Departed and Arrived!

School starts Monday! I feel like it’s the first day of college all over again. In a new home, in a new town with new roommates… starting at a new school with all new classmates. Which is crazy enough on its own, without the added bonus of being in a country where I don’t speak the language! (Please excuse the excessive use of exclamation marks… I can’t help how I feel :))

I arrived on Monday night with my friend from back home and stayed in a hostel. Tuesday I met my host mom and roommate, Katie from Ohio, at our new home in Barcelona! From the get go I realized I probably should have listened to a few more lessens of spanish before leaving home. Like, maybe all of them! Everyone is so friendly though and willing to communicate using mime and body language. It’s been a crazy week, but so far all is mostly as expected, surprisingly. I guess the one difference is that I wasn’t expecting to be able to understand or communicate so well. Don’t get me wrong, communication is tough; my host mom doesn’t speak english and my spanish dates back to two years in high school. Miming can only get you so far :). However, we get by just fine! She is so sweet and willing to slow down just a bit and chuckle at our poor attempts at conversation. Each day gets easier, and I grow more comfortable speaking the little spanish that I remember.

Today was our last day of orientation and we took a day trip to Tarragona (photos attached). Spain is so beautiful, I’m so glad that I didn’t let my fears (mostly of the language barrier) get in the way of coming here. There is so much history in all of these cities! I forget, when I’m in the US, that some places have such a long and diverse past. Tarragona is a city that was built on top of Roman ruins. New ruins are still being uncovered as the city buys old empty houses and takes them down to see what is underneath. Back when the houses were built they just reused what was already there, turning old roman walls and floors into part of the new construction.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of the sights in Barcelona and around Spain for the next three and a half months. I just hope that I don’t forget to do the touristic things while I’m here, as I already feel at home.

La playa

New friends and me at the beach in Tarragona. The sand is similar to our Oregonian sand but the water is much warmer 🙂


In Catalonia, the region where I am staying in Spain, they build human towers called Castells. This was a statue of a castell in Tarragona, the man in the foreground is playing music while those in the background form the base for a human tower, sometimes reaching nine bodies high. Children climb to the very top and wave to the crowd. I’m hoping I will see one at one of the several festivals that takes place in September here in Catalonia.

¡Hasta la próxima!


First Few Days in Scotland

The view outside my window

The view from outside my dorm window.

The plane rides over to Edinburgh from Portland, OR were horrible to say the least. I’ve got several bruises from my bags, bumping, and the airplane bathroom sink I clung to while sick with food poisoning. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure how I did it. I’ve never rode an airplane by myself before let alone internationally. Yet- somehow I managed to figure it out and arrive here in one piece. I’m proud of that! I sucked it up and did something even though it terrified me.

I met some other girls from around the world on my way to the dorms. They are really nice and I hope we can hang out later. The dorm is not what I expected but I soon adapted with the help of some of the people that were already living here. I found out where the stores were located and walked the two miles to them- much to the surprise of one of the fellows that was trying to get a rise out of me. I feel quite accomplished about that as well.

I tried haggis and tatties. I do not like it. It tastes like bad sausage. I’m never eating that again. I also bought some steak and kidney pies, and some blood pudding. We’ll see how that goes over. Tomorrow I start the harder stuff – the socialization and integration into the University environment over here at Napier. I’m really fretting it. I barely have a handle on things at WOU, how am I supposed to manage here? I guess I’m feeling culture shock because all I keep thinking about is home. It’s lonely here.

Perhaps it will get better with time?


Week Five

I’m crying! I’m so sad that it is over. The last week of classes went great. I got A’s and B’s in my classes. I am so sad that I wont see these professors again. They told us to keep in contact with them so I will have to once i’m back in Oregon. All of my friends are ready to go home. I think Mikayla and I miss our family back home but the idea of leaving our new family makes us really sad.

I’ve enjoyed everything about my trip. The new food, the people, the places I went. All of it was great.

My host mom made me cry. She surprised me with a goodbye dinner and invited all of the family. She made my favorite meal. She is the sweetest. I’m gonna cry so much when i actually leave.

I want to come back one day. I will come back one day.

-Anahisse Gonzalez


Week Four

How is it week four already? I feel like i just got here. I’m not ready to go home. I feel like I still have so much to do before I leave.

This week I went to a quinceanera. It was so fun. One of my host cousins turned fifteen and I was invited. It was such an awesome experience. All of the family I have met so far were there so it was nice to get to dance and laugh with everyone. Queretaro is my new home. I don’t know what or how I will be feeling in a week. When I have to begin packing to return home. I am gonna be a mess. I’ve made so many friends. I see these girls everyday. I don’t think I can not see them everyday. They are my friends and I hope that once we get back to Oregon we will stay friends. I know so much about this place now. I learned how to get around the bus system (I got lost twice). I know the shorted way home from the centro. I know all of the closest OXXO’s. What will I do without my favorite Jalapeno chips.

I ate something i normally wouldn’t eat at home and it was so good. I’m kind of in love with it!

While I’ve been here I haven’t worked so although I’ve been in school this has been a mini vacation for me. I’m doing great in all my classes. I wish I could stay longer.

-Anahisse Gonzalez

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Week Three

This weekend we took a trip to Mexico City. It was so much walking. I’m hurting now. My feet hurt and i’m badly sun burnt. We went to many museums. I learned a ton about the history. It was so interesting to hear about my culture. I learned so much. I called my real mom this weekend and told her all about it. She was impressed I remembered it all. I was off on some names but she was proud. I also brushed up on some of the information with my host mom and sister. They helped so much. I have an assignment for class about the history so this should be super helpful when writing about it later. On our trip we also went to the Frida Kahlo Museum it was amazing. I took so many pictures. it was nice getting to read about her story. We walked La Casa Azul which is very famous world wide.

