PM
1) I desperately need to find an internet cafe or something sometime tomorrow...the last time I was in touch with anyone was Tuesday, and it's Friday now.
2) I'm now borderline-professional at making up a bed in a youth hostel.
3) I think I've figured out a more efficient way of carrying both my duffel bag and my backpack at the same time.
4) I just had my second conversation that included the phrase "You've got an accent, where are you from?"  I suppose the more odd thing is that the other conversation I've had involving that phrase was in Oregon.
5) The nature trail thing here is really neat--I got some great pictures, and I'm keeping a copy of the flyer for a free souvenir.
and 6) £17 for two nights.  What more do I need to say?  Cheap travel rocks.
Tomorrow I think I'm going out to Hay-on-Wye on the bus...I want to catch the earliest one in to Brecon from the hostel, so I'll need to make an early night of it.  I've heard good things about some ruins near Hay and of course the bookstores.  Also, there must be a cybercafe or something similar somewhere in Hay or Brecon.
I'd just better make sure to be back at the bus stop in Brecon by 6...I could walk back to the hostel, but that doesn't mean my feet would be pleased with the idea.  At least the extra sock on the foot with the two blisters seems to be helping...it doesn't hurt as much to walk on it.
And this is going to be my second day in a row to drain a 1-liter water bottle twice.  I can't believe how much walking around I'm doing, or how thirsty it's making me.

9-8-2005 7:03 PM (definitely Cardiff time)   Dad never told me that one...
My feet hurt.
I've been walking around a TON...I think I'm getting a blister.  Maybe more than one.
Of course, part of it could have been avoided if I'd been THINKING a little.  I didn't get my railpass when I got in last night because I was too tired to realize that the train station to get it was right across the street from the bus depot--I just found out which bus and went to the youth hostel to crash.  So, this morning, upon realizing that the train station would probably be a good bet, I decided I'd go to there and get the darn thing...and I figured, it looked pretty close on the map, I could just walk it and save a pound five.  Wrong.  I got hopelessly lost in two blocks.  The maps in the guidebooks aren't worth much anyway, except the downtown zoomed-in ones, and then I got incredibly turned around.  (Duh, Avrila...when walking south and something is to the left on the map, it's to your right.  I actually know that, I swear.)
I eventually found a bus that was going downtown, paid just as much as I would have, and got to the bus stop that way.  My feet and back were hurting too bad for anything else.
Then I had some minor unpleasantness with a bus driver who thought a Freedom of Wales Flexipass wasn't good on Cardiff buses.  I went to the train station and came back armed with a flyer proving it was, which I didn't need on the next bus because its driver knew what he was doing. *sigh*  The driver was nice enough, but...I lost an hour, waiting for the next bus.
After that, I spent a few hours at the Museum of Welsh Life.  I didn't see all of it, though...I'll have to come back sometime when my feet aren't already killing me.  Maybe I'll do that just before going back to London.  Anyway, I got a few neat pictures (not many, though, I kept forgetting I had my camera around my neck...which is another reason I need to go back).  Also lunch was a bit too expensive because I got it from the restaurant in the museum and I suspect all food at museum restaurants is just naturally overpriced.
Side note, I need to get some granola bars or something to keep in my backpack for when I'm not near other food at mealtimes.
I still need to decide where I'm going tomorrow.  By 10 tomorrow morning, so I can have the desk here call ahead and make sure there's a bed available.
And then I'm GOING to find a store so I can buy a few things I forgot to bring, and then someplace with an internet connection.
And I think I'm dehydrated again...or maybe still, not totally sure I got rid of it last time...anyway, I've been doing more walking than I expected.  So now I've invested in a 1-liter water bottle...it's that or roll the dice on passing out.  (And I've almost emptied that bottle a second time, now.)
Hmm, dinner...I really don't feel like getting back on the bus and going anywhere...I think I'll see what's here and microwavable, eventually.
So, what am I learning from all this?
They park on the sidewalk.  No joke.  Dad never told me that one.
The "rowhouses" that we consider either quaint or unbelievably urban (depending on context) in the States seem to be the norm here.  It's odd...to me, anyway...whole huge neighborhoods with NO side yards.  Mostly, no front yards either...sometimes a small space that a garden could go in but nothing that's enough to run around in.  A lot seem to have back yards, though, at least as far as I've seen.  Also, the buildings are taller here...from what I can tell, three stories is normal for a house and oddly short for anything else.  Downtown seems to be mostly retail on the first floor and offices or apartments above...it's like that in Salem too, I guess, but there's not as much of downtown Salem...and in downtown Monmouth, I think my building is as close as it gets to that.
I noticed, both in Cardiff and London, that a lot more buildings are being repaired than I'm used to seeing.  It took me a while to figure out why...but now that I see it, duh.  The buildings here are a lot older than what I'm used to, partly because the United States hasn't been there as long and partly because we tear practically everything down to put something new in.  The chimneys have functional-looking stovepipes here, still, for crying out loud...back home, OK, you might see chimneys, but not stovepipes really because even if there's a fireplace in there somewhere it's not really used in the same way, it's all just decorative and it was built that way on purpose.  Here, it at least used to be practical.  In the States, most people would probably have that stuff removed as "unsightly"...I guess it all comes down to cultural values.
Reading a map in public, even if it's just a guidebook map and even if "public" involves being onboard public transportation, actually is a way to get advice.
I knew a lot of the signs were going to be bilingual in English and Welsh, but I hadn't expected it to be more like Welsh-English, and it's odd for me to be a native speaker of the second language on a sign.
I knew in my head that London, and also Cardiff, were more diverse racially than Oregon, but I hadn't realized it until I got here.  It doesn't bother me any but it's still noticeable.  There are more black people and a lot of, I think, East Indians (that general part of the world, anyway).  Possibly fewer Asians, which would make sense since Oregon is a bit closer to Asia than England or Wales is.  Anyway it's more of an international feel...not a bad thing at all, but it's not what I'm used to, so I notice it.  No big deal, I'll make like Borg and adapt, like I always do.
I thought the roads were crappily marked...I couldn't find a single street sign...until I noticed that they don't put the street signs on a pole or a phone post here, they build them into the house on the corner.  Dad never told me that one either.
Oh, and...one sleep-deprived night is all it takes for me to adjust to a time zone...and the sleep-deprived night can be on the plane.  I haven't felt jet-lagged at ALL today.  People who get jet-lagged badly would hate me.  I may make a semi-early night of it, for me anyway, but I'm no more tired than I would be in Oregon from all the walking I did.
One more thing.  There's a ton of stuff that's "just like back home, except"...stuff is a little bit familiar but a bit different too.
OK.  Now I need to find something to make up in the kitchen.

9:52 PM
I now have a TON of brochures...no way am I gonna be able to do everything, especially since I'll be getting even more wherever I go to next, and so on...that's OK, I'm sure I'll be back.
So now, I'm going to break out the headphones and listen to Steve McDonald while I decide where I'm gonna spend tomorrow night.

10:01 PM
I just took my shoes off and I have to record this...I have two HUGE blisters on my right foot.  And no pins or needles to drain them.

