Mount Hood

Fall 2020 ASCEND Regional Meetings

The first annual ASCEND regional meetings will bring Alliances  together and begin building the rapport and foundation that will serve our newly formed friendships, partnerships, and collaborations for years to come. We will work to find common goals and needs for individual career advancement. We will also work to develop mechanisms for increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM within our departments and on our collective campuses. The theme for our first year is Voice Positioning and the importance of finding our own authenticity. Increasing our courage to speak up and building skill sets to make us more effective communicators will increase our success at making the types of long lasting changes that we envision within our communities.

Invited Speaker

Dr. Katrina Hutchins, affectionately known as, “Dr. K” is the President & CEO of Re-Source Solutions, a personal and professional growth and development company. A Certified Personal & Executive Coach, Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Professor with decades of experience as a senior leader in the nonprofit, philanthropic, higher education, and faith-based sectors, Dr. K is committed to positioning her voice in a way that amplifies the voices of others. As such, she has coached individuals and spoken to audiences all over the country.

Fall 2020 Regional Meeting Dates

Northwest Region Midwest Region Southeast Region
Oct 5th – 6th, 2020 Oct 12th – 13th, 2020 Nov 16th – 17th, 2020
Remote Meeting
Remote Meeting Remote Meeting

Information about travel, accommodations, and the meeting agenda are coming soon!