We climbed the pyramids in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. The steps were so steep I had to stick with my friend Mikayla who was crawling up the pyramids. We partner crawled up. It was scary but so much fun. It was also the best view. I will have to go back one day.After we ate in the town and enjoyed a feast and shop the local shops.

Everyone around me is beginning to feel homesick and all I can say to them is that they will soon see their real families but they should enjoy the time here without constantly being reminded of home. I have been. I just wish they could enjoy the time that we have left the way I will.

-Anahisse Gonzalez




citteome meeeeeeeeeeeee

Week Two

Classes have been going extremely well. I love my communication class the most. I am able to understand almost everything the professor is saying. I just wish I was able to practice more with my group of friends. We try to speak Spanish most of the day when we are together but since we all understand English it is much easier just to switch over to it. It is also a little break from the Spanish. My home stay has been the best. I love the food my host mom makes me more and more. I love her white rice with zucchini soup. It is my favorite so far.

We visited La Peña de Bernal. It is the second tallest monolith. With the support of my friends I was able to make it to the top. I’m super out of shape and don’t hike/climb much anyways. It was so worth it. I wish my real family could have seen it. One day I will bring them and have them climb up.

-Anahisse Gonzalez


Home Sweet Home

Well, it’s been almost a week since I got home and I have finally finished unpacking and caught up on my sleep. I’ve also had a lot of time to think over my recent adventures in Scotland and what I have learned from it.

After traveling about 18 hours, I was pretty exhausted but also exhilarated to see my family in person after two months of just skyping. As soon as I landed in Portland, I got huge butterflies in my stomach, because I was so excited to see my family. They had a sign and everything! As soon as my Mom saw me, she started crying, I swear, I have never been hugged so much in my life! My Mom, Dad, sister, and Aunt were all there to welcome me home.

And we have takeoff!

And we have takeoff!

I didn’t realize how much I missed Oregon until I came home again. While Scotland and Oregon have a lot in common, I missed the smaller things, like the trees everywhere, or the smell after it rains (it surprisingly smells different in Scotland). It was also nice to sleep in my own bed again after over two months.

Me and my sister at the airport!

Me and my sister at the airport!

Even with a common language, the US and Scotland are very different. One thing I loved about the UK was the public transportation over there, it was amazing! The people over there were all so nice and welcoming, I am going to miss talking with them.

My sister and friends made me a welcome home cake!

My sister and friends made me a welcome home cake (they aren’t the most artistic people ever)!

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to study abroad, and more specifically, choosing Scotland. I originally was looking at England, but I think that Scotland was the perfect place for me. It gave me the opportunity to learn about my ancestry and heritage in the most incredible way possible. I feel like I have grown so much about myself personally and what I want in the future. Even though I have traveled outside of the US before, I feel that this trip has shown me just how big the world is. No matter how much you think you know, just remember that there is so much more out there than any of us can imagine.

Home, Glorious Home

My arrival home was much warmer than that of my arrival in London. My parents greeted me with hugs, kisses, and a cup of Oregon ice water! Compared to London, my flight home was not late nor were we scrambling to get from the airport to point b. Sadly, I feel that I was more excited about my return home than arriving in London. Upon landing in London, I was full of uncertainty because we were late landing, there were problems at the boarder patrol, and it seemed like no one had planed on any of the groups arriving late whereas going home, I knew that no matter how late I got in, there would be someone waiting for me at the airport to take me home. Furthermore, the US boarder patrol was a walk in the park compared to London’s.

It’s good to be home!


Week 8: The End is Here

This has been my last week abroad in Scotland. The time has just flown right by, I don’t know where it could have gone. This past week has been a bit stressful with things like packing, buying last minute gifts, and realizing that I will soon have to say goodbye to the people I have met and befriended while here.

The ISS Group in front of Broomhall Castle

The ISS Group in front of Broomhall Castle

This week my program, the International Summer Session, at the University of Stirling put on another farewell ceilidh (a fun get-together with a band and traditional Scottish dancing) to say goodbye to everyone and look back on all of the fun we have had. This time, the ceilidh was held at a local castle (how many times do you ever get to say that!), Broomhall Castle, which was a beautiful castle on the top of a hill where we could see the entire town of Stirling. It was a pretty amazing sight, and a little sad when I realized I wouldn’t be seeing this again any time soon. The ceilidh itself was a lot of fun, I danced so much, I was a bit sore the next day. When it was over, it finally hit me that I would never see some of these people ever again, which was a bittersweet thought.

At the Ceilidh

At the Ceilidh

Then, on Friday, which was the day before I left for home, me and two of my roommates went into Stirling to do some last minute souvenir shopping and to go to Stirling Castle (since one of my roommates STILL hadn’t been to see it). It was nice to spend some time with them because I had gotten really close to them and we were all n our separate ways the very next day.

Me and two of my roommates at Stirling Castle

Me and two of my roommates at Stirling Castle

Overall, this week has been a pretty calm and laid back one. It has been filled with tons of packing and hoping that everything will fit back into my suitcase!



Home sweet home!


I have made it back home safe and sound! The layover was brutal and long, but at least I was in the same time zone as my family and friends! It was so nice being reunited with my parents and being able to share everything that I had done while I was abroad to my family and friends. I will miss London but this was such an amazing opportunity and experience!