9-7-2005 9:38 PM (Cardiff time)
Part of me says "It's 1:30 PM, you CAN'T sleep now!"
Part of me says "I'm freaking exhausted."
That second part is gonna win shortly.
Anyway...here I am in the Cardiff Youth Hostel...internet access is by purchase only (in other words, Avrila needs to find a cyber-cafe sometime tomorrow to check in and let people know I'm OK)...plug adaptor isn't wanting to work but that could be the outlet.
And I'm feeling a tiny bit of a letdown.  I think it's nothing, though...it'll probably go away on its own once I actually DO something besides the transportation stuff.  Flying is cool...for a while...but it's not the same as actually doing something.  And running around the airports...
Oh yeah.  I also need to dig up order confirmations online or something...because there WASN'T time to do the Customs stuff at O'Hare.  Just like I thought.  WHY didn't they just let me do the paperwork in Portland???  But anyway...some kind of proof of previous ownership...I can probably get that from Gateway for the laptop and the floppy drive...and I can't imagine my camera's actually worth anything any more since it was $200 two years ago and cameras with higher pixel counts go for like $50 now.
To do tomorrow:
Get railpass (find out from hostel staff where to do that?)
Museum of Welsh Life (I need fun!!!)
Cyber-cafe (I need internet too!)
Raid brochures and stuff from downstairs
I'm setting my alarm for 7 AM...I sure hope 9 hours of sleep is at least enough that I can function.  I was literally dropping off for a few minutes at a time on the bus from London to Cardiff.  With the sun in my eyes.  And I'm the one who can't force myself to sleep if it's still kind of light out unless I stuff myself in a closet.
Oh, and I haven't had dinner.  I think I'm too tired to be hungry.  I haven't actually EATEN since the airline breakfast..."lunch" was a bottle of Snapple and a third of a liter of Coke.  So once my appetite returns, I'm fairly sure I'm gonna be starving.
At least I got a shower...6 AM (Pacific) to 9 PM of the next day (UK time)...a day and a half is too long for any outfit, especially with running around between gates and therefore sweating.
Shower caddy basket got broken while packed.  I wish I cared...it's dollar store crap and close to a year old.  It'll work for the rest of the trip, unless I get fed up enough to replace it.
Oh, and to the people I was gonna talk to during the stopover at O'Hare...SORRY!!!  They have wireless internet but only for people with T-Mobile Wi-Fi accounts.  I may end up getting one because that looks really common, but not if it's expensive.
Battery is about to die...and I'm about to pass out.

9-6-2005 10:33 AM
Boarding passes...check
Baggage checked...check
Visual confirmation that gate C9 does in fact exist...check
Kill time until flight 342 gets in...working on that now.
I've got another 28 minutes of battery life...then I'll have to find an outlet (maybe in about 25)...meanwhile, a 22-ounce soda (mixed Sprite and lemonade) and I are hanging out with my laptop at a table.
And the secret to getting rid of my mom is to go through airport security..."passengers only beyond this point."
Traveling rocks.

3:01 PM (according to computer, still set to Pacific time), or 5:01 PM (according to watch, which I set to Central time)
I'm not sure what time zone I'm in right now, actually.  I know I can see a lot of what looks like desert and scrubby bush.  And occasionally the clouds are below me...that part's just neat.
I really hope the Customs stuff in Chicago is super-fast, 'cause I have all of 20 minutes between when this plane is supposed to land and when boarding starts for my second plane.  And I still need to find out which gate the second one is going to be at.  On the good side, I'm going to be in the third instead of the second boarding group, so I don't really need to be there when boarding first starts.  I REALLY wish they'd let me do the serial number paperwork in Portland when I had all that downtime, though...but, oh well.
I don't seem to have any trouble flying...I had to swallow and force myself to yawn a few times during takeoff to pop my ears, easy enough...no trouble at all with airsickness or lightheadedness or anything like that, no horror stories on this one...I guess being from an Air Force family is good for something after all.

8-30-2005 3:22 PM
I can't focus...being tired isn't helping, but really it's that I got to thinking about the program and school stuff a couple days ago...bad idea, I should know better than to actually think about that stuff by now.
And there's stuff I need to do...some of it TU-related, some of it vacation-related, some of it school stuff like the application packet and ordering score reports and finishing up that incomplete...and lord I don't want to think about that incomplete...I think I'm gonna ask Dr. Schmidt if she'll let me turn in a different story that I already have, 'cause every time I try to work on the story I started for that class my brain locks up...I just can't write on it...every time I even think about it, I think about why I'm working on it and how much that term sucked.  But anyway, it's not like there's nothing to do...I just can't make myself do it.
I don't know.
It kind of feels like the time I thought I was fine for a few weeks, and then punched a window...it didn't take me long after that to break down and cry again...it's like I'm going in circles, only every time around is a little less raw which I guess is some kind of progress...it wouldn't bother me any if I could be OK and actually be OK instead of it just being the next time around, though.

8-28-2005 1:51 PM   I guess they don't realize, it's people's real lives and futures they're screwing with
Doing laundry sucks.
As does the fact that I have to work tonight...my brain says 5 but my computer's calendar says 5:30 so I need to find the printout and check 'cause this wouldn't be the first time the computer's calendar was wrong...and I need the money.  But either way, the weekend's over.  And the only weekendish thing I did was clothes shopping, which isn't really weekend for me.
And I wish it would rain...it's been hot out all month, and I think this weather's a fire hazard.
Oh yeah...and I'm ready any time for the fun part of this life.  No one said it was gonna be easy, I understand that part.  But no one said it was gonna hurt either.  So it should be either painful but easy or hard but painless...either of which would be preferable to how it's been going for the last several months.
Yeah, I'm re-applying.  We'll see how that goes.  But I still can't help but think that WOU is being cosmically irresponsible with people's futures by accepting them, telling them they can be teachers, and then not preparing them for something that can shoot them down too late to graduate on-time with a real degree...or even having any kind of system in place for people who get shot down and want to put in the time to get ready to try again.  I guess they don't realize, it's people's real lives and futures they're screwing with.  "Get ready on your own...oh, sorry, you're not good enough...keep doing what you've been doing that didn't work."
Waiter, this couldn't be much less like the life I ordered.

8-26-2005 4:16 PM
I don't have to work tonight, which totally freaking rocks.
And I think I figured out what the problem with the FTP server was...anyway, I've got it to work for me and UCS knows that I did and what I think made it work for me...I'm still moderately psyched that I figured it out, especially if I turn out to be right.
Back-to-school type clothes shopping is done...I now have three new outfits that I actually like...also I picked up the necessary adapters and stuff to be able to actually plug things in when I'm overseas.  A lot of what I have can run off of 220/240 anyway, but I'll still need the adapters for the shape of the plug.  Shopping took place at Target instead of Wal-Mart, so I'm not a total sell-out this time.  Finally.  And I also went down a couple pants sizes, somehow...which makes NO sense to me since I haven't been doing anything different except maybe eating more junk food...on the other hand I'm not gonna complain.
I'm not gonna bother with getting a global cell phone or anything like that, this trip...it's just not worth it for two weeks...I'll take my computer and microphone, and people can get Google Talk if they want to talk to me.

8-24-2005 3:29 PM
My web site's viewable again, but there's still trouble with logging in so I can upload stuff...well, at least this problem is a little less obnoxious since now the images I host from that site are viewable on the forum...I still can't change anything, though.
And I have to work in a little over an hour.

8-22-2005 4:19 PM
I just got done writing an extremely non-fun reflection on how I did as part of ClubED's Web Site Committee last spring.  Just the fact that it took more than two months for me to get to it shows how much I didn't want to do it...and it was almost as pleasant as I thought it was going to be.
And I have to go work again soon.  This isn't how this day was supposed to go...this isn't how this life was supposed to go.

8-19-2005 5:13 PM   It only hurts when I breathe...
I can't upload the last few entries or this one yet because of that server migration...I'm still not sure what the point is, but no one asked what I thought.  Which is annoying, 'cause my web site, including the images I host, are down until I can straighten this out.
Other than that, today's been OK...I got my universal adapter the appropriate plug to power my eBook reader...and nothing's gone majorly wrong...however, I don't want to go to work in a few minutes...and I got to thinking about getting into the program again.
It still hurts.
The weird thing is...I think that's OK now.  It's gonna hurt for a while...maybe it's gonna be like my back and always hurt but only if I think about it...but there's that song that says "I'm all right, I'm all right, it only hurts when I breathe"...it's kinda like that...as long as it hurts, I know I'm still alive.

