Weekly menu

You can find the weekly dining menu for Valsetz dining hall online(https://wou.edu/student/residences/diningmenu/).  The menu list a breakdown of what is being server for each meal in each area of the food court.  Today I updated the menu to allow students to see what is being offered in the following week.  The menu used to update each week on Sunday allowing students to see what was on the menu for the week.  Unfortunately when the end of the week comes around they start to have a shorter and shorter view of upcoming meals.  So I created a link that will allow them to see what is being offered next week as well as this week.  This will provide students a better way to see and adjust their eating needs.   

Nutrition Information

As students are getting more and more cautious about what they eat and like to track their food intake we have a web page that allows them to calculate their food intake for the day (https://wou.edu/student/residences/nutrition/).  I made some adjustment to this application so students could track an entire days’ worth of meals rather than a single meal time.  The nutrition calculator now keeps track of foods throughout the day until you request to clear the calculator.


We had a meeting about our online admissions process for both the Admissions office and Housing.  This meeting was extremely beneficial.  Both department went through their process of admitting a student and we were able to better facilitate our process.  Communication is a great tool, this elaboration allowed us to belter customize the process and make it easier for each department to coordinate with each other.

Room Sign-up

We have a new tool designed to help students with the recontracting for next year.  Inside their Portal is an application that allows students to set a few preferences and R.S.V.P. for the upcoming Room Sign-up night.  We are encouraging residents to look at continuing their housing with us as upper class students.  Along with this newly developed app is an admin application that can trace who has signed up and who has not.  We are also able to track some useful data like gender and contract type so we can determine our housing needs for next year.

Gov. Food Drive

Where are running a Governor’s Food drive this past week.  We moved from an auction system to a Buy It Now system.  The look and feel of the application is very similar to our auction system.  In every aspect I could, I made the new buy it now work with the old auction interface in a way that we could go back to an auction style or even move into a style that would integrate both methods. 

A link to the Auction can be found within the WOU Portal.  Housing hand Dining have been great contributors to the Food Drive and we are hoping this new model of Buy It Now will generate additional revenue for the drive.

RSC Portal Channel

We have experienced an issue with students getting package notifications sent to their spam folder. We use Google Mail which makes it difficult to control the students spam filter settings campus wide. One solution I came up with was to create a channel in our Portal applications. This Channel uses a graphic method to quickly show a student if they have a package waiting for them. Housing is planning on using this method in their next set of publications to incoming residents rather than listing the email notification method.

Data miss-match

It’s amazing how changing a few little attributes can bring down the system.  Some changes to our attribute list in HMS caused our online application import to fail.  It turns out if there is any kind of miss-match in the list of attribute values the import will fail to upload.  After fixing the online web page to match the attribute values in HMS there is still all the students in the database with the wrong vales that will fail if not updated to the proper ones.

ISE Testing

It looks like the ISE melted on this upgrade.  After every hurdle was jumped another appeared.  We thought the upgrade was a go until the very end.  It ended up coming down to our wireless encryption and ISE not supporting it the way we needed.  We hope to re-visit this project in the future once support for what we need is in place.

NAC – Cleaning House

Today we went through and cleaned out all the old filters.  We went from about 3k filters down to about 500 filters.  This should help maintain who is on the system now and what role they are using.  Some students will need to be placed back on if they cannot register their computers through the only system.