A Leisurely Wander & Tour

With no plans for this mid-February weekend, my friend Emily and I decided to wander. One can never wander enough and this beautiful city of Barcelona is never short of sights to see.

On my daily commute to school along Passeig (avenue) de Gràcia, I pass two of Antoni Gaudi’s great architectural works. So Saturday, we decided to take a closer look. Gaudi is the 20th century’s Catalan father of modernism architecture. Gaudi’s works are very distinct and individualistic and the majority are scattered throughout Barcelona. I live next door to the city’s most famous park, Parc Guell, designed by him. I’ve never seen anything like it and photos will be up soon. I also plan on visiting La Sagrada Familia, a large Catholic Church that he died while in the process of designing.

Below is Gaudi’s Casa Batlló built in 1877; from the outside the façade looks like it has been made from skulls and bones.  The “skulls” are balconies and the “bones” are supporting pillars.


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Below is Gaudi’s Casa Mila (La Pedrera), constructed between 1905-1910. Architecturally it’s considered an innovative work for its steel structure and walls- the façade is self-supporting.


 After strolling Passeig de Gràcia, we decided to finish the day exploring my neighborhood. Below are photos of my beautiful home-stay here in Barcelona.

 I was having problems with my pervious Senora (she wasn’t exactly kind or warm…) and was placed with another girl from my program, Stephanie, in a new home-stay. I now live in a beautiful HOUSE (a rarity in Barcelona) on the outskirts of the city. Though the commute is long, a bus ride and 2 metro rides to class every morning, it is more than worth it here! Two sisters in their 60s, Teti and Carmen, have been hosting students from all over the world for nearly 30 years (Teti has been an avid yogi for nearly as long!). They are so bubbly, warm, and genuinely caring- I couldn’t be any happier. Along with Stephanie, I live with a girl from Chicago, a girl from France, and cute little dog named Chati. They feed us great, and maybe most impressive, I now wake up to one of the best views around of this beautiful city!




The view from the terrance off of my bedroom- absolutely stunning. Such a lucky girl!DSCN0803-Lo-Fi



My house is situated between Parc Guell and Carmel, another park with trails and great views of the city.


El Campo de Futbol de Carmel, a futbol field literally in my backyard:


One thought on “A Leisurely Wander & Tour

  1. The Gaudi architecture is amazing and I appreciated learning more about Gaudi himself. You have a real eye for photography–the photos are wonderful.

    I’m sorry your first señora didn’t work out, and I’m glad you are now in a place where you feel welcome and that you are enjoying so much.


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