8-15-2005 12:46 PM
Tax stuff is done for the year.  Finally.  At the post office, 5 hours before the postmark deadline to meet the date sent requirement on my 4-month extension...which I requested properly in April...I'm not my parents.
And I'm really getting excited about the whole UK trip thing...it's getting really close and I still have a bunch of plans to figure out...and reservations to make as soon as I have money in the bank...which fortunately I'll be getting tomorrow since I helped Financial Aid find some money they forgot to give me.  That happened once at Chemeketa too; I probably should expect that kind of thing by now.  Oh well, $900 in the bank tomorrow will be nice.

8-7-2005   11:13 PM
OK, so I'm officially a geek.
I think I'm actually gonna stay up until like 2 AM...when I have to get up at 6 AM to work tomorrow...to watch the shuttle landing.
And I've got to spend more time watching the NASA webfeed...'cause this is just cool.

8-5-2005   4:48 PM
It's this time, and I'm not at work...which is good.
On the other hand, my mom did it again...I'm gonna adapt this from the Countdown 'cause I just don't wanna have to write about it coherently again.

I needed a parent signature on my financial aid verification stuff...and I got borderline chewed-out by the financial aid lady for all this being so late that I'm at risk of not getting some types of campus-based aid next year.
My dad's out of the state at the moment, however my mom didn't answer her cell or the landline so I ended up having my dad get ahold of my mom.
My mom then tried to get ahold of me, however she had previously programmed the wrong number for me into her cell phone so naturally I didn't pick up when she called someone else's number.
I eventually got out to the farm (where my parents and sister and sister's boyfriend are essentially living off my aunt and uncle)...my mom wasn't there because she'd taken my sister to the gym.
I got my mom on the cell...I probably had a tone during this phone call because I'd tried a few different ways to call ahead and because of getting chewed out by financial aid lady earlier.
My mom was in the Wal-Mart parking lot waiting for my sister to get done at the gym or something. (Why are these people living out of my aunt and uncle but buying gym memberships, anyway?)
I, therefore, went to the Wal-Mart parking lot. (Wal-Mart...*shudder*)
We figured out what the problem with my mom's cell phone was, and then she signed the paperwork.
I was prepared to spend a few minutes politely chatting because that's what you do.
Unfortunately, I made a comment about being frustrated, and neglected to specify that I meant frustrated with the process in general.
My mom then said that I always jump all over her...just like how I "could've walked down last Christmas."
I shouldn't have been surprised that bringing up something dumb from that long ago wasn't beneath her, because she does it to my dad all the time...but it took me a minute to process it enough to say "OH YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE!!!"  I know I had a tone when I made that statement.
I don't remember exactly what she said at this point but I think it was to the effect that she'd go there if she felt like it.
The next thing out of my mouth was "I'M GOING BACK TO MONMOUTH!" also with tone...she then had the nerve to suggest I drive carefully...I don't know what she said next because my car's engine drowned it out...and I was out of that parking lot like a bat out of hell because I didn't want to give myself time to reconsider leaving and punch her instead, assault charges look funny when applying for teaching license.
Back in Monmouth, I turned in the verification stuff and picked up the paperwork to try to get my financial aid status for next year switched to Independent by Special Circumstances...I haven't decided if I'm gonna try to do it yet...but I may be able to sell them on what I went through as a kid as emotional or psychological abuse.

7-27-2005 11:17 PM
This figures.
I don't have to get up early tomorrow...so all my friends logged off early tonight.
I should actually DO something, work on the ClubED web site or my web site or transferring my stories from "Little Buddy" to "Trip the Laptop" or something like that, or maybe spend some time with the math book or the Welsh tapes...but none of that sounds good.
And I shouldn't be tired this early, 'cause I got well over 7 hours' sleep last night, but I am.
So screw it.  I'm gonna catch some sleep.

7-22-2005, 2:41 PM
Wow...I let this thing get out of date again...oops.
Summer term's been crazy, especially the first three weeks when I had that super-condensed class.  After that it cleared up some, but I'm still not really sure where all the time went.
Most weeks I've gotten decent work hours, which will help with stuff like paying the bills...I've been over 20 a week for a few weeks now, so I should actually be able to eat in August and September.
My super-frustrating parents are still living on my aunt and uncle's land...and they were supposed to be out at the beginning of this month.  And they're thinking about moving to Monmouth because Dad saw a lot of For Rent signs when he was making a delivery out this way...however, if they were actually going to, I think they would have done it by now.
Oh yeah...and for some repair-related reason or something like that, the power's out to my apartment right now...which is frustrating, because my DSL modem likes to be plugged in...so even though the new laptop's battery is well-charged, I have no internet.  So I'm typing this up to post later.
At least it's a good computer, though...and at least I was in the middle of doing something offline when the power quit.
Unfortunately the air conditioning also requires electricity...so it's starting to get a little warm in here...and I'm thinking about the library across the street if this takes much longer.

3:21 PM: Power's back, posting this now.

, 9:51 AM
Ugh...what if I don't want to do laundry?
I know, I know, I need to...my work shirt smells like dishroom...I probably should've just sucked it up and done it yesterday, 'cause I had some time yesterday too, but...ugh.
And then I need to get out to Rickreall and see if they have anything good in their farmer's market, 'cause I'm running a little low on fresh fruits and veggies.  Some more tomatoes would be nice--they do, after all, go with everything.
After that...I believe I'll make the drive to Salem again and totally abuse the fact that I have two library card numbers in that system.  Hey, it's Qwest's fault for being so slow to hook me up, or maybe WOU's fault for having crappy intersession hours on the library.
But first I need to put some sunblock on...there's even sun getting in through the closed blinds, and it's obviously insanely bright out.  I was lucky enough to not burn yesterday even though it was bright and I walked a few blocks, but I can't count on that.

8:24 PM:
Rickreall for fruits and veggies--not done, because I realized that the $5 I was thinking about using there was the same $5 I needed for quarters at the laundromat.
Abuse system at library--not done, because the phloxers changed their Sunday hours from September to June to September to May.  So I haven't gotten one minute of recreational internet today.  I could just about cry.
And because I had to make the drive to Salem to find that out...and I'd already called the parents to get word to Rianna about a Help Wanted sign...I got to spend some quality time with my parental units.  That instead of recreational internetting is a double-whammy.
Hmm...one out of three...not good.
And even though it's only half past eight, for some reason it feels later and I'm bizarrely tired.
And I wanna watch TV...and I have no cable, until the first of next month.

9:32 PM:
Oh yeah...and I don't want to work at 6:30 tomorrow...but dagnabbit, I want money more than sleep.

6-18-2005 9:50 PM   For everything else, there's...heck, I don't know.
Summer term is going to be insane...but, I think, in a good way.  About week 1, I can say that for sure, especially with the 27 hours of work, but...
I'm taking two classes.  Six credits isn't much.  However, summer term is shorter and one of the classes only meets for half the term, so for the first three weeks if the 2:1 ratio holds I'll be spending 45 hours a week on classes and studying.
On top of work--a LOT of work if the 27 hours is an indication.
On top of hitting Career Services hard so I'll nail the interview cold next time.
On top of trying to actually be a human being in there somewhere.
And the thing that may label me as certifiable is, I can't wait.
I got an A- in History of Spanish and an A in Foundations of Bilingual Ed., so I'll break 3.0 for spring term even after the C hits.  So I can't complain.  And that horrible screwed-up term is over forever...I wouldn't mind revisiting some of the courses, sometime when I'm not probably clinically depressed, but that'll be a choice, if I make it, and anyway that term is behind me forever.  And I NEVER want to be that screwed up in my head again.  Any time punching windows seems like a good idea at the time...
I'm officially broke, and I'm psyched to have a fresh start.  Some things money can't buy.  For everything else, there's...heck, I don't know, but it works.

Oh yeah...and loading 3 Steve McDonald CDs into the changer and hitting 'shuffle' is also way into the land of cool stuff...it's more than the sum of its parts, kind of like a new term is more than a new class schedule.  And, of course, I hit 'repeat' when Flodden Field popped up, and listened to it for about an hour.  There's money involved in that, I guess...electric bill, CDs, the player once upon a time...but more coolness comes out than was paid for.  By a lot.

