Cartago and Bungee Jumping_ Week 3

Spanish class was awesome this week! We were learning food so our teacher brought in a ton of ingredient so we made home made guacamole in class and we also got to make coffee the traditional way 🙂 Later we went to Cordoba for a field trip and saw the Catholic Church there and we went to a gigantic fruit market. Later that day I went bungee jumping too! That weekend a few of us went to Jazz Cafe where the were playing global music and there were dancers to go with with the music as well!  Koryn

The guac and coffee 🙂Image

2 thoughts on “Cartago and Bungee Jumping_ Week 3

  1. How is coffee made the traditional way? In what ways is it different from how coffee is made other places? You are sharing so many interesting tidbits, but I want to know more. You have seen and done so many amazing things in just a few weeks, but some more details would fill in the blanks for the reader. Michele

    • Coffee used to be made with that coffee thing in the pic behind the guacamole… the put the coffee grounds into the sock looking thing and then pour either hot water or hot milk over it slowly. It drains into the kettle and you pour it and can add sugar or more milk. Now days they have a machine that makes coffee like we do in the states except uses milk instead of water.

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