


Ordinarily the data for the phone book would come from a disk file. In this example program, it will be "hard coded" into the constuctor:

class PhoneEntry
  String name;    // name of a person
  String phone;   // their phone number

  PhoneEntry( String n, String p )
    name = n; phone = p;

class PhoneBook
  PhoneEntry[] phoneBook; 

  PhoneBook()    // constructor
    phoneBook = new PhoneEntry[ 5 ] ;

    phoneBook[0] = new PhoneEntry( "James Barclay", "(418) 665-1223" );
    phoneBook[1] = new PhoneEntry( "Grace Dunbar", "(860) 399-3044" );
    phoneBook[2] = new PhoneEntry( "Paul Kratides", "(815) 439-9271" );
    phoneBook[3] = new PhoneEntry( "Violet Smith", "(312) 223-1937" );
    phoneBook[4] = new PhoneEntry( "John Wood", "(913) 883-2874" );


  PhoneEntry search( String targetName )  
    . . . .     // use linear search to find the targetName

Let us assume that the array will have every cell filled with a reference to a PhoneEntry object (as is true here.)


Can the linear search algorithm be used on a completely full array?