6-14-2005, 8:40 PM   So that's what happens when you leave popcorn in too long!
It doesn't actually burst into flame...it just turns into this horrible charred mass and puts out insane amounts of smoke.  That bag is now in the garbage out back, and I popped up a new one.  And opened the door and turned on the stove's vent to clear the smoke.  And turned the air conditioning on on general principle, though I don't think I'll need it tonight and as soon as the smoke's cleared I'll turn it all off.
On the good side...I have more popcorn.  Popcorn gooooood.
We got our work schedules for next week today--I'm getting 27 hours!!!  That's almost $200!  That'll sure help with moving expenses, bills, and vacation expenses.  There's a lot of dishroom but I can hit the ibuprofen pretty hard, I guess.
I'm going in to MES tomorrow to help with the end-of-year stuff...and I have something of a devious scheme about that.  Since I'm going to be teaching a science unit next year, and maybe other things too, I could borrow a video camera, tape myself, and pick out a good lesson, so that if I have to try to appeal my way into the program I'll be able to say, "Yes I can too do it...here's the proof, I've done it."  And the early ones, I can look at to see how to improve.  I guess that'll mean sending permission slips home to parents 'cause their kids might be caught on camera...that's easy enough, though.
I still need to pester the financial aid people and that OSU education advisor I've been e-mailing, and do the summer term health insurance thing.  And send out some address changes.  Annoying practical stuff.
Oh yeah...and at work today, for some reason people including one student supervisor were telling me, right and left, what a good job I was doing.  I'm not sure why 'cause I just did what I do--the job I'm paid for.  But whatever--between yesterday and today, I'm $30 closer to being able to give a firm Yes to the people who want to see me at SBI.  I need to actually sit down and work out a serious budget...maybe I'll do that tonight, since I still don't have TV or internet here.

9:26: Well, I've got some numbers on paper...resources are still looking sketchy, though.  And I still want to start on the whole braces thing.  But...the more I do the math, the more doable it all looks.  As always.  I shouldn't be surprised any more.

6-12-2005 11:35 PM   Just to catch up...
I finished the Spanish paper, on time.  I'm kinda thinking I'll get something in the B range out of that class.  Not what I wanted but I can live with it.
Thursday, I was late to field day but they had plenty of people so it didn't matter as much...and then I went back to the classroom a little after the kids did (I helped break stuff down), where they proceded to bombard me with thank-you gifts and tell me how cool I am.  And I've been in a better than average mood since then, partly because of that and partly, I suspect, because I caught a lot of sun.  Which I guess probably means I've got at least a touch of seasonal-affective disorder.  Oh well, there are worse things, I guess.
Thursday night rated a major grrr because I finally managed to psych myself up and ask Jeff if he wanted to go see the new Star Wars movie sometime, and he said he'd already seen it but it was good and I should...and I don't think he actually meant it in a shooting-down kind of way, and according to everyone I've asked he can be as smart as I know he is and still dense enough to think the movie was the point of the conversation, so...nice tasty ambiguous situation: was he shooting me down but being so nice I couldn't tell, or is he actually that dense?
Friday wasn't much fun.  From 6:30 to 9, I worked.  From 9 to about 9:30, I ate breakfast.  From 9:30 to somewhere in the 5:30 or 6 range, I moved...no break for lunch, and dinner was late because I then went to my sister's high school graduation.  It was, I guess, 9 or a little later by the time I ate 'lunch'; fortunately my dad paid, and by the way, the Carl's Jr. guacamole-bacon six dollar burger is, in fact, quite worthwhile.
To be honest I'm not totally sure what all happened on Saturday.  I slept WAY in...unpacked some stuff...found the ibuprofen I desperately needed after doing bad things to my back all day Friday, including carrying a full-size microwave from the third floor with no cart or anything similar (so when the graduation speech made reference to The Matrix and "taking the red pill," I cracked wise to those around me that the red pill I was thinking about was Advil)...watched some Enterprise because I have no cable hooked up, but I do have DVDs...went to the library briefly...came back and unlocked the apartment so my parents could bring my bed in...and went food shopping and had dinner.  I think that's about it.  Oh, and I jumped in the real bathtub, not just a shower (wahoo!), to wash my hair and hot-soak my back.  'Cause red pill alone isn't always enough.
Today...there was furniture shopping involved, and some unpacking/organizing kinds of things.
I still need a couch and maybe a chair or two.
I still need at least a phone line other than my cell, and cable and internet hooked up.
Oh, the other thing...I don't remember what day this was, but...I was messing around with the thermostat over here, making sure it wasn't pumping out any hot air, and I saw this little switch to the side that could be set to "cool."  So...I wasn't sure if it would do anything or if that was just standard design, but I tried it...and a few minutes later, the vents were pumping out cold air.  I have a downtown loft with no downstairs neighbors, no upstairs neighbors, a skylight, a less-than-one-minute walk to the city library, a bicyclable commute to school, and air conditioning for $425 a month.  I've died and gone to heaven.  And heaven is getting high-speed internet and will be a wireless hotspot as soon as financial aid comes through.
The money part isn't so hot right now.  Other than that, life is good.

6-7-05 10:04 PM
This has all-nighter potential; I need to clear my head a little.
ED 483 is going to be a B.  I can't complain.
ED 482 could be an A or maybe B+.  I can't complain about that either.
WR 460 is going to be an incomplete for a while and then a C, maybe B- if I can sell Dr. Schmidt on extra credit or alternative workshop partial credit somehow.  It's not the greatest but I can live with it.
SPAN 480--jury's still out, this paper's taking so long, that's why I'm thinking all-nighter.  And why I've already sucked down two and a half cans of Barq's.  I was going to do it earlier today but I wasn't feeling great and left work something like an hour early this morning...the queasiness I wrote off as, well, cramps, but that didn't explain when my knees started shaking.  So I came back to my room and crashed, then woke up and went, late, to a ClubED officer meeting.  At least I seem to have slept off whatever it was beyond cramps.  I have to work at 6:30 again tomorrow, so I'm gonna be wrecked but I think I'm just gonna stay up.  I can crash for a few hours after work before I move stuff, and I can keep moving on into the night.  Apartment keys work in the dark.  I just have to make sure I'll get enough sleep to get up and hang out with the munchkins on Thursday...last week sucked 'cause I didn't know if I was gonna have to go on antibiotics, so I couldn't go hang out with the third graders.
This isn't gonna be an honor roll term.  I'll be lucky to break 3.0 once the C hits.  But it'll be over.  Some things money can't buy.  And breaking a B average with what I've been going through--depression, insomnia, stress-induced ADD, strep throat, and writing more depressing poetry than a human being should be legally allowed--that could be a lot worse.
It's not perfect.  But I can live with it.  It's not so bad.
Being a year behind isn't perfect.  But it gave me the chance to complete a major soul-search and figure a lot of stuff out about myself.  I can bounce back.  I can live with that.
And I think I'm going to use the insurance through Dad's work, over the summer, 'cause it covers prescriptions, and see if I've got some kind of social anxiety thing that they can give me a pill for...I don't think talking to a shrink is gonna do me much good, but if I can go on meds to take the edge off and prove to myself that I actually can do stuff without freaking out, I probably won't need to stay on them for that long.  I still don't approve of the stuff as a permanent solution but I'm OK with it as part of a strategy.
OK, back to the paper.  1000-1250 words in Spanish about the evolution of the spanish language...ugh.  Why didn't I do science for a focus area?

6-3-2005, 11:48 PM   Now I need furniture...
It actually hasn't been that bad lately.  Maybe for real this time.  Maybe this time I won't end up punching a window because of reading the Interdisciplinary paperwork and hearing people talk about being in the program.  The window was stuck, that was why I thought I was punching it the first time, but by the third time I had it figured out. [Later note: the window-punching incident wasn't recorded at the time but happened on the 27th of April.]
I'm fighting off strep throat but apparently the good kind...or, anyway, not the bad kind, 'cause they don't give out antibiotics for this one and I don't have to miss work.  I wasn't aware there was such a thing as good strep, but whatever.  So unless it gets worse, I'm supposed to keep at the orange juice and chicken soup and let it go away on its own.
I officially have the apartment...in fact I put my winter coat in the closet, claiming my territory.  Mine, all mine...now I need furniture.
I'm insanely tired.  Not borderline euphoric like last time things seemed to be getting better.  That's why I think this one might be for real.  The other, in comparison, wasn't believable.  This maybe is.
I didn't write this down at the time...I was up too late the night before I was supposed to do my Spotlight workshop for WR 460, printing and stapling, so I slept in and missed it.  I'm taking an incomplete so the rest of my work will be incredible so I'll be able to get a C.  And I may end up with incompletes in one or two other classes.  ED 482 may still be an A, though.  I don't guess it's a coincidence that that's the class that I still would have taken if I'd gotten into the program.
Summer term's gonna be different.  I'm ready to actually take it on, this time.
Fall term's gonna be totally different.  I'm taking a real courseload, I'm even going to take a real math class, finally.  That's been a while.  But that's ahead of where I am in the story.
I don't remember exactly how I decided on Early Childhood/Elementary as opposed to Elementary/Middle.  I think it was somehow practically by default, though, and I think that's part of what I did wrong.  That took a major soul search...but someone said a while back that for some reason she saw me teaching middle school.  I'd been thinking about adding middle level in grad school anyway...but it filtered through my brain and got me to thinking.  I don't think I'm wired right for anything below third grade; maybe because I skipped over too much of my own childhood.  And I can definitely see myself going higher than fifth grade a lot more easily.
So it'll mean a few extra classes, but I need to take something anyway--so I'm just gonna do it, switch to Elementary/Middle.  That's why I'm taking MTH 111--it was that or 292, and 111 will let me continue to trig and calculus when I have time.
And I'm looking at grad school, that kind of thing, though I'm going to reapply in fall term for winter, and winter for spring if I have to.
It's not perfect.  It's not gonna be perfect for a long time.  But I think I'm finally really ready to take it on again.

5-18-2005 1:29 AM    "One Thousand, Two Hundred, and Twenty-Eight Days"
One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-eight days
That my feet have been walking this path
Not that I've counted them one at a time,
I did the math
But more moments than anyone could count
Than I could even guess
And eighty-nine days since one moment
Changed my path forever
I got the mail I'd been waiting for,
    working for, hoping for
Only not like I'd been hoping for
Shaking fingers tore it open
Shaken mind refused to believe
Then I made them tell me why.  Then I believed it.

One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-eight days
And more moments than I could imagine
I look at myself and I see
I am so far from who I was, who I thought I was
But I'm not who they want me to be
Eighty-nine days since one moment
Changed all the moments after
A lot of fears, a lot of tears
Three weeks when I didn't cry, one meltdown,
    now a few weeks that I didn't again
But the worst was a week and a half,
    most of it over Spring Break, when I couldn't
Crying doesn't help (but my throat still gets tight)
Talking doesn't help (because to talk I have to think about it)
    (but I always think about it)
    (and somehow I end up talking anyway)
Letting the moments slip softly away makes it worse
Every moment, I'll never get back

One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-eight days
I'm so far from the girl that I was
But everything that's changed me has been because
It was time, or I chose it, or I would have chosen it anyway, or it would have happened anyway
Near-eighteen thought in absolutes
Twenty-one weighs conflicting demands
But who weighs mine?
I walked their line, did all that they asked, freely gave of my mind
Now I see it again, in this place, in this time.
Their demands matter.  My needs don't.
They call this opportunity, say it's set up for me, say they're on my side
They lied
The power's with them, and the twenty-one-year-old is as helpless before the system as the nine-year-old before the mother who wanted an unpaid shrink

One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-eight days
Or a bit over three years
Eighty-nine days
Or a million tears
All down to now, here, alone,
Everything I ever was slipping away

One thousand, two hundred, and twenty-eight days

5-11-2005 11:35 PM
What I need to do is go down to my bank, get the loan paperwork, make a phone call to Portland, and get the ball rolling on the whole rearranging-of-teeth thing.  'Cause that'd be one less thing to have messing with my head--every time my tongue gets cut up, I end up thinking, what the heck, this isn't supposed to be happening, my parents could've taken care of it.  It would've involved loans or payment plans or something, same as it will for me, but they could've.  I know how much money they waste on dumb crap when they have it.  They always spend exactly what they make, and I've never noticed them being better off for making more...
[later note: I got distracted in the middle of writing this and never finished]

5-9-2005 1:45 AM (though I'm typing it in later)
I literally broke down and cried at the end of writing this.

I did the best I could
Nothing's right and nothing's fair
Now when everything's gone wrong
It's just too much work to care

Think I've said a thousand times
Nothing's changed; it all still hurts
All alone now, thinking, quiet
And that's when it gets me worst

I'm behind in everything
Stuff I didn't want anyway
"Second-choice courseload"
It'll count toward Interdisciplinary
I make fun of Interdisciplinary
Only now I can't
I don't even want to be here,
    this term,
But I want to be home even less
'Cause I can't take what's normal there
And 'cause I let them down
All the hope they had for me
All the hope I had for me
And it's me that I let down

I did the best I could
Nothing's right and nothing's fair
Now this one thing changes everything
And when it comes to everything
It's just too much work to care

5-8-2005 3:17 PM
It's been a good couple of days.  That makes me worry.
And I have way too much that I need to do...and I can't help but think that trying to do it is going to make the good days end again for a while.
I really, really miss being able to have a decent time without second-guessing whether it's about to fall to crap.

5-7-05 12:14 AM   "I lost something out there; I don't know how to get it back." --Archer, in "Home"
Slight fib, over at the forums, a little bit ago.  I said that my quotes of the day aren't really themed, they're just what I can come up with.  That's part of the truth but they're "what I can come up with" that feels right, one way or another.  Sometimes I don't know why.  Sometimes I do.
Yesterday, that still feels like today 'cause I'm still up, wasn't all that bad really.  Spent the morning with the third graders 'cause I had an inspiration yesterday about how to put a tassle on a bookmark and Mortlock wanted me to be the one to show the kids how.  Went to Chemeketa and got a wrap.  Went to work and actually had two BS sessions with Jeff--one of which I started, the other of which he started, which had me somewhere between "YES!!!!!" and "Crap now it's my turn again."  Couldn't get stupid grin off my face for half an hour once I got home.  Watched Enterprise; evil, evil cliffhanger, though.
It gets so much worse.
As long as I don't think about it.
But the thing is--I've never been a short-term kind of person.  I need to be doing something about this.  I wish I knew what.
And I lost something, not getting into the program, and I don't know how to get it back.
I want to start this term over and keep stuff from piling up on me like it is now.
I want to flash straight to the end of the term and not have to deal with the rest of it.
I want to go back to believing it mattered, because from what I can tell right now, it doesn't.
That's what I lost.
And I'd give just about anything if I could get that back.

5-5-2005 11:10 PM   It wouldn't bother me for it to not have to hurt
Aye, there are options open.  But every time I try to look at the options, all I can think about is why I have to.  And then I can't think.
It's been a little better, I guess, over the last couple days.  But I don't know how long that'll last.
I'm mad at myself for letting this happen.  I still don't know what I should have done differently, but we're not talking logical.
I'm mad at them for setting the system up so that it could.
And I'm mad at myself for letting it get to me so much, to the point that it's messing up other things.
I just don't get that.  Last term, I got this torpedoing news in mid-February, which as I recall was in the general area of midterms.  And somehow I came out of it with two As, two A-s, and a B.  Now, I can't think, can't make my mind stay on schoolwork, and every day it's a little worse because I have more piling up.
I know it's a reality I have to deal with.
But it wouldn't bother me for it to not have to hurt.

