Summer School, Conferences & the Landers Computer Lab

Summer School and at least one conference (summer conferences live in the residence halls – some have internet access) is here. We’ve gone from our pre-summer school/pre-conference total connection total of 8 to 18 now in the last hour. That’s only gonna grow from here.

I found a couple of bugs in the auto-registration software (REDWOLF) that I’m working out. Most people seem to have a pretty easy time registering their own MAC (network card address). But now that the Landers Computer Lab is fully staffed (kinda) for the summer, things appear to be moving forward.

Summer school folks will be here for 6 weeks. Most conferences last between 1-5 weeks. Those that need Internet Access have to pay a fee (either individually or as a group) and follow the basic instructions that Summer School students do (aka agreeing to the Acceptable Use Policy, etc…) I think it’s gonna be an OK system to use this summer.

I’m leaving for Atlanta soon, and I’ve heard that the weather there is atrocious. I might come back 10 pounds lighter, but the information is worth it.

It’s been a little bumpy getting both summer school and conferences in and setup, but I think it’s gonna be a pretty quiet summer. That means I can get lots done like our upcoming Housing Managment upgrade, REDWOLF recoding, camera projects and other programming for Housing and Dining.

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