
Yes, of course. In fact, it can be simplified.

Linear Search

Linear search can be simplified if it does not have to test each array entry for null. Here is some code with search() partially finished:

class PhoneEntry
  String name;    // name of a person
  String phone;   // their phone number
  . . . . . 

class PhoneBook
  PhoneEntry[] phoneBook; 

  PhoneBook()    // constructor
    phoneBook = new PhoneEntry[ 5 ] ;

    . . . . . .

  PhoneEntry search( String targetName )  
    // use linear search to find the targetName

    for ( int j=0; j < phoneBook.; j++ )
      if ( phoneBook[ j ].name.equals(  ) )
        return phoneBook[ j ];

    return null;

Recall that search() returns either a reference to the correct entry, or null if the entry could not be found.


Complete the search() method.