5-2-2005 9:51 PM    I am truly beginning to hate studying
What I said about being done with freaking out was clearly a self-delusion.  It's interfering with everything.  I need to get my head shrunk, I know, but I just can't make myself do it.  That part's nobody's fault but mine.
I can't concentrate on schoolwork.  Every day I'm further behind.  Doing a little better now sort of but the backlog from the first couple weeks is its own source of stuff in my head.
I don't know if I'll make it to the end of the term.  Every day it's more and more, "I can't do this."  And I know I actually can survive a rough term, 'cause I've done it, but I really miss last spring.  18 credits, family stuff, money stuff, but the future still looked OK back then.  Now, the path I've taken to get to this point looks like wasted effort, and I don't really have a path to take to get where I want to be.
Lord it sucks.

5-1-2005 6:55 PM
How can I be this tired from sleeping late and hanging out online?
So, I worked two shifts yesterday, brunch register 3 and dinner Spotlight.  Spotlight was soft taco bar--busier than usual, especially for a really dead weekend, and good enough that I could make some up for myself as opposed to being sick of the sight of the things.  And they turned out quite good too.
At the beginning of brunch shift, I checked the position assignment list of the day, supposedly to make sure I hadn't been switched but really to see if Jeff would be working later.  And at the time he was; he'd taken a sub-slip for Wok watcher, which is the only job more boring than register 3 and I don't know why they don't just consolidate them, at least during weekend brunch since that's what we do to go on break or when someone doesn't show anyway and I've never had a particle of strain from it.  But at least that meant that we ought to be able to BS some; maybe it would even have been justifiable for him to help me slop beans and lettuce onto tortillas.
So I checked again as I was cleaning up and getting ready to leave, for no reason other than to be obsessive, and Jeff called in sick sometime between 10:30 and about 2:00.  Completely unfair.
And then I stayed up rather too late, posting my brains out, and then I slept in this morning.  I should be doing tons of homework but my brain seems to have slipped an important gear and I'm not entirely sure what or how.
The flareup of meltdown seems to have subsided for the moment; we'll see if that lasts.  But I'm pretty sure all that has something to do with why I'm so bloody tired.
And if I may state the obvious, I'm way over the legal limit on stuff that sucks.

4-29-2005 11:43 AM   Wrote a poem last night (this morning really, 12:55 AM)
I don't know if it's any good.  The rhyme scheme's erratic and I didn't even try to do anything metrically, but I needed to write it.  Maybe I'll even think of it when I need to...

too tired these days
and at night I can't sleep
almost all the time it feels
like the worst of both up and down hill
never choked up so fast just from thinkin' before
never cried so many times about the same thing before
some days it's hard just to get out of bed
some days if feels like somethin' in me's dead

and then some days
the sun's out so bright
the sky's so blue it hurts my eyes
twenty-seven kids lookin' up to me
they don't know I'm not worthy for their eyes to see
and nothin' gets me through like the trust of those innocents
and its warm out as I walk to my night class
not really night yet, sun's still everywhere
and a little cool wind, just enough to feel
some days, it's good to be alive

too much to do, test tomorrow
I'm not ready, I'd kill for some crib notes (but not really)
future's too scary for the next few years,
can't make myself think it through
but somehow it's good to be alive
some days it's enough to be alive

4:03 PM
I so don't want to go to work.  Blah.
But I need to, I sub-slipped all my shifts last week 'cause they're Friday and Saturday and I had the retreat.
I just don't want to slop food around.  If I were working register it wouldn't be so bad, I'm still learning that so I'm kinda challenging myself to improve, but I don't like working Spotlight that much.
There's still time to *cough cough* call in sick, but I don't want to...'cause there's a chance Jeff'll be working.  Not that I can actually talk to him, I mean not like I need to, because it's work and because I'm a chicken anyway.  But maybe we can BS for a while?
I'm way overthinking this, I know.
I need to come up with a way to get him to read all this or something.  Hmm...I could put a link in my sig line, manufacture a reason to e-mail him...or else I could just grow a spine and actually talk to him.
Bloody blazes, this sucks.  I mean why can't he just say something?  What part of "Hey, you've still got my number, right?" means anything other than "USE THE FREAKING NUMBER AND CALL ME!!!" ?

10:11 PM
OK, that was just about a non-ending ending on JAG.  But still...dagnabbit, first Trip and T'Pol, now Harm and Mac.  I'm really running out of anything to say "well it's kind of like..." about.
And just to add insult to injury ahead of time...this would be the one Friday night all term that Jeff wasn't working.  Very likely I'm going to go after that writing center thing for next year, since working at the same place doesn't seem to be helping.  We rarely end up working together...and even when we do, I mean I like it and all, but it's not helping make any progress.
I don't suppose it helps that I've spent more than the last two months completely obsessed with my now-screwed-up future.

4-26-2005   1:08 PM
Night before last: couldn't sleep in time to trust myself to be able to get up in time to do something for Writing, so I stayed up.
Yesterday: drank a 12-ounce Vanilla Coke with breakfast, which barely took the edge off.  Did project thingie.  Went to class.  Presentation actually felt like it went well; maybe I need to be fuzzed one way or another to take the stress out of it.  Got back from class.  Crashed.  Missed ClubED meeting.  Wish I felt worse about that but I can't be perfect at everything.  Besides, I did the retreat this weekend, and, well, I got way more than my dose of having to swallow when someone talked about their Ed program classes--Janelle, usually, was the one who prompted that, not her fault, but we were supposed to be in the same term.
Went to Independent Study with Martella today.  I think I'm forgiven about inadvertently blowing stuff off last week; she said something about how this term is getting to everybody.  Spring term in general, actually, she said.
Then went to Dean Chadney's office to talk to Kathy Hill about Interdisciplinary.  And I just want to start screaming and throwing things because I can think of four things that are possible and that I want less than an "Interdisciplinary" degree, but three of them involve being a victim of violent crime and the fourth, let down everyone who ever believed in me, I already did.  Hill said something about how many people are working on Interdisciplinary degrees right now; I wish I cared but I don't.  I did everything right morally.  I can't even see anything I did wrong strategically, based on what I knew or could have known at the time.  And I'm still being forced to major in Underwater Basketweaving.

4-22-2005  12:03 AM, the land of "still feels like Thursday"  I may actually get to bed before 1 AM!
Technically, it's my sister's birthday, I'd call her but I'd have to be a jerk to do that right now.
I'm fuzzing already, the Vanilla Coke at about 6 is wearing off, it really does take six hours for me.
Contributing factor: -4 hours of sleep last night because I had a friend with personal problems to talk about, and it's someone who's listened to my problems so I wasn't jerk enough to bail, so I was on the IM until I think 2:30ish, eyes losing focus, and then I think I was too tired to sleep for a while 'cause I remember seeing the clock getting really close to 4:00.  And then it was Thursday, so I went to go hang out with "my" third graders, who really needed me 'cause they had a brand-new, hasn't-gotten-the-shiny-rubbed-off-yet, first-DAY substitute for the morning so it's a good thing I didn't go late.
Another contributing factor: I had to grade spelling and math drill.  I hate grading.  Assessment to see what the kids should do next is OK, but I hate grading.  I hate having to put numbers on the kids because some of the numbers end up meaning "not good enough."  And I hate saying that.  I hate it worse than anything.  And it's always the same kids I have to say it to, the ones who haven't figured out yet how to put school stuff and other stuff in different boxes so all their problems show.  I'm sure lots of the bright kids have problems too but I don't see it because they've learned, by third grade, how to mostly leave it at home.  Not inside, but as far as letting it show.
They're the ones who I see in them what I mostly don't let other people see in me--the feeling like not measuring up.  And I'm not sure that's a sentence but it's what I mean.  And I want to tell them it's OK but I know I wouldn't be doing them any favors by setting them up for an even worse time when I can't shield them, or by telling them that I expect less of them, and the kids do know, I don't know how but they do.
But I hate grading.
It doesn't take factor analysis to see that there were some things about this spelling test that set some of the kids up for failure because some of them play the odds and figure they'll know part of it but a lot of it was linked this time--"dry," "dried," "drying," "carry," "carried," "carrying."  OK, that happens.
And if a kid reads a multiplication drill sheet wrong and does addition and 2x2 isn't anywhere on there, the kid is going to get them all wrong.  Sucky but understandable; it's a fairly easily fixable mistake.
But HOW can a kid think that 1 times everything is 1, anything times 0 is the number you start with, 3x9=29, and 2x9=56 (or something like that, the last one I don't remember for sure) on the same worksheet???
I could just cry, except that's not something I do.
I want to say yes.  But saying yes when it's not justified isn't something I can let myself do.
I have stuff in my background that makes me have to watch my present behaviors.  That's true of lots of people.
But it still sucks.

4-18-2005, 2:32 AM   Truly dire news tonight...well, technically last night
Trek United got well and thoroughly shot down.  A fair number of us are staying to keep fighting but it's doing crazybad things to morale.  I'm fuzzed from tiredness but not sure I dare go to sleep now as I have a class at 10 and feel I could use about 12 hours.  Will probably do so anyway...but dang, the morning's gonna blow, I'll be all space cadetty.
And I have a headache, back of head, and my neck is also not so happy.  Exactly how it would be if stress hit me between the shoulders like it always does and worked its way up.  (Stress?  What stress?)
Got my USS Tigris signup form filled out today--only took me a MONTH and some change.  Still must send.
Too tired to think.
Didn't get half the stuff done this weekend that I meant to.  For example, retreat shopping will have to happen on Tuesday.  Thank God I can fall back on Tuesday (no disrespect intended to God; I just appreciate it that much).
And about the Jeff drama--still pretty much how it's been for a while.  We talk when appropriate; some tendency to gravitate toward situations where conversation is appropriate but not more than could be written off as people being friends.  And it's driving me up a wall.  I didn't say anything earlier on because I didn't want to say anything that would mess it up but now I'm almost thinking that not saying anything earlier on messed it up...and he's not just a term ahead of me, now, I'm gonna be in school so long it's not even funny, so my loser quotient went up exponentially.  And he's in the program with probably the highest girl-to-guy ratio outside of an all girls' school.  How am I supposed to compete with that?  He could have his pick of better-looking non-neurotic girls who aren't years behind him careerwise.  So I keep thinking I should just write it off to lessons learned...but then I run into him again, and I temporarily lose half my IQ points.
Bloody blazes, why do people look for people to get stuck in their heads?  This blows.

"Flodden Field" is officially in my head.  I gave in and hit the repeat button.
So, I ran into Jeff a little bit ago and he asked how it was going...which is technically a good thing since it means he still knows I exist at least in the literal sense of the phrase...but I really, really miss being in that writing class with him because it gave me something to talk about instead of just using stock responses that make a conversation last 15 seconds at best.  'Cause I can't think of anything except stock responses at the opportune moment; it's like talking to him makes me lose half my IQ points.  The stock responses keep me from actually going "duuuuh" but I like my IQ points, I've gotten used to having them and I really need them.
And I'm running out of "really"s.
I just...gAAAAAhhh, I must really be turning into a girl...I can't believe I'm potentially this close to having a guy interested and I may never know 'cause I can't think of anything to say.
Not being able to shut up used to be my problem--not on this kind of thing, but other things.  I repeat, gAAAAAhhh.

4-8-2005    Today I'm magically old enough to be responsible with booze
Happy 21st birthday to me.  It doesn't feel all that celebratory.  I don't think anyone here knows; I'm pretty sure Jeff doesn't 'cause I ran into him when I was grabbing lunch and I think he would've mentioned it.
I work in half an hour.
I'm tired.
My back hurts.
I know I have homework but I can't think of what.
It's Friday; Enterprise will be on.  Kind of a mixed blessing since I'll have to make sure there are no bricks for me to throw at the TV when UPN starts gloating again about how they're tossing their only good show.
I slept way in.  I could've slept even later but I wanted lunch.  I could sleep now but I want to get paid.
I probably should go home for the festivities this weekend, since they're for me and all.  "Quality time" with my mom isn't my idea of birthday fun, though.
And I'll get to do it again in two weeks when Rianna turns 18...which is the weekend of the retreat, so that weekend's pretty much shot for homework purposes.
I heard back from Financial Aid today--working on a second bachelor's degree won't make me an independent, so I have to either get a guy for one purpose or another or report my parents' information two more times, have them get shot down for the PLUS loan, take out the unsubsidized.  Hopefully whatever job I can scrounge up won't actually mess up my financial aid.
And Caroline wants to talk to me...something to do with the procedural stuff...and I know she's right about at least part of it, I do need to get on my meaningless degree plan.
I'm going to make it all work.  I know that in my mind and in my soul.
But no system that's supposed to provide opportunities should be set up to screw people over so efficiently.

4-7-2005, the last day I can't legally get drunk
Tomorrow, I will reorganize this journal.  At least, assuming I remember and get around to it.
Although "reorganize" kind of implies it was organized to begin with, so I'm not sure how accurate that is.
Let me explain: I've already sort of partway done it, in the way I decide what stuff to keep in "Archives" and what to move to "Old Archives"--I do it by whether the stuff that's in those entries is part of the "drama sequence"--like a "dream sequence" but awake--that I'm on at the time.  I mean, yeah, I end up picking a cutoff date, but that's how I pick it.  It's not "the last fifteen entries" or something.
And the part where I stress and freak out about not making the cut is over.  It still sucks...but it's not the only thing I can think about any more.  It'll always be part of who I am, and like everything else, even like things that are just meant as casual random comments (if you're reading this you know who you are) I'll try to use it to make myself better.  But now it's something I use, not the other way around, like my stubbornness.
The year I go through the program will double my student loan debt.  It sucks.  But I can live with that better than I can live with giving up.
And I'm not going somewhere else. I'm going through Western.  First I was going to do it to prove to them that I could.  Then I was going to go somewhere else to prove to them that I could.  Now I'm going to do it to prove to myself that I can.
I choose to live my life proving myself to myself, not to other people.  I guess I had to learn that again.
The student loan money will be there; that's why people pay taxes.  I'll have to pay it back; that's why I'll need a job.
I still want to use ClubED to make sure this doesn't have to happen to anyone else, because it's not everyone who can push it to the Dean, squeeze the system until some useful feedback drips out.  Well...OK, I guess they probably can, but most people just don't.
I'm done being invisible.  I'm done with waiting for everything to work itself out while I ride along.
I'll still go to the University of Wales sometime for Welsh or Celtic Studies or something.  And I'll run up a ton of student loans on that too.  And I can't believe this but I'm OK with that.  But teaching--teaching I'm going to learn here at Western where I planned.  I spent too much time making it real in my mind.  And if I changed that part of my plan, it'd be for all the wrong reasons.
I don't give in, I don't back down, and I never learned how to give up.  I wrote that a while back.  But some people did learn how.
And I learned how to shut up.
It's time for us all to unlearn some things.
And it's time for my life to go on.

4-5-2005   "Do I really need a cell phone that takes pictures?"
So maybe it's time I write in this about something a little more toward what everyone else my age is worried about--Tru, the girl in Tru Calling who rewinds days when people die, said it pretty well in season 1: stuff like "Do I really need a cell phone that takes pictures?"
Trivial stuff, and stuff that's more than trivial but isn't truly massive.
Like yesterday morning and this morning.
Yesterday morning, I set my alarm to give myself plenty of time to hit the snooze and wake up.  But I couldn't sleep the night before, so I was too deep asleep when it started going off.  I woke up an hour later when it stopped going off on its own and the room got too quiet.  I had 25 minutes to get dressed, brush my hair, and make it to my 10:00 class.  Breakfast, naturally, was impossible.
This morning was even worse.
I set my alarm for, I think, 6:45, figuring that would leave me plenty of time to hit the snooze a bunch of times, grab breakfast, and make it to a 9:00 group study meeting thing with a professor.  I didn't take a melatonin because it was after midnight by the time I got to bed and less than 7 hours would be cutting it close even if I got to sleep right away.
I just couldn't sleep.  I just couldn't.
I don't know how late it was when I finally got to sleep because I stopped looking at the clock.  I do know that I specifically remember it being slightly after 2 AM, and I was relatively unfuzzed then so I wouldn't be surprised if it was 3 by the time I got to sleep.
This morning, I didn't even hear my alarm.  No snooze-hitting, no pulling pillow over head, no waking up when it stopped, nothing.  I woke up at 11:40 or so, pulled clothes on, brushed my hair, missed breakfast again, and ran to the ClubED table to watch people not sign up for the retreat.
I e-mailed the professor afterwards and everything's basically OK--but dang.  Normally the gears in my head still catch a little when I have to actually make it to class or something like class.

11:27 PM-12:27 AM (I couldn't make that up!)
I'm reminded of a Gatorade commercial...

ClubED was tonight again.  Every time I hear someone talking about starting the program, it's like getting kicked in the teeth.  But as of tonight, I think because of some outside reading I've been doing trickling into my thought processes, I think I know what I'm going to do.
It doesn't have to happen to anyone else.
But let me rewind for half a minute.  I went to Salem yesterday to get a Spanish dictionary and some recreational reading from Borders (the outside reading I mentioned).  On the way back I got my first speeding ticket--I'm pretty sure it's bogus but I have no real way of fighting it and my mental state of late is hardly in my favor, so I sent the slip in with a No Contest plea and a statement of mitigating circumstances on the order of "I was doing the safest thing I could at the time by focusing on other cars, not my speedometer."
There is NO WAY I was doing 72--I know what my car feels like at that speed from other times--but I can hardly use THAT as my defense.  I was really polite, though, I even thanked the cop when he gave me the ticket, 'cause I bet that confuses the crap out of 'em.  At least this happened in the part of the term where I can take the bank hit from the ticket.  My insurance'll go up, but I've had my license for a little over a year now so not like it would if I'd gotten the ticket last month, and it was gonna go up anyway 'cause I'm turning 21.  It gets so much worse than this.
And, weirdly, I think that might be what started me snapping out of it.  I didn't cry last night; I haven't cried since.
That and the reading.  And something the ED 483 instructor said on Thursday that's been also trickling through my brain.  And ClubED's thing tonight, that the NEST mentors did.  But it crystallized for me afterward.
It's gonna be like getting kicked in the teeth for a long time when people talk about getting into the program, being in the program.  But that's my sacrifice, and hopefully this will be my legacy as a club officer.
Right now, it's possible to have an actual one-on-one with Dawn Wildfang once and only once, in the second term of junior year to do a degree plan for the application, and do the rest through group advising sessions.  And the people who do it that way probably have an overlap population with the people who need the one-on-one the most to find out about stuff like what's holding me back.
The thing is...if I'd found out earlier, I might have had a chance to do something about it.
Now, Dawn's schedule is slammed, I understand that.  And anyway she's a coursework advisor, not a counselor.  But we have those here.
ClubED is known on the College of Education's student links list as "The official College of Education student organization."  So maybe it's time we start acting like it--asking for stuff in the students' interest to be done, not just planning parties.
And if not us, who?
First of all, I don't agree with one thing that was said about this "Intergenerational Mentoring" thing--that the idea is to focus on juniors, seniors, and first-year teachers.  Maybe at other schools that would work but not Western--any time junior year would have been too late for me.  We have to get the sophomores, and the transfer students the second they show up.  Like, if I'd found out in spring of my sophomore year, that might have been time.
And once we get them, we have to have something for them and find out which ones need it.  We need to come up with some kind of supplementary materials for the practica--even just something for students to voluntarily do--so that it's not just a case of being in a room for so many hours a week.  And we need to get the College of Education to talk to the Student Counseling Center and come up with something students can use a counseling session or two on in sophomore year or so to find out if there's stuff they need to work on.
It still won't get everyone; some people just don't take advantage of what's available to them.  (Which I guess means I need to use this year's sessions while they're still there for the family stuff.  Bloody blazes that's going to suck; I'm still mad about my mom being the one not in therapy, not even admitting she should, when her being messed up is what messed up Rianna and me.)
But it would have gotten me, and it'll get the people who want it bad enough.  The ones who don't want it bad enough would probably be in the 50% that wash out in the first three years anyway.
So if ClubED will be doing this, maybe with variations based on what we can pull off, I'm in for the duration.  And if not, I'll train my replacement as Webmaster and come to meetings to hang with my friends, because that's what I can live with.  I can't be an officer in a club that won't step up to this.
And when they'll take me, I'm coming back here.  Not because I have to prove anything to them.  Because I have something to prove to myself.
When they'll take me.
Not if.
I shouldn't have had to take it to the Dean to get feedback that made sense.  From what one of the professors said at the Ed program orientation thing that I went to the last half of last Monday in case, I'm "the one who..." which means a couple of things--1) my stubbornness is legendary now 2) because most people don't push it that far.  Which is no surprise, but it means most people don't push it far enough to get something they can use.
That has to change.  And that, I think, I may be able to help make happen.
Oh yeah, and what the ED 483 instructor said--but let me give the context first.  He was wondering what the WOU policies on on during-class breaks work; one of the other girls said something to the effect of a 10-minute break after every 50, which is right for your average class, but this was a 3-hour time block with 15 minutes at the end already built in as break, so theoretically there would be 15 minutes of break somewhere in the class...and I said so, with the reasoning.  So he said the two of us were future union presidents, well-versed in the contractual stuff...which got me to thinking.
I never really saw myself as leadership material.  I've deliberately never angled myself into place for being president of anything since I started an online homeschool club, and that was mostly so I could write a newsletter.  But now that I think about it...I'm not actually the way I know I come off sometimes, even to myself, kinda pushover-y.  I get it now; I got burned by crap people said to me, one time too many, and I don't want to be a person who says that.  But the thing is...I won't, I get it now, I just have to go with my instincts.  The ones that said to back off a little, talk about other stuff instead for a couple minutes so the kid could pull himself together, and give the crying kid a Kleenex already!!!  (And I think it would've worked if I'd actually been in charge of what had happened right afterward.)  The instincts that I also used to keep five special ed kids in line on a project while the rest of the class was doing test prep--I wasn't crazy-strict, I know what that looks like, but they got the project done and didn't make trouble.  The instincts that I used when a first-grader was sent to room 6 for time out and ended up left there longer than he was supposed to be and wanted to leave, in fact said he was going to, and I kept him from leaving with nothing but words saying I thought that was a bad idea, while making a chart.
It's been fear of saying something wrong that's been paralyzing me.  And now...now I think maybe I'm done with that.
If I'd known this last year--heck, maybe if I'd known it at the beginning of this fall--I could be in the program right now.
And this doesn't have to happen to anyone else.
So I'll now be taking on something pretty major...maybe even the kind of thing a future union president might take on...so maybe the instructor was on to something.  It'll mean using everything that right now I don't have.  Trial by fire, straight up.
Which is why I'm reminded of a Gatorade commercial from a while back: "Sometimes getting to heaven means going through hell."  (Which is, in this sense, a place name, not a swear word, so EAT THAT censorship people!)
This is my sacrifice.
This is what I can do.
And somehow, I think it's also going to be exactly what I need.

Archives in reverse chronological order:

~recent (latest entries first)~
~Starting over (in progress)~
~So this is what it's like to not be good enough (earliest entries first)~
~interlude, including still more family stuff (earliest entries first)~
~Junior Year Begins, including more about my mitochondrial DNA (earliest entries first)~
~Summer before Junior Year, aka "This is why I worry about my mitochnodrial DNA" (earliest entries first)~
~When I started at Western... (earliest entries first)~
~When I went to Chemeketa... (earliest